You really cover up everything so far, I believe many community members fresh and old one will find your article is very useful. Whether they then decide to try it out or not, but definitely they got the picture how is thing running in the platform. Regardless right or wrong it still very good information to catch up for, so you can feel yourself knowing where you are in the system and not a stranger...hehehe...I am planning to try out some of your input, but not really sure what to start with. Looking forward for next post and become even familiar with the way the platform running and get benefit from it.
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Thank you my friend for the kind words.
I promise to keep looking at ways to help people all I can on Steemit!
That so kinds of you, I believe you will be able to do that. Since many will be behind you, I am one of them already. Keep it up with high spirits, as good deed will go nowhere except return back to you.
BTW: There is a contest on my blog that is giving away 150 SBD tomorrow. It is free to all. Hope you can stop by to check it out.
Many blessings!
I will, thanks for information.