I am in the US. I will start searching as it is time to purchase seed that I do not save from my own plants. I have a small and larger greenhouse and an indoor area where I grow food during the cold weather. I also dry herbs for medicinal uses. Thank you for the post. When I have more time I will look through your other psosts.
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not sure how i haven't seen you on here yet (following you now). the seeds are pretty easy to find and if you let them go to seed will proliferate for years to come (truly a blessing to me as i can't get enough of this gorgeous gal and love to give away to friends and family!). that's awesome you have a couple green houses and grow herbs. which herbs do you like to grow and dry? i dried some basic (i say basic, but they're so amazing, really) herbs this year like mugwort, sage, rosemary, oregano and of course holy basil. I'll look through your posts, too. seeing one about elk that catches my eye now! today my partner was just finally butchering the deer he shot and we've had hanging in the freezing temps.. we don't have elk, but plentiful deer.
I had a nice herb garden started but with a couple of years of being very busy with work and it has shrunk down. I still have oregeno, thyme (english), catnip, couple of kinds of mint, lemon balm, chamomile, sage (for smudging and culanary), bee balm, and a few more. Many have gone "native" on me which allows for a lot more. Most of the chamomile i harvesy is growing wild now. Have a hop plant staryed last year. I dry as much as i can and use some for tincture, some for teas. I do buy some dried herbs for medicinal uses.
I started reading your article on grafting...but need to have a fresh mind to respond. My dad taught me to graft and i start some apple trees using seedlings i grew. But ibhave one apple tree that is fair size and whenever i get a scion of a new variety i graft it onto the big tree before i go to rootstock. I must have had 10 - 15 varieties on it.
I have not hunted elk because this herd has moved into the area in the last couple of years. It is growing so who knows. Now venison it is our primary meat source. We have one processed and in freezer. Another is frozen and i need to start processing it soon. I cut up a third for a friend and i get 1/2 the meet.
I "share" my garden with them and not always by choice. I have enough land that i plant extra because i know the garden will be visited daily be the deer.
I am rambling...i look forward to reading more of your posts....
Appreciate your ramble! sounds like you are set for winter.
Love to hear that you learned grafting as a boy! I think that is pretty rare so kudos to your dad. Also AMAZING that you have a tree with 10-15 varieties on it already. When spring hits, I would LOVE to see a post on that. Just wow, very cool. We have only lived on our land for two years and the first year we observed a lot based on the Permaculture Principle of Observation. This last year we planted many trees and tried our hand at grafting some of our wild persimmons with cultivars scions and same with wild plums, but none took. We're trying this year with a little more knowledge and ability to use a friend's fridge to keep them stable til we're ready to graft ( i think the temp fluctuations were the reason we were so unsuccessful last year). but we'll try again!
sounds like you have a good herb garden already. i love it when they naturalize, personally. i make and sell tinctures for a business so i grew some ashwagandha, licorice, astragalus, and goldenseal last year to start the small herb business. it feels VERY good to have those in the ground and to be sharing medicine with people, and making it for myself. Good to hear from you. Take care.
Grafting stone fruit like plums can be tricky if you are using a cleft graft. Usually they bud graft them later into summer. I have yet to try that. I did have luck with a peach using a cleft graft, although I planted rootstock in a pot and had it in my greenhouse. I used black rubber electrician tape (no vinyl) to wrap the graft. The hotter sun in Greenhouse allowed it to absorb more heat and it healed over and grew.
I need to try it again with a plum tree I have. It tolerates our cold nights during flowering...I only know it as a Russian Plum. The tree produces well but I can no longer find the tree so I can have more than the one. I canned them last summer and they are wonderful right now.
I am slowly preparing a post for growing your own sprouts, especially during winter. I am eating them twice a day now. Once I finish that I will be starting up my hydroponic units under lights...I have posted a little about that early on when I started on steemit. This time I want to get pictures of the entire process...
Duly noted on stones and cleft grafting. Our plums will be whip and tongue grated this season, and maybe wait till later to bud graft our wild cherries, good tip!
Love to hear you're into sprouting! Me too, big time! If you're interested you could read one of our previous posts on sprouts here. We did a few in promotion of my book. Would love to read what you come up with.