Steem is crashing hard and the only hope is a dead cat bounce for an exit. At first Steemit seemed like a great idea, where people can paid for creating quality content. But after being on the platform for almost a month, I realized nobody cares about content. The only thing anybody on this platform really cares about is making money, and I don't necessarily blame them.
There are so many good content on this platform that goes unnoticed because members only care about voting for whatever they feel like would be profitable. In order to get noticed, the only route is to pay for the votes from delegators on steembottraker. I'm not sure if people realized by now but all bids on SBT is unprofitable where some bids end up at almost -80 return on investment meaning you can spend a few hundreds dollars and only get in return 40 dollars in value all while the price of steem and steem dollar is crashing. Even if roi states positive, if you look at the vote value compared to your bid, it is still at a loss and in addition you have to deduct another 25% for curation from the vote value. Sounds like a pretty bad investment and eventually your initial investment will be at near zero but not quite zero. A good analogy is the "half the distance to the goal line in the NFL", where you'll never score in the end zone just on penalties but the yardage left is becoming ever so small and insignificant. Nobody wins from steembottracker except for the steem power delegating whales, and even they will lose in the long run by participating in this system. And to add fuel to the fire, some bots added max roi capped at 10% although the math doesn't add up anyway. If there should be any cap, it should be a limit on how much bidder can lose on a bid, not gain.
So is it a good idea to dump hundreds of thousands or millions onto this platform just to get some central bank-esque printed money in return? The answer lies on how successful you think steemit will be in the future. If you invested 2 million in steem power at 3 dollars, you're already stuck for over a million. One can create a second account and only vote for their own contents but the rewards do not outweigh the diminishing marginal return of steem price. As more steem dollars are printed everyday out of thin air, it is constantly devaluing the value of each steem dollar. Eventually, all the members on the steemit platform will just be from countries where a dollar goes a long way because that's where value can survive.
I doubt steemit's initial prospect was suppose to end up this way. I believe where things went south is when the whales decided to no longer vote for quality content. They just vote for their own content, or friends and family, and probably just share the profit. After creating new content got tedious, they created an automated system, which is steembottracker. Bidding on Steembottraker is the worst investment anyone can make because it pretty much guarantees a huge negative return on investment, but is the only way to get votes. SBT rats hang around the website and wait for content with big bids and vote on those when curation reward is most optimal. 1 out of 100 people may actually read the content, and the other 99 will scroll down as fast as possible in search of the upvote button only to eventually realize that the curation reward for minnows, even for the post with big bids, may pay out a penny if you're lucky. And even if you do manage to get 100's of votes on your own posts, they are worthless votes that aren't even worth the calories burnt to write an article. Ever wonder how some trash articles have big dollar figures underneath them? It is because all the articles with big dollars signs is nothing but a mirage created by the content creator's own money and their colluding partners. The only real winners are the early investors of the steem token selling their votes. More people may buy into this mirage in the beginning and as long as their are more people joining the steemit network than exiting, the new money is enough to profit off much like the Amazon effect; make a few dollars off millions of people instead of thousands off hundreds. Volume is key!
Looking at the steemusd chart, it is a slow bleeder. Although it can rebound hovering around 2 dollars again, for long term investors that should be a sign to exit, not load up. This will easily go under 1 dollar so it's not a fire sale that'll eventually shoot up to the moon like some steem optimists predict. All the smart steemit money is going towards not losing their initial investment, let alone looking for capital gains. No system is perfect and manipulation will always exist and steemit certainly cannot last as long as greed is prevalent especially at such an early stage of adoption. Also the law of diminishing marginal return plays a big part in the price of steem tokens. Nobody knows how steem dollars are created and is the reason why the total supply is not determined much like the central bank. If total supply is not offset by the total demand, equilibrium is nothing more than a pipe dream.
So am I done with steemit, the answer is: not entirely. I never try to be too biased one way or another and try to look at all angles objectively so I won't ever rule anything out completely. The point is to take profits while you can and don't bet the farm on speculation alone. One advice for authors of quality content is, don't waste too much time creating the best content because it most likely will go unnoticed unless you pay for votes with your own money that will immediately have a negative ROI in sites like steembottracker. It is unfortunate and saddening that this platform works just like a pyramid scheme.
DISCLAIMER: All statements and expressions are opinions, and not meant as investment advice. Information provided in this post is not personal investment advice and should be used as informative or entertainment purposes only. Seek guidance from a professional investment advisor or due your own due diligence before trading or investing.
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Steemit is correcting just as hard as many other projects.
But is it failing? NO
Are peoples vdeo's being demonitized because they don't fit someones elses policies? NO
Are people being shadowbanned or censored? NO
Has steemit succeeded in forming a unique community different from other social media sites? YES
Are people that invested money in steemit making more money? YES, SHOCKING
Remember this is a beta version, at least it says so in the top left corner. What they are trying to do is not easy, steemit is uncharted territory. Even if they only achieve half of what they want it is revolutionary. You're all just demoralized by the price, and the fact that your half assed content isn't making a few hundred dollars per post. C'mon guys....
I feel like they should just move to a reddit voting system. Everyone's vote weighs the same. Get rid of delegation and paying for votes (as much as possible). You'll still get stupid content upvoted to the top due to bots - but that happens on reddit as well.
And honestly, most of the $100+ posts I've seen aren't very high quality. There's some pictures and a few lines of writing about something semi relevant. Then it gets $100 or more. The reason that happens is due to steempower and weighted voting - a stupid system. It needs adjustments, somehow.
Im gonna disagree with that not being shadow banned statement.
Most of the other curation cults are the same.
Not receiving support in a support biased environment is shadow banning. @curie refuses to support non-corporate speak content.
And just like that, I look and $steem is up 60% on Binance
Cryptoworld is undergoing a test of time - its the survival of the fittest and the elimination of the unfit. Lets just hold tight and soon it will surely recover, mark my word! :)
Looking at the "STEEM" chart doesn't mean shit right now. Everything in crypto is going down.
This compares to all of the hooting and hollering over the Coinbase ERC20 announcement where everything spike....for 24 hours...and are all now lower.
STEEM has a product...leaps and bounds ahead of many other cryptos...patience grasshopper
Agree that the product is a rare thing this times. It is in our hands to select the right projects we invest our time and money in.
Meh ....
Misinformed article. Never read the whitepaper or bluepaper. Maybe it's best for you to sell your Stake and move on.
So if BTC goes to zero they all go to zero ?
That is a pretty shitty arrangement.
Although it's difficult to read the whitepaper for every crypto I invest in, it probably is a good idea to do so nonetheless. Perhaps it can change my perspective, but this is merely just my opinion thus far.
Why did you invest in STEEM Power/Vests if you haven't even read the bluepaper or SMT whitepaper?
Keep in mind that steemit and crypto in general is still very early in it's development. Steemit ill continue to evolve and you just never know what it can turn in to. It literally could become bigger than facebook youtube and twitter combined one day, you just never know.
when the masses realize that there content has a monetary value and they learn about steemit they will come. The userface will continue to advance and will eventually offer more functionality than even facebook. Facebook is going down while steemit is expanding.
I don't know if other social media sites are necessarily on the down slide, so much as blockchain is genuinely revolutionary, just like Myspace and Friendster we're back in the day. Don't get me wrong, I hate Facebook, but they are building a strong foundation that will be hard to undermine. It might take another 50 years to fail just because it's big, like it did for Sears.
Steemit is great because of the blockchain, not just because of the money it provides. That being said, I'm sure we'll see a resurgence of value over the next year or so, just like we always do with interesting blockchain companies.
Whether it reaches the sizes of youtube or fb I am sceptical, however as you said it is still so early in the game. I am confident it will surpass the likes of medium however.
At least for now, crypto stakeholders have a chance to write a different story.
At every bottoms, we get those depressed posts from weak handed traders.
We got some crazy volumes on the pumps.
The only thing that concerns me is the short accumulation time; is the bump mean to test the floating supply? 🤔
This is a bad analysis. Are you analyzing the functionality/profit potential of the site? Is this a price analysis on the SteemIt coin? The entire market is a "slow bleeder" right now. Total market cap is at $250b, down from $750b just a couple months ago. This coin has easy $8 potential when the market cap flirts with a Trillion again. The site is the next big thing in social media, it's like Instagram on steroids. If you post, reply on posts, and rev up activity you can make money without putting a dime into this site.
It was somewhat disheartening to read your post, although it validates some of my hunches/misgivings. I stumbled upon Steemit through the likes of James Corbett and Dan Dicks and liked the concept of what seemed to be a place devoid of corporate censorship and running on an alternative economy.
I have always avoided social media like the plague, especially FB, and cryptos have been part of an arcane universe that I do not inhabit. I personally prefer things that are real as opposed to virtual. I must admit though that, since being on Steemit, I have encountered some pretty cool, like-minded and creative people on the site, which can be hard in real life when you have a full-time job, family etc.
I came aboard without investing any money, as I didn’t know enough to make a wise investment decision. I have to say that a couple of things have me baffled, beside the fact that Steem seems to be created out of thin air. With its virtual printing press, it doesn’t have much to envy to the Federal Reserve.
One is the discrepancy between the emphasis on quality content and the amount of junk content that is actually posted. Perhaps not counting two.word comments or LOL as posts might help take care of that. The other thing that bugs me is how someone can have 150 upvotes and a bunch of $$$ just a couple of minutes, sometimes seconds, after their post has gone up, even if it is just one picture (and frequently not a very good one at that).
So I cannot help question whether the system is truly based on meritocracy, quality contribution and hard work as well as a peer economy, or whether it is a system where success can only be had through cronyism, technical know-how and bots, and if you buy into it, ie. top down.
Until I figure this thing out, I am definitely keeping my day job and will continue reading your posts to stay informed. I appreciate your candor and hope that a real dialogue will take place between the skeptics and the believers to make this a self-sustaining system where everybody has a fair shot.
Or maybe we are dealing with a self-organizing social structure predicated on the survival of the fittest which replicates despite itself the inequities of a society it seeks to escape.
I guess time will tell.
Same here. I just keep posting on hopes that this system will re-invent itself and the interface will be much better in future.
Agreed with you..
It is very hard to make a perfect system where only best contents will be rewarded. STEEM blockchain reward the contributions not only the content: investing through DPoS and selfvoting to some extent, contribution to the blockchain developments (e.g. all the DApps developments), all businesses on STEEM blockchain (e.g. bidbots, its interesting to see your post is trending due to bidbots!) etc. Steemit is still in beta and experimental. At least it is working in some ways and shows the concept is working. Though its creates lots of junks but there are lots of jewels too. Google searches on some topic bring people to Steemit. For example, "What is EOS" return the fifth ranked article from Steemit. For more:
The HODLers are Handing Over Da Loot now to the scammers.
I am simply waiting for the day when the situation for all altcoins will turnaround and we will see a boom in the price of steemit
I hope that happens as well
All the best to everybody
A very interesting post. I agree with much of what you say. Steemit needs fundamental reform if it to have a long term future.Setting up a social media site that mirrors many of the worst excesses of our crisis ridden economy is actually not that smart.
There is another way of looking at steemit as a tool for educating and informing others whilst exchanging ideas and opinions. Its what keeps me going while I wait for a better alternative to come along.
Monetizing ppl's content to directly pay themselves is a great idea! Any platform with such idea will attract some serious early adaptors. But the growth of the system depends on how genuine and realistic was the idea and business model.
Steemit is at the stage of such judgment!
But about the price and value of steem, i prefer to watch steem/eth or steem/btc rather than steem/usd
they tell you more! And the slow bleeding you mentioned should be proven there not against fiats.
I've only been on a week and wading through all the CLICK HERE FOR MORE POWER AND UPVOTE TO WIN AND FOLLOW HERE TO BOOST junk does seem to be a challenge.
Same here. I never upvote/follow a person who mentions Follow for follow or upvote for upvote. I find those statements cheap.
STEEM is down just like any other crypto at the moment.
SBD printing is capped such that the marvel cap of SBD does not exceed 5% of the market cap of STEEM.
@reddbacchus: great points there. Really appreciate your inputs. It's funny to see that even you had to invest in some of the bots. But ye I get the gist. In theory it's a great platform and we need to debate and campaign to reform. I don't understand why bot owners should profit more than the value of the vote. That practice bordering corruption. They should just stop at the value of the vote. This way no one loses out. If you want to buy votes, so be it. Go and buy them. But the 25% curation fees should always be factored in. Mind you, this is a system created by the maker of It's made by this dude @yabapamatt . This is the first ever platform that has created bid botting. It doesn't mean we will stop evolving. Your criticism and analysis, like many others, should help fix this mess. I'm hoping someone will create a genuine botting system which os not corrupt and doesn't support greed. More users will endorse a platform like that. I would! I dont particularly like we dont have another choice. I'm sure in no time there will be another platform that has genuine returns. Let's be optimistic..At least Steemit is better than facebook. It encourages people to write, curate and there's a lot of it happening now. IN many ways we are early adapter and I don't see us losing out if we can hold it off and invest very little - as little as $20 a day- in bid botting...Thanks for a great piece anyway..See this is what Steemit does/.u just meet and read great content which is otherwise hard to find. I'm following u now and I hope you stick around and give us some of those good content again and again!
I am quite new to Steemit, but quite sadly I am coming to the conclusion that yes, Steemit in its present form is a bit of a pyramid scheme. Wahales voting for whales who vote for whales. More bots than you can shake a stick at. My initial impression of Steemit was that it was to be a platform for content providers. My impression now is that it is a platform for whales and tech savy high rollers to game the system and take the money. Minnows and new unfunded joiners are merely the cannon fodder.
It’s been a rough year
Yes, it has
Yes i now... Thanks too sharing...
It could have been a good thing
I'm on the same page as you at the moment and contemplating a swift exit via a power down. I have been followed by so many bots, most of which have zero SP so not sure what the point of interacting with them would be. Some follow and unfollow regularly trying to get my attention.
More annoying to me is people don't upvote. They interact and comment but seem shy of flicking you an upvote which costs them nothing. I'm yet to understand why.
Trending feeds are full of promoted rubbish. Sifting through the New feed is tedious. So much quality posting is hidden away never to be seen.
Witnesses selling their votes. Bots selling votes. I am sticking around to see if the witnesses actually want to have a crack at fixing this place. If it can be fixed that is!
I agree that steemit has to reinvent the way the platform works because other platforms that are competing with the same "economy model" can learn from steemit mistakes and improve over them, but steemit already has the positioning in people's minds so that's a big plus for this platform. I definitely don't like how bots have pretty much control over content. I mean isn't that how other social medias are currently, so how is steemit providing an alternative to that, if it's following the same rules? I hope with time, steem power distributes more evenly around the world so really people become what powers the platform. But the space is stil currenly controlled by the few, I mean just look at bitcoin and the theymos issue.
I agree the shitty content rises to to the top but I don't think Steem is doomed. You don't have to invest anything. I know someone who never put in a cent, never bought a vote he just keeps pumping out 5 blogs a day and putting all the SBD he makes into more steem and his account has over 2000 SP.
Eventually if you get enough Steem power you can just upvote your own content. Too many people look at like they want to get rich instead of making small amounts of money you hold on to to cash out one day. I will come here for a dollar a day, thats 365 bucks a year to do what I do on Facebook for free.
If you quit and power down are you going to regret is if it hits 5 dollars? Stay or go that's up to you but I LOVED steem last December when the money came pouring in. I cashed out everything I invested in the form of high SBD's and my account was still worth 4 grand. That's why I am still investing, i think under 2 dollar steem is a good deal.
I just made this comment because these doom and gloom posts should have an optimistic reply. You are at (57) rep and haven't been here long, that in itself is a sign you will probably long run be successful. Anyway good luck I try to make comments like these not seem like I'm shitting on your opinions.
Wee should see better prices and bull run before Consensus 2018 in NYC.
Crypto in general is in its infancy. Facebook wasn't a world-breaker when it first hit the web, and steemit is still in its beta stage. Give it some time. The world is slowly adopting crypto. We are the pioneers - just be patient.
really hard months for it...
Yeah it's really hard to grow on steemit now, you joined even before I did and I see that you understand everything very well, I think steemit is not about quality but about coopiration, if you want to coopirate with me to make the change in steemit check my recent post, I am accepting people with more than 100 steem power and you can join our team if you want, we want to build a whale by coopirating a lot of minnows, I hope you will like my idea. Never give up on steemit ! We still have the chance to do something good.
yea i'll check it out, not giving up on steemit yet, always looking for solutions
You’ve only been here a month which means it’s unlikely you’ve found a community to grow with and learn from. If you had done that then you’d probably have a much deeper understanding of what Steemit is all about. Or it could be that you mixed with some low quality groups promoting things like upvote for upvote and all that crap.
It’s your call though. If you want to exit the platform then that’s entirely your call.
appreciate your objective input
I was summoned by @reddbacchus. I have done their bidding and now I will vanish...
A portion of the proceeds from your bid was used in support of youarehope and tarc.
Abuse Policy
How to use Sneaky Ninja
How it works
Victim of grumpycat?
I believe it's a good experiment and we need some more time to really say if this is going to be a success or a failure.
Nice article. After a long time I read a full article diligently on #steemit and then gave it an upvote. I just wonder that you have mentioned so much negative things about #steem bot tracker and still you have used the same bots to create a mirage here. Isn't it hypocrisy?
Thank you!
You are bullied by @GrumpyCat on your post.
@The-Resistance is here to stop this and protect the weaker ones from the tyranny of @GrumpyCat
Join our bot We-Resist to protect minnows Come to our house to meet with the community
@GrumpyCat, to your tyranny WE-RESIST
The Resistance
For me its all about buildinf relationships with fellow Steemians. I always notice the same people upvoting my work here. Although a slow process i think that we will grow together and be the whales of the future
I believe the latest #deletefacebook and all fb data mess-ups actions can really help steemit.
If Steemit continues to adapt, it will succeed. If it doesn't, it'll fail. To be fair, all currencies are crashing at the moment. We will soon see a separation between coins backed by value and coins backed by smoke and mirrors. I believe Steem has value, but as stated, it must continually update to stay relevant.
Just chill its Crypto Black Friday
steemit regardless of the price of steem is a great platform itself and will always grow especially in 3 world countries Http://
I'm selling if anyone is interested
I bought in before it went live, let's see where it goes. Good luck!
welll...welllll..wellll.... let's see how did this develop... :)) you should have hodled
Well, my friend, when post like this appear, than you know that you should invest in that asset. BUT, this asset has not yet reached trading levels.. so:

i am waiting for it to fall even harder, and buy your coins :) just joking, and at this levels selling times are long gone, you should HODL!
Verry nice post thumbs up and a resteem from my side for hard work and dedication best of luck
This game is for smart investors and not scared cat. This platform is just starting. Imagine if you just invested in facebook when they're just in a small office and no one believes their concept then, you could be a multi millionaire by now. This dips are necessary in any market.
ignore the crap and just post good stuff, make friends and money, and wait for the next, better decentralized social network
Sapien is coming. I think their ICO is already done. Look them up. They seem to be really good...
hahahahhah its hilarious how bad this platform is now. ive been in with other accounts for a long time, its just garbage and gaming the system to make money. power down before its too late lol
Seems like Steem is a contrarian coin, just as soon as most people have about completely given up, it bounces back, what explanation is there for Steem right now at $2.00 up 38%? Looks kind of funny to me, but I can't complain as long as its going up. And SBD is up 72% at $2.50. Beats me I have no explanation for this. Probably tomorrow it will be back down again.
And ironically you yourself writes this shit content and uses boosters to make money...ahhh the irony.
Steemit is about content too. Just not 100%. How naive is it to believe that people you don't know will just LOVE your content and upvote it for only that. Nothing works like that. You need to build relationships, and probably lower your expectatitions. I have 20 times the SP you have, but I dont earn anything either. You are free to leave whenever you want. Facebook is awaiting..
are you gone yet?
Lovely post here. I would really appreciate it if you all check out my blogs and please upvote. Trying to get a hang of steemit, I am new. Thank you.
Lovely post here. I would really appreciate it if you all check out my blogs and please upvote. Trying to get a hang of steemit, I am new. Thank you.