It is our pleasure to announce the begining of our closed beta program for our "Steemit Post Scheduler" application.
About The Project:
Ladder is a collaborative effort between @contentjunkie, @rgeddes, and a few outside consultants - we can be found on the web at
@rgeddes and @contentjunkie have been working on collaborative projects together dating back as far as the early 90s. Previous projects include everything from government websites, data management, analytics, internet advertising, and IT consulting.
Short Term Goals:
We collectively decided to tackle the back-end "power-user" tools before launching our UI. We currently have a functioning post scheduling system. What this allows a user to do is compose a post in our Markdown editor, then select a time and date to have the post setup. This can be useful for spacing out content - or timing a post for your audience. Our app will free you from having to hit the "post" button. We will have your post sent at the exact date and time you specify!
We are hoping to have 25 users in the closed beta - and we are aiming to open the system up to everyone by the end of the year.
Long Term Goals:
Before this project we were working on various curation tools. The next feature we release will be an intelligent voter. We are going to make voting your favorite users as easy as possible - with some added intelligence. For example - you might want to vote on all of your friends posts - but if they contain swear words you dont want to vote. Or lets say you only want to vote for you friend if they mention the "blue jays". This is all possibe. We also have hopes to include @Steemsports and @Chessmasters right into the platform - hopefully in the initial release of the voting app.
A front-end UI is our long term project. Displaying Steem content in a way thats different from the reddit style is not incrediably difficult - displaying it in a more meaningful way is - which is why this part of the project will likely take us into mid next year.
Ladder Outside Of Steemit:
Our goal is to first and foremost make Steem-centric tools. Our longer broader vision is one that touches all social media channels with one dashboard to control them all. You will one day be able to post to FB, Twitter, Wordpress and Steemit at the same time from!
Who We Are:
We are real people - @rgeddes and @contentjunkie on Steemit. We are active members of the Steem community. Ladder and its servers are 100% based out of Canada.
How do we make money?
We view Steem as a long term investment. There have been numerous proposals over the last few months from @ned, @dan and others about outside development and revenue sharing (a curation style "tax"). This would not affect the user as Steemit will be charging this fee as well (details pending). We are designing our system ahead of any formal arrangements. We are not interested in charging any money for our services direct to the user- if the revenue model being floated around does not come through we may explore other options such as vote support. Obviously the more solid the revenue model the more money we can put into further development!
How Can You Join The Closed Beta?
Simply comment below and we will DM you on with a secret link to add yourself to our system!
Very nice guys! This will be a great tool for SteemTrail and the SteemTail Communities. I'm looking forward to the new features. Thank you for all the hard work!
Requesting invites be sent to @instructor2121 on
Thanks for the kind words. As excited as we are to release our own tools - its great to keep in mind that there are other great projects being developed. I think @ned said during one of his talks that there was something like 100 projects in development based around the Steem blockchain. It would be interesting to keep track of them all somewhere and list their status!
We would love to have you in on the beta.. Myself or @contentjunkie will be sending out the links shortly along with a link to instructions! Thanks for being part of the community.
^ Four months ago :DThank you for letting my dream come through @contentjunkie & @rgeddes :)
I know a few people who schedule their evening around their post times... It will be interesting to see what happens when a group of people start picking and choosing their post times - will we see a "rush hour"? Some people I know want to format and prepare content a week in advance instead of having to do it every single day. There are lots of good reasons why this is a great tool. We were going to do a simple scheduler back in September, but now we have a broader long term vision that makes sense! Thanks for the comment - look for new tools in the future.
nice, :) I have been thinking about adding this feature to eSteem mobile application, soon though... Keep up the great work guys...
Mobile is on our mind as well - I wanted to have the web stuff done first since we are targeting the "power user".. I suspect most people do their posts on their computer first and use their Mobile for stat updates and things like that. DM me on - maybe we can help each other out. Cross pollination is always valuable with these types of projects!
Would very much like to participate!
I'm interested to join the close beta of We had been waiting for this kind of tool. Thanks
Still @juvyjabian at steemitchat
sign me up!
What features does your markdown editor work with?
Does it use half html half markdown like steemit?
does it have div class="pull_right" and such?
Markdown started as a simple CSS that allowed bloggers in particular to do simple tasks like using simple symbols like a # instead of surrounding text in a < h1></ h1 >. There is a screen shot in the post above showing the editor. Steemit has decided to leave out some of the style functions ( for security purposes I imagine). CSS is the proper place for alignment now (and not supported by Steemit currently). The way alignment is done in a Steem post using Markdown is by building a table. You can align text within the table. Unfortunately we can't change the standards Steem has set - we can only work with them! Tables can be a pain but check out the links below to gain some understanding of how tables can help your format your post. The <center tag is the only Html alignment tag that I know of that works.
Check out : A Better View Of Our Platform: And: (look at the tables section).
I was giving an example of what is specifically in steemit and asking if it is implemented in your editor.
And, does your editor tell you if you use a style function that is currently left out?
Interesting question. Our Markdown editor at this point is superior to Steemit. I know it is certainly not in this development cycle to implement Steem html specific buttons - though I do agree that the right and left align (and center) would be handy to have. We expect "power users" to use our apps out of the gate and if they dont know these tags or how to use tables - its not our goal to teach them. It does sound like a great feature to add in future releases - though our vision is to have a WYSIWYG editor that will allow you to compose all of your social posts. I will mention this to @contentjunkie and I will add it to the documentation for the site. Thanks for mentioning this!
Therein lies a huge problem. When I thought of an external editor/upload tool, my first thought was how to pull steemit's editor out, and then provide a path to pull it out again whenever it was seriously updated. But that makes the tool tied to steemit.
Thanks for sharing this core paradigm of your project.
For note: I think it was quite ... stupid for steemit to put in a class name into the base css, so that it will trickle down to posts. As in, it is impossible to find out such a detail if you come new to the project. And, it is so easy to break.
Well, you certainly have enough volunteers for your alpha. I would love join, but I'm sure I'm too late. Can't wait for the wider roll out.
You are never too late for beta testing. The problem comes in group size. Its like hearding cats.
I would like to sign up as a beta-tester. This would be so helpful! Thank you. And I like your curation direction, too.
Wow! Thanks for this good and expected (since long time) new app :) I would love to be invited if possible :) @juanmiguelsalas by
Would love an invite as a post scheduler would be quite helpful!
Keep up the great work!
Thank you & Best Regards,

Very exciting project, I'd love to be invited to your early access program!
EDIT: @paxmagnus on, BTW
I'd have used it today if it was available.
Its going to be a game changer for a lot of people.. Once we launch our curation tool - I think we are going to have the best tools to manage Steem and one day all the major social media outlets. Thanks for re-affirming our goal :)
Go Canada, go!
Wishing your project all the best. Cheers.Thank you for posting @rgeddes. Please send invite to @bleujay.
Great job! Congrats. Useful tool that has been on many minds. Kudos.
Thanks for the kind words.. One of the other major benefits that I didnt mention in the post is our Markdown editor is the best one out there (that we know of). Composing simple posts is challenging for some people - our editor makes takes some of the sting off. We are aiming for a power user back-end that is intuitive enough for a kid to figure out. Obviously thats not v.1.0 - but as we grow and get more funds for development we are hoping to demystify Steem and make everything from posting, curating, reading, and moving around money as easy and as natural as possible. Thanks!
Nice. Are you and content looking for any help? I'm a Montrealer ;) Just putting it out there hehe.
Def. want to beta it! steemitqa on
Absolutely a feature which has been sorely missing from Steemit. I'm happy to see some "decentralized" development to create a better platform and user experience. Regular, scheduled posting is such an important tool for building a base of followers. Awesome job.
Great comment - thank you. This is a small step for us - we could have tried to recreate the whole system - but it made more sense to work with Steem. We lose users all the time on this platform - I think that our posting tool, the curation tool and other tools we have slated for release will stop some of the bleeding.
Steem seems to be going down the path of letting others develop the User Experience. I think its great to see smaller software developers designing tools the entire community can use.
I think it's a great Idea. I could certainly use a scheduler..
Now if I only knew what a DM was and what Steemit.Chat was. (joke)
@everittdmickey...I think....perhaps it's everittmickey....I dunno. (see why I NEED a scheduler?)
Everyone needs the scheduler - thats' why we made it ;)
I recommend you wait until next month when we open the beta to everyone. At that point I will have all of the "on-boarding" documentation done - so the less techie people can participate. We are also looking at simple wallet services in the future so the entire process is easier for the 99% that have no idea what a cryptocurrency is. If we can make that part easier in addition to our other tools - some people may never visit again to post and view Steem content (that's the long term business plan anyway). Follow my account and keep an eye out for the open release post!
It turned out to NOT be a joke.
I hate fricking passwords..
Your chat password is different than your Steemit.. Rocketchat is its own thing...
I know...and it fought me every step of the way..
Hey man lets chat on stee id like to work with you if possible
Count @scaredycatguide as interested in participating in beta, this tool will be so helpful.
Sounds really interesting. I would love to participate in beta.
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I would love to participate
@zaebars on
Would love to be a part of this! Thank you. User name is same on
I'm definitely interested if you still have beta testing slots available.
Sorry I missed this earlier.
If you can squeeze another in, I'd like to take it for a drive. @instructor2121 and I are working on some ideas together and this might be an awesome tool.
I would be interested in trying this out
This would be great for those pesky time zone differences.
Awesome! But what I really want is this app to schedule my Steemit posts and crosspost to Facebook once the post is made. Is that an initial feature?
And if course, I would love to be a beta tester @aaronsuncamacho
No - Twiter/Facebook/Instagram are future plugins.. we wanted to do something specific to Steem for the benefit of the community to being with.
Any way to test this tool now ?