@shanu - I missed you and the bear and cat missed you... but we couldn't say so because my bandwidth was gone, sadly!
So the bear and the cat sent the dog...
@shanu - I missed you and the bear and cat missed you... but we couldn't say so because my bandwidth was gone, sadly!
So the bear and the cat sent the dog...
Hahahaha.... okay the dog is so lazy but he missed you also Shanu, welcome back :))
@ainie.kashif - Ha ha ha! - this an ongoing situation between @shanu and I. I'm trying to motivate her to post something everyday, but with little success. lol!
You can follow the story from the beginning by following the link
Thank you @ainie.kashif. Yes, I become lazy these days, may be because of season change or I don’t know what? @rlt47 is teasing me with these lazy bears and dogs so that I start posting everyday.
Thank you @rlt47 I know you must have missed me😊 and also these bears and dogs. Bytheway the dog looks cute while lazing out.😆