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RE: How Steemit Can Piss You!

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

I'm so glad you said this. Over at which is just my wordpress blog, I earn quite a substantial amount from advertising and I must say I find it VERY SATISFYING slowly evolving and interlinking my older posts which get thousands of hits every month, which of course all results in greater advertising revenue. I've also enjoyed developing pages which add structure to my individual blog posts, can't do that here either.

Personally I think reflective depth-analysis and constant refining of previous analysis is the most effective way to produce valuable content.

So many people here on Steemit bang on about 'adding value to the community by creating good content' - but the weekly pay structure simply doesn't provide rewards for refining old material, instead it encourages what I call 'churn posts' - 'what can I bang out today and get noticed with'. It ain't entirely pretty!

Having said that, Steemit might have its uses - I'm thinking of using it for voicing my opinion on news events or quick fire analysis of TV shows. Making short and snappy comments on other peoples' posts is also quite fun.

Another good thing about it is that it really has made me think about being 'quick' in producing stuff - normally I am very ponderous, it's not a bad thing for me to be a bit more rapid fire, and I've thought about style and storifying a bit more, all of which could benefit my main blog.

I also think you need to treat this like a game - with the leveling up and everything... use it to experiment!

A final advantage is that I just earned 6 cents for writing 'nice' in response to someone's photo - this place is a 'nice' reminder of how bizarre this economy is.


What I haven't said in my post, you have explained it. Thanks for some great suggestions. looks good, I'll read an article or two sometime. Bookmarked it for later.

Hey thanks, but NB - the blog is what is - for revising sociology!