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RE: Why the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) and Steemit are so great together

in #steemit6 years ago

I'm struggling to find an image hoster whose links will EMBED into Steemit posts. I even have a NAS server at home online, or Yandex online, but links from those services do not embed (just shows links)

I want to be able to handle images via Android or via API. site is not Android friendly however through Win, it DOES embed into Steemit (showing image not link).

Imgur can prob be used through Android (upload button etc) but NOT embedded in Steemit, just a link. & BOTH only show links in Steemit, no image.

Uploading image DIRECTLY into Steemit page DOES embed it, however I want to post via API, so direct embed will not work.

Unbelievably have NOT YET found a workable solution. Is there a Steemit setting I'm missing re which image hosting sites are allowed to embed?
I find this behaviour of Steemit extraordinary....