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in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

I hear you Matt. I know I have been Blogging and a full time IMer for 10 years now. I think the potential to get some of those big time Bloggers you talk about ( also others like Pat Flynn, John Chow, Darren Rowse) is most certainly there. The qualities you spell out with Steemit (a stupidly, simple system of just putting out quality content and getting paid for it) will eventually start to catch on and entice many in the World of Internet Marketing to make the switch over. I am a long time member at the Warrior Forum ( the largest IM forum in the World) and since I joined Steemit a few weeks ago I am slowly spreading the word over there. Gradual mind you , as I don't want to inundate other Warriors with Steemit since I am still testing the waters myself. But I see the sky is the limit here to be quite frank. And I think it will be just a matter of time. But one thing we cannot be is 'complacent' , and sit around and say "build it and they will come". Start creating some dialogue in these online communities. Get the word out and direct people to some of the top educators here who really can help the newbies navigate the Steemit terrain . That's one of my goals for 2018, once I get more experience.