What Is Happening in #kr | Ramengirl🍜

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


What Is Happening in #kr


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As just like when I first started Steemit, it seems like there is still a lot of controversies going around on Steemit these days. There are healthy debates that will help to develop Steemit, but also there are many controversies that do not. People have different ideas, but it's the same that they started with the desire to contribute to Steemit.

I have recently seen some very interesting developments in the Korean community. I would like to share this happy news with people from the entire Steemit community.

3 days ago, Korean Steemian @tintom made a post explaining the concept of the blockchain​ in a simple and easy way.

Blockchain that elementary school students can understand

If you click the post it shows you this post had 1,000 views on Steemit. 1,000 views is a really high number for a post that isn't on the trending page.

But that's not all.


If you go to Steemkr which is a Korean translation of Steemit.com created by @ludorum, and click the same post you can see it has a huge number of views which is over 23,000. The number of most views on top trending posts receive 4,000 at the most. 23,000 views is a huge number that is a rare sight on Steemit.

For some people this post is just a post that you can’t understand because it's written in Korean, but for those over 23,000 people, it could’ve been an opportunity to learn about the blockchain and also the Steemit platform.

그란투리스모 <1>.png

@tintom is not the only kr poster receiving huge numbers of views. A post by @granturismo only 13 days ago boasts a higher number close to 27,000 views.

그란투리스모 <2>.png


Most of his posts have a high number of views, and several of them are more than a thousand views.

If more than 20,000 people read this post, what would the effect on promotion be? There are a lot of comments on @granturismo's posts from people who don't even have a profile picture yet. They say they join Steemit because of @granturismo acknowledging his informative posts.

This could be a​ big opportunity​ to promote​ Steemit to a wider audience, what do you think?


저의 포스팅이 좋으셨다면 투표와 팔로우 부탁드립니다^^
私のポストが良かったら、upvote&followお願いします。 ありがとうございます!
If you liked my posting please upvote & follow me. Thank you!

Please Follow @ramengirl U5dt42G4xW1EyBKDCHWEBSZLxMxDnZk.gif


틴톰의 글은 막상 스팀잇에서는 거의 주목받지 못했었지요. 많은 트래픽의 소스는 이더리움 페이스북 유저그룹의 쉐어링이었습니다.

각 개인페이스북 타임라인에 계속 올라가면서 기하급수적으로 퍼져 나간것 같습니다.

틴톰님 글이 스팀잇에 포스팅된지 13시간이 지나서도, 스팀잇에서는 22보우팅 밖에 없었습니다.

atomrigs님!! 조회수 높은 글들도 트렌딩 페이지에 올려줬으면 좋겠네요ㅠㅠ

그 포스팅이 3만뷰가 넘었다는 steemkr 관련 글을 읽고 정작스티밋에서 틴톰님 글에 반응이 그리 크지않았는데.. 이제 상황이 이해 됩니다.. view수가 높아지면 trending에 보여지는게 좋을것 같긴 한데 반대로 외부트래픽을 이용해 스팸이 트렌딩을 채울수도 있겠군요.

Yeah, I was very surprised when I saw how big the Korean Steemit community was. The fact that there is a trending "KR" tag. You rarely ever, and most of the time, never see a Korean community so present on international platforms. Usually it's all Naver blogs, or Apreeca TV... something really exclusive to Korea.
I think there are two distinct reasons for this though:

1- Korea's younger generation is becoming, culturally, more aware of what's going on outside of the country. They don't seem to be restricted to the Nationalism or Urinara-isms, than the generation before. You see this with other trends in social media; the steady rise of Instagram, and Facebook in Korea. The youth aren't just limiting themselves to Korean branded networks.
Most networks are dominated by English, and I think this pushes out a lot of international communities like Korea, or other countries. Yes, they study English quite extensively, but don't ever really use it, or have good English skills outside of a text/test in real world practice. However, Steemit has already cemented a place for Koreans, to share in Korean. I think that helps immensely. It allows for people to comfortably try and new platform, while also being able to roam across different cultures, and for other people to at least look at their pictures, even though they can't understand Hangul. Look at all the people in this post saying "I need to learn Korean!" That's awesome!

2- Bitcoin certainly is popular in Korea, and I think it's this tie with cryto-currency, also brings more people to Steemit in Korea. I don't think this is exclusive, as I joined Steemit through a curiosity with bitcoin.

3- I think Korea, and maybe Japan, and China; they don't appear social, or outgoing in public, amongst "strangers," but once you're in a social circle, when they're with friends etc., they REALLY open up, and come to life. I think this real world quality shows in their internet presence as well. The KR internet community is HUGE, but they all support one another, because they are in the same circle.

I'm actually really happy to see Korean culture and a Korean community on Steemit, as it allows me to interact with Koreans more, as well as share my own experiences in Korea. @ramengirl is a great example as well; sharing across three different languages, and garnering outside attention, getting people interested to branch out. It's great!

Sorry for the long winded post lol.

Thanks for your comment @imlikett!!
I would love to hear about your experiences in Korea!! >_<

No problem. I like to engage with the community!
HAHA I have a lot; been living in Korea for 6 years! 😅

You have made it very clear to me @ramengirl. I have to learn Korean next! :) But indeed, simple explanations like that could be what Steem actually needs, rather than men wearing underpants with Steem logo >.>;

Hahaha same here @fukako. I've seen some interesting Korean posts. I clicked but I can't understand. More reason to learn Korean! :D

The KR community is going to be massive once steemit becomes more mainstream. Seeing how popular naver blogs have been in the past, it is only a matter of time before steemit takes over in Korea. You are a leading voice in the KR community Ramengirl, the power is in your hands!!!

Awww, ​thank you!!! :'( @jasonshick

Great observation! That's a crazy number of views!

Cheer Up!

  • from Clean STEEM activity supporter

It's not always easy to see what will help Steemit. Anything that promotes it is a good thing in my opinion.
How did you like the movie: The Ramen Girl?

I haven't seen that movie yet!
Maybe I can watch it tonight :) Thanks for reminding​ me!

I find it very interesting that Steemit.com is ranked top 500 websites in Korea but there are no korean exchanges to buy Steem. I think this is why we are see really high view counts on post that aren't "trending" from SP.

There is actually!
KORBIT - Google it!👍🏻

Actually, Korean exchange Upbit just added Steem!
I think that's why Steem price went up today :)

All I can say is that I've been trying to learn Korean (Japanese and Chinese) for a long time. I would love to be able to read and enjoy the Korean language posts on the kr tag. I guess I'll have to keep working on my languages.

What Is Happening. what happen.


감사합니다 대한민국 만세!!

It's really exciting to see this kind of growth and visibility! The KR community is achieving growth that no other language is achieving... Looking forward to a big year in 2018! Thanks for sharing this @ramengirl :)