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RE: Facebook announces content reward system! Is this the END of Steemit as we know it?

in #steemit8 years ago

You have to reread the article. For one, we use facebook to advertise about steemit and if facebook were to monetize the activity - then the people coming to steemit will slow or worse die down.

Steemit is worse when it comes to cats/dogs/trolls and even allowing porno...but thats a % of steemit and same with fb...

Point was to call for action to invite more ppl to join steemit so we become win for all


I've put multiple posts on FB inviting all my friends and family to come check out

(My son has been waiting for almost a month now and still no password email. I had to wait just over 3 weeks for mine too but my hubby got his within 24 hours of submitting his email.)

I also mention it to pretty much everyone I know when I see them and ask them if they've had a chance to check it out or at least gotten a password email back so they can check things out.

I think once they've gotten control of whole getting your password email, so it only takes 24/48 hours to get your password, there will be another big influx of people...but this waiting 3 weeks or longer is frustrating.

I've actually got a few that are waiting for their password email still and others that have heard how long its taking that say its too long to wait.

If steemit want to beat FB they really need to cut down the wait time so people can get in here and see how wonderful it is. :D

At least on steemit they have the NSFW tag so we don't have to see that stuff if we don't want to, unless someone forgets to add it and we click the post thinking its a discussion of the persons outfit but instead we get a full frontal of someone like Rihanna...don't get me wrong, she's pretty but I don't need nor want to ever see her naked.

Point well taken, the point of my article was to invite ideas to do our part to make Steemit big!

Hopefully we all have that same goal! :D

I'd love to see steemit become more popular than FB, Reddit and all the others combined. :D That would be really freaking cool! :D
