1.29 BREAKING NEWS: Strava, McCabe, Clinton, QAnon, Trump, MSM + more

in #steemit7 years ago

The Michael Trimm Show is the future of the way people receive insight into modern times. Honesty. Integrity. Purpose. Repost all comments to DTube please. No comments will be replied to anymore on YouTube. If you want a response from me, use DTube!



Spermageddon? Humans Could Be Infertile Within 50 Years?

Sharon Stone wants to protect sexual predators from public scrutiny and jail time:

Rewatch TrumpTheEstablishment video:

The Media has been involved in a massive cover up of wide spread, criminal activity at the State Department and the Clinton Foundation in order to keep the Clinton's in power.

Reminder: NBC News Claims State Department Shut Down Inspector General's Investigation Into Howard Gutman's Pedophilia Accusations While Serving As Belgian Ambassador (accused of having sex with children on a public park bench)

Reminder: General Flynn Tweeted Nov 2nd About Hillary's Sex Crimes With Children That NYPD Found

http://www.businessinsider.com/michael-flynn-tweets-hillary-clinton-2016-11 https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/12/05/did-michael-flynn-really-tweet-something-about-pizzagate-not-exactly/

Clinton Tweeting About Ex-Campaign Chair Sexual Misconduct Allegations From 2008



NK, under sanctions, dials back military exercises:

Putin Claims US Interfered In Their Election Process?

What's next for Saudi Royals Arrested at the Ritz Carlton?

Hazy Future In Store For Saudi Arabia After Corruption Purge


Inside the world of Fake Celebs/Athletes + Black Market Social Media

The Untold Story On The Pentagon Papers Co-Conspirators

Here's What Pushing Rod Rosenstein Out Would Mean:

Trump Considers Nationalizing 5G

Trump Administration Responds With #FakeNews https://www.recode.net/2018/1/29/16945452/donald-trump-5g-wireless-network-national-security-council-memo

FCC Chair Ajit Pai Rejects Nationalized 5G Network


QAnon Wants You To See This Video:

Reminder: Trump's Executive Order targets the financial assets of those involved in Criminal Corruption and Systemic Human Rights Abuses:

"Future Proves Past"
45m: Trump State Department
55m: Clinton Haiti Donations
Inline image 1

63m: Media Protecting Clinton
65m: Clinton Claims FBI No Case - Literally

Hacker's Suicides Eerily Similar? QAnon retweeted about these two deaths re @Snowden https://nypost.com/2018/01/27/these-hackers-suicides-are-eerily-similar/

FCC Person who sent Hawaii Missile alert refusing to cooperate

Florida Democratic Mayor Arrested On Three Felony Money Laundering Charges

Fake News Aspect (Don't explain how it happened):

Taking money from the Russians? I thought that was Trump who did that? Not Dems?
https://thegoldwater.com/news/16862-Florida-Democrat-Arrested-on-Three-Felonies-for-Money-Laundering-Chem-in-Undercover-FBI-Sting http://www.syracuse.com/politics/index.ssf/2018/01/florida_mayor_joy_cooper_suspended.html http://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/community/broward/article196985709.html

McCabe Is Out? Still Getting Full Benefits? Why Not Prison Time?


FITBIT Poses Security Threat To Health Metric Data About Soldiers And Agents

http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/ct-soldiers-sensitive-information-fitbits-20180128-story.html https://archive.fo/KUr9l http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-fitness-map-soldiers-20180129-story.html

Strava Lights Up Military Bases

People Running In Antartica? Whats In Antartica?


Hello Area51:

Hello Cheyenne Mountain Complex:

Connected to QAnon: ATT Calls On Internet Bill of Rights

German Carmaker's Under Fire For Tests On Humans/Monkeys


Do 7000 Year Old Artifacts Of Aliens Prove Ancient Aliens?

https://www.express.co.uk/news/weird/911485/ANCIENT-ALIENS-beings-among-7-000-year-old-treasure-prove-ETs-visited-ancestors https://www.inquisitr.com/4757786/conspiracy-theorists-claim-artifacts-found-in-mexico-are-signs-of-past-alien-life/


Bernie Sanders Rejects Interview When Informed He Couldn't Dictate Terms Of Interview

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Glad to see your back, missed the broadcast last few days

Awesome, MIke
Let’s get you a new PC

That was crazy!

1--Is the delay between yt and dt uploads a given or you just can't keep up? Anyone you know able to assist you? You need both new computer and assistant!
2--Will continue to post here to makeup for yt demonetizing of your superb commentary connecting the dots. I appreciate your skill in showing the Strava mysterious map activity. . .I would have never known.

Great report mike!

Quick tip: I think using the steemit tag for this genre of video is impacting your rewards. Try to keep the tags as relevant as possible ...

Your take on bitcoin was what I also suspected. (based on your latest video). The 'crashing' represents the greed of those affected by the executive order. I also believe this new currency will have a positive future.