1.16 Deep State Genocide Of Black Americans With Vaccines + Trump Porn Accusations and more!

in #steemit7 years ago

The Michael Trimm Show is the future of the way people receive insight into modern times. Honesty. Integrity. Purpose. Repost all comments to DTube please. No comments will be replied to anymore on YouTube. If you want a response from me, use DTube!

In the BOMBSHELL documentary released in 2015 by TruthInMedia, a Shadow Banned video resurfaces on the Michael Trimm Show to help further disclose the fact that the CDC covered up a vaccine program that deliberately targeted young black children to give them elevated risks of developing "isolated autism." The tactics used by the CDC were similar to the tactics the FBI used to exonerate Hillary Clinton.


During this broadcast, I use the introduction to this documentary to discuss how the Deep State that people are learning about are really controlled at the highest levels of Government by Nazis. Literally.

Once you redpill, you can't go back.

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▶️ DTube

Hey Michael. I finally got everything set up with Dtube! If it weren't for you, I wouldn't even know about this place. Love the show and looking forward to more to come.

Glad you are coming to Dtube. I suggested you do so and get away from YouTube. Everyone needs to make a mass exodus from YouTube to Dtube! Go get them son...Hi ho...up, up and away.

Mike, will dtube watch your shows from now on 1/19/18. Had an account since 8/2017 but that yt habit is a bugger. Now I really distrust the yt shadow banning and their obvious trolls sent to diss me, probably since I rec dtube use ha! Your Q&A shows are excellent.

Isn't Etherium the next best things after SteemIt?

The creators of Steemit are developing EOS, which will compete directly with Ethereum.

My steam was approved. löl Now I have to surf to use it.