
Gotcha. Anyone with a negative Rhesus factor is definitely made a lil different than the rest. I'm
O-neg RH.

I gather that "we"(in our human bodies with DNA code) are a bit like a decentralized organic system and torrents combined. I hold just a small piece of cryptic info and I would wager, so do you...put us together with others just like us and the info can be recovered and read.Well @inkbeard, we might as well go a little farther down the rabbit hole...

I'd love to see a post about your thoughts on it. I wonder what Satoshi's blood type is and rhesus factor is... I can see it now Rhesus coin. 🤣🤣🤣

It would explain a lot. My guess is that there are a high % of rh- blood types frequenting Steemit. The platform is running on a frequency that we were all drawn to syncronicitically. (I'm not sure if that's a word...but it is now) Hahaha!