Prince was a genius and a musical genius too.
He hated the powers that be and even changed his name to get away from it.
Most importantly, he was a very honest artist and stayed true to his beliefs.
Then he talked about chemtrails on a national tv interview and well, the powers that be got a little pissed off. He spoke out against the globalist and even wrote a song about chemtrails on his last album.
Have you ever clutched the steering wheel in your car too tight
Prayin' that the police sirens
Pass you by at night?
While the helicopter circles
& the theory's getting deep
Think they're spraying chemicals over the city
While we sleep
Come on, I'm staying awake
you can call me a dreamer too
I got one eye open for these devils
Wake up, wake up
I pledge allegiance, too...
I feel that. My man Prince was about some lyrics! I loved him very deeply. Still crying purple tears.