Steemit has existed only a short period of time and has already helped in forming friendships and connections with other people that otherwise may never have happened. However, I see more and more new users very disgruntled by the fact that they are not making much money at present and their content is getting largely ignored.
I totally understand where these feelings are coming from and why it is a serious issue to be tackled in the near future. But as we can already see, Dan and Ned are most definitely on the case to try and address this problem as soon as possible. Almost on a weekly basis, we see some changes and implementations to the GUI to help improve our user experience as a whole.
我完全能理解这种感受,也认为这的确需要解决。但正如我们所见,平台几乎每周都推出方便用户使用的新功能和变化,说明Dan 和 Ned 已经很尽力处理各种问题。相信这也不例外。

But only a few days ago while in the Steemit chat room, I witnessed two instances of individuals who were venting their frustrations at other users about the reward system and the unfairness of it all. It got me thinking about the uncharted territory we are all in at the moment, going from the developers point of view, all the way to the users who are signing up right now about to discover Steemit for the first time.
Primarily, I believe we should recognise that Steemit is still a newborn. Still learning to crawl in fact. Really speaking, Steemit gained mass recognition on July 4th when the first payout was issued and it was confirmed that this new social media experiment was in fact the real deal. So taking this as a basis, what could be the perceived most important factors that matter as of right now?

Content Has Intrinsic Value in Itself / 文章内容需要有价值
I'm sure everybody who first hears of Steemit and the incredible payouts that have been distributed up to this point are in utter amazement. The next thought is how I can get in on the action and create my fortune as well. This, I believe, is the setup for the disappointment.
The lucky few who did manage to rocket their way to success very fast are an extremely small proportion. For the rest of us to succeed, there are much more relevants points to concentrate on instead of trying to get rich quick.
Take the monetary aspect away for a minute and Steemit is, at its very core a social media blogging platform. The rewards are a by-product of good content. So the first thing I started doing was looking at and studying other people’s posts and trying to take the best elements from each one. Improving our blogging technique has immeasurable value in itself.
If we really believe in the concept of Steemit, then we should envisage a time in the future where there will be more dolphins and whales within the ecosystem filtering through more posts and spreading valuable upvotes to more deserving good content. Content quality will play a much bigger role later on. So the way I see it, why not focus on this prime opportunity to improve and hone one's skills now before the content competition get much stiffer down the line.

Spreading the Word / 宣传Steemit平台
Though Steemit has reached such dizzying heights in a relatively short space of time, it is still very early days now. Social media is one of the most competitive industries of business technology and Steemit is going up against some of the major players of our era, who already have had the time and resources over the years to reach the levels they have.
So, if you look at it from another angle, whereas our agenda might be to make as much money as we possibly can, Dan and Neds agenda is to just keep Steemit surviving day to day so we actually have the privilege of using and benefiting from this platform! These are the hardest days for Steemit and the developers so if we focus on helping Steemit succeed, we are in fact helping ourselves to succeed at the same time.
所以,如果你从另一个角度来看,我们的目标可能是赚尽可能多的钱,而Dan 和 Ned的目标则是维持Steemit在社会上的存活,保证大家能够顺利使用这个平台。这段日子是Steemit与其团体遭遇困难的时期,所以如果我们大家一起帮助Steemit取得成功,实际上是帮助自己取得成功。
For instance, I’m sure we still follow users on other already established social media platforms like Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, etc. Why not curate those posts with subtle nods to Steemit? Spreading the word is currently paramount to the continued survival of Steemit, so no matter how small our footprint, we can all easily do our bit to contribute with a more hands-on approach.
举例来说,我敢肯定我们其中很多人仍然追随并使用其它建立相对完善的社交媒体平台,如Youtube, 脸书和Instagram等等。为什么不在那些帖子上推广Steemit平台呢? 目前来说,大力宣传Steemit是维护其存活的重要途径。所以无论我们作为个体有多渺小,但每个人都可以尽自己能力实实在在地为Steemit这个平台作出贡献,所谓积少成多,人多力量大就是这个意思吧!

When Steemit truly does takes off, which I see is still in the beginning stages of happening, whatever we put in now should be rewarded tenfold in the future. Steemit could easily diversify into large retail companies taking advantage of the platform when user adoption really hits the mainstream. This would allow for the merging of sponsorship deals and advertising promotions to create even more monetary streams for Steemit users, hopefully leading to a more equal and fair distribution of rewards as a whole.
The possibilities are huge given how the bigger picture is looking and though each advancement will in turn produce a slew of problems as expected, you can bet they will be addressed as they are being right now. All of the other big players started off in the same way. With Steemit, the more you can put in now, the more you can get out later.
The Crypto Breakthrough / 数字货币的突破
After recently being introduced into the world of crypto, I can now understand how much of a big deal Bitcoin was when first used back in 2009. A decentralised financial system capable of sizeable global transactions for a very modest fee therefore accessing developing parts of the world which would previously have not been possible. It was indeed a revolutionary concept and one that took off spectacularly.
But after all this time though, it was still looking for that “Killer App” to take it to the next level for the masses as still only a small group of people were involved in crypto. Steemit has changed that limitation single-handedly and succeeded in doing what no other crypto had managed in the past. Reaching and relating to everyone.
然而现在只有少数人使用数字货币,所以比特币仍然在寻找一个 “杀手锏” 让数字货币成为主流,上升到另一个新层次。Steemit冲破了这种局限性,比其他任何数字货币都更成功地推广和涉及到每个人。

Taking the above into consideration, Steemit has passed the first huge milestone on getting that recognition and setting itself up for a great start. Now, I believe, it also needs it’s users to help continue that momentum as it’s the users that will be primarily at the driving seat from now on. The developers work the cogs and we steer the machine. Time is a key factor to Steemit working as it was fully intended to. I don’t for one second believe this is Dan and Ned’s final vision therefore I feel a little patience is required on our part.
考虑到上述情况,Steemit成功设立并被认可,已取得了第一个巨大的里程碑。我相信Steemit现在需要它的用户来帮忙继续保持这个上涨势头,因为用户从现在开始将会坐在驾驶员的位置上。开发商维持齿轮运作,而我们来驾驶Steemit这个大机器。时间是决定Steemit发展的关键因素,我并不相信现在的Steemit平台是Dan 和 Ned 的最终版本。所以我们必须有耐心。
Crypto currencies have had a massive surge of public awareness thanks to Steemit. From here, it will take collaborative efforts from both developers and users alike to propel it through to the next chapter, which means us promoting the ideology of Steemit as well as our own posts on the platform.

When All Is Said and Done / 最后…
We have to take Steemit for what it is and how we perceive it. Is it some get rich quick scheme, an opportunity for trading a new crypto currency or something that can revolutionise the way we communicate, earn and do business all in one elegant package?
I hope Steemit manages to overcome the numerous obstacles it faces on an almost daily basis, but I also hope that we as users can also look past our own personal agendas and help Steemit realise its full potential and reach the heights I firmly believe it can and someday will reach.
要正确看待Steemit, 我们必须看清它的本质。Steemit是快速致富的途径,交易新型数字货币的机会,还是一个彻底改变我们交流,挣钱和商业方式的革命?
Steemit seems to be a forerunner
So many blockchains
coming in the near future
Thank you, anns. I really feel we are all in this together so we all can benefit from helping one another. It's not a competition about who can earn the most the fastest. In a perfect world, right? Lol...
Watch out! Posting more than 4 content posts a day can result in a lower payout. Guide to the posting structure can be found here.
Another thing that I am getting, that I value, is an education in cryptocurrancy. That's so important (even though there's no 100%, right?), and also it's so interesting.
Spot on, Richard. The whole reason I first got into crypto was because of Steemit! Late to the game, I know. Since then, learning, learning and learning some more.
Follow me and I will follow you and vote.
Very nice article withstood information!
Thank you, kus-knee!
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