Starting off new in Steemit is like hitchhiking on the autobahn. Chances are nobody is going to slow down, so you have to just jump the hood of the next car and hang on for dear life until you are able to make it to the passenger seat. From there, hopefully the driver is kind enough to let you watch how they shift through the gears and actually drive in a safe manner where you aren't causing a pileup in your rear view mirror.
This gave me the greatest mental image ever. haha Your comment is well thought out, and I totally agree, the transition from normal social media plays a huge part in the spammy comments. I have faith that one day, this platform will be the best social media site ever!
Yeah, I am a visual person, but I can't draw or paint. I am happy that I was able to find the right words to add a moving picture in your head. Hopefully it involved pastel colors and a cool soundtrack.
As a community, we are in the middle of a huge transition period a paradigm shift of monumental scale.
The soundtrack was badass - Straight out of a Bruce Willis movie.
I agree!
SWEET!!! Time to get the adrenaline pumping...
word to that brother ;)
Shades are on, top is down, radio is blasting and now it's time to work these gears like Tommy Lee slaps the drums.
It is a strange and new dynamic compared to Google+. I have 11K followers over there, but Google censors content. The site is dead because of it too. There's no point in engaging with people to further liberty or share your passions anymore.
I came to Steemit to share my knowledge about residential security and perhaps a little about private investigation (I don't want to share too much to avoid getting people into legal or other trouble). It is weird to me though that there isn't even a category here for residentialsecurity.
Most people here have homes, right? Sure, they may live in an apartment, but it still benefits from good security. The only security category here though is for crypto and other IT security.
I've wasted 20 years of my life running on an IT hamster wheel (job). I'm not doing it anymore. I'm going to be a PI and help people with residential security. I'm here to pursue those passions and share them with others.
Hopefully, Steemians see value in what I have to share.
Very interesting! You would definitely be the first person talking about these things here, so that could work to your benefit!
I am puzzled as to why there are no other security people here. There seems to be no private investigators or locksmiths or anyone related to security services. Am I missing something? It seems like valuable content to share that people would be interested in, right? Everyone has a house. Everyone could benefit from better personal security too.
You would think so!
@finnian - I would love to hear about home security or PI stuff - Just a suggestion but maybe tell some stories of real life experiences from your PI work - (no real names obviously) but I always wanted to be on a stakeout like in those cheesy 80's movies where they are eating pizza in a car with binoculars and never end up seeing anything cool - hopefully you have tho and your niche could be in storytelling the PI lifestyle - Real talk - I know this post is old but maybe you'll read your replies ya digg?