How to post more(good content) on Steemit

in #steemit7 years ago

Let's make something very clear:

Writing is not easy

Writing good stuff is hard

Once we make this clear - and I heard a lot of people who do not agree with me...funny, they never write anything! - it becomes interesting, essential even, to explore the creative process of writing. My focus has changed lately from how to write a good article to how to write consistently good articles. That's really the hardest part for me.

As always I try to find my answers in books. It is true that this works, reading books is a constant source of pleasure and enlightenment for me but sometimes the best idea come out of a good conversation with a friend. Or when you read the label of a product, walk around..or when it rains. My conclusion was that ideas just happen. It can not be that we have a limited numbers of ideas, but that not all turn into good article. In fact: into articles. PERIOD.

What I'm trying to say is that if you want to write you need to write. I hate it when people say: I need to get into the habit of.... Yeah, you most likely need but it's clear you don't want to. This applies to everything: Gym, eating, yoga, taking out the trash every 2 days...

But, RAZ!!, what do I write about?!

How can I know?! Write what you know about, write what you feel needs to be written, say something. Don't worry about the quality or the message. I found that often I start an article with an idea only to realize by the end of it that I'm writing about something else entirely. My hands on the keyboard seem to type something entirely different than what I set up to in the first place. It's MAGIC.
Maybe that's the case for you, or maybe not. But there's only one way to find out.

Imho when you look at the top good posters of Steemit, they don't seem to run out of ideas ever. Nor do they seem to tire, repeat themselves or just put out shit. No, they just have this habit and this unique ( by now ) filter that distills their experiences and thought into post. You need to become this machine if you want to post more.

Of course, that is half the problems. Post more shit and you still have only a bunch of shit!
You also need to grow and get better and zero in what you are really good at. I still struggle with this cause I like a lot of things that are not really interesting for anyone else but I still feel compelled to write about. I also think I'm good at stuff I clearly suck at ( like writing fiction..).
For all this, you need to be very self-aware and honest with yourself.

Because in the end, writing is discovering who you are. Read enough of what a person says and you will see his personality and his inner beliefs emerging.

It's all worth it to me because it is a way to face my fears. If I can do it enough, if I can write something unpopular and be here to write another day.. how empowering is all this?.

Let's start this Monday motivated!


Well said. Finding my footing in writing as well. Been trying so hard to pump out good stuff. Not my strength but definitely improving the more I write/practice.

Btw what's your telegram Raz. Didn't get a message from you since the other day. Oh btw DENT event has started on KuCoin.

I think this is one of the most rewarding and supportive platforms for an emerging blogger, writer, etc. So even if someone sucks in the beginning, he can't get this amount of encouragement anywhere else I think, and that will certainly help with improving style while in other scenarios the lack of attention might lead to simply quitting

good point! Thanks for this, I should include this point in a new post someday :)

Thanks for this Monday-morning inspiration. I also think a lot of the bloggers here would do better by breaking up paragraphs and adding more lists and headings. Some very good posts here are ruined because they aren't formatted well and just turn into a wall of words.

I agree with your post entirely! People need to dedicate to put out quality consistently! Here's a link to my post inviting others to join me in a 20 day posting challenge.

Thanks for the post mate!

This is awesome

I am new i am looking for good content post.Thanks now i learn how to make good content post.

That is true... Books have the answers to all questions. Learnt from your post and I am really grateful you shared it. Thanks @razvanelulmarin

When I joined the platform 2 months ago, I did it for the reward. But now, I just love writing! And I see ideas everywhere myself - mainly by speaking with my friends about concepts or everyday life (like how to change your values and become from long term vegetarian into a meat eater). I just love this platform where I can just express myself. If there comes some rewards with it, great! If not, the transformation is happening anyway :)

great post!


Wow! There is so much truth in this! Write what you know, I have heard that so many times throughout my life and it always rings true.
At the same time it forces one to think more deeply on what they actually know and the real depth, or lack thereof, of their knowledge.
A great Philosopher once said the beginning of true knowledge is in knowing that we know nothing.

The real empowerment I gained from this wonderful post is a reminder to think deeply on where my knowledge falls short and realize the motivation necessary to learn more and keep learning.

Thank you for sharing this.