First Time Using a Steemit Post to Vent: Hours of Writing and $ Lost Due To Being Down. What I Learned & Why Steemit is STILL the Best Place to be Online!

in #steemit7 years ago


My first steemit rant/venting post!

This post is a venting of frustrating or ranting about shit I don’t like but also a post with a life lesson on of which I feel we can all benefit by and thus the ultimate purpose of this post. 


I have been super busy and on top of it has bee down for hours of time for the last few days. I don't really know what or why or if its everyone using or just some people. 

I do know for a fact others have been having an experience of being down for some amount of time in recent days. 

So I am writing this to vent my frustrations as I have not felt motivated to write a post for over 24 hours due to loosing a couple hours worth of writing/composing due to Being down. Its a major blow when I sit at a computer for hours at a time composing a long and important post to then have it lost. I am sure others have experienced this and of course no one likes it. 

Yet, in life, SHIT happens. We also all know that as well. So the question is what do we do when that shit happens?

Life is a game; It's what we do with the cards we are dealt that really defines who we are, and that dictates the results of our exepriece. 

So, I am choosing to face this unfortunate loss as an opportunity. 

An opportunity for what you may ask?

Great question!

Well, an opportunity for something beneficial like LEARNING! I find that there is always something to learn in experiences we want or experiences we don’t want. When we learn something from an unfortunate experience in a way it becomes fortunate….Or at least in someway valuable. I honestly wouldn't waste my time or yours just complaining. 

I have had this happen in my life many times already so have evolved to be pretty consistent at “looking at the bright side” or “turning lemons into lemonade” .


So first off here are a list of my complaints/frustrations aka “lemons”. Of which I will attempt to turn into some delicious lemonade for myself and anyone who wishes to share with me!


  • Sitting at a computer so many hours (which I only like for the results of the work, not being on the computer itself)
  • Loosing the work/value from that time sitting at a computer. 
  • Feeling damaged by the fact that it “wasnt my fault”
  • That blame then turning into further blame/complaining for the other perceived “problems” with
  • Not wanting to write/post because of the frustration. 
  • Loss of $$$

Ingredients for lemonade:

  • Venting. Venting can be healthy when done consciously and responsibly. Thus why I am including ingredients for lemonade not just a post of lemons. (no offense lemons, ur not inherently “bad”)
  • Learning: Learning to me is the most valuable use of time so finding ways to learn and adapt from this experience. 
  • I have actually told many new people who join Steemit to compose their posts on a note pad or offline writing app. So that if for some reasons Stemit is not working or the internet goes down writing is NOT lost. I used to do this actually but have not been for many months now. However this is a reminder as to why that is important. Its the safe and logical way to do it and sometimes we have to have these “bad” experiences in order to learn or remember. 
  • Making $$$: Yes I lost $$$ due to Steemit being down but instead of letting that continue to have me loose $$$ I am now composing this post to not only vent, but to learn, to share and to then also make some $$$. 
  • Responsibility: This is the ultimate in turning lemons to lemonade. Yes, Steemit may be down, and yes, there may be things that have not been improved or fixed that I think should be, but ultimately my post was lost because I was not careful enough. Thats my fault and can’t blame it on anyone. What I can do is vent, let go, learn and get back up better than ever!

Ultimately what I get out of this is an opportunity for responsibility and learning. To make something beneficial of the initially frustrating situation!


I am already feeling better and what is still obviously true is that Steemit even in beta is the best place to be and share on the internet!

Thats some Uber Dank Lemonade!

I can say honestly that no Steeemit is not perfect, and there are plenty of things I would prefer were different, but in the end I am grateful and honored to be a part of this community and this revolutionary project. I still want to post, I still want to promote and contribute to the progress and success of Steemit and this community! 

I am not going to waste my time complaining but invest my time in improving! Not just my own experince but that of Steemit as a whole!

I will be traveling to SteemFest soon and speaking there as well. That is because I love Steemit and want to promote and support its success. I also want to meet the many Stemians who will be there and contribute my most valuable knowledge, experience and successes with the Steemit community. 

Steemit is my favorite place to be online and I still believe it to the a fantastic investment and a revolutionary platform/community!

Even if I lost a post every week I would Still want to use Steemit because there is no other place that can offer what it does. 

I am going to continue to INVEST my knowledge and also $$$ into Steemit so that it can continue to grow and improve. I am going to continue to promote it as the best place to be online and I am going to continue to believe in the potential of this community!

As always I appreciate you all and welcome your feedback!



You do realise you can still post when is down right? Use or a similar service. Steemit is only 1 front of many to the Steem blockchain.

I didn't realize that until I made this post and now many have told me.
Yet another benefit to this post and a sweet addition to the lemonade!

There are few worse feelings than losing your work that you've poured time energy and passion into. I've been there, definitely a vent-worthy subject.

I draft my posts out in a markdown editor called Bear that even works offline so Im not at the mercy of uptimes and downtimes, also @teamhumble wrote an awesome post about a few alternatives when steemit is down that will still allow you to connect to the steemit blockchain- hope this helps!

Awesome comment!

Thanks for sharing!


👍🏻 thanks friend

I can relate to this frustration @quinneaker. I once wrote a post--about you actually--that posted and showed up on the new page. The minutes counted for a few as if it posted, but the post didn't show up on my blog. The link on the new page, though still counting minutes, didn't lead to anything. The post never showed up on my blog and essentially just disappeared.

So I have re-written the post, and actually made it even better than the one that I just assume Steemit was not ready for! I hope to be posting that in a few days. It will include a few of the unusual, more ethereal photos I have taken of you and talk about recognizing the awareness you have about solutions to life's "problems".

I always love what you have to share, and this post about learning from mistakes, taking responsibility for your experience, and providing positive input to the community is no exception. Thanks for always keeping it real--and making real something worth examining! Blessings to you.

I appreciate this comment and your EverSupport!


I'm still shocked when I hear people creating and editing posts using the steemit editor.

I feel your pain, I've twice now lost months of work let alone a couple of hours! The tool I use is, it's a great editor and you can create your work there, then just copy n paste it in; after a quick check hit submit and there you go!

Keep making that lemonade brother!!


hahahahaha yes an intelligent seasoned veteran like your self may be shocked yet thousands of noobs here on Steemit have had this same mistake.

Thanks for the wise advise and encouragement. Its always great to see and hear from you.

I have learned my lesson for sure and I will check out the site you recommend. I can always use an upgrade!

Blessings Brother~*~

Lolz, I learned from my very painful mistakes; I lost several chapters of my sci-fi series and just haven't had the heart to start again... i will though, at some point :-)


Oh wow!

SO your still suffering from the loss!

That sucks, but at least you learned!

Learning FTW!

Call me old school, but I do my longer posts in notepad and just copy paste it. Most of my stuff is just quick photographs, so I don't need to, but I learned early on never to trust the web for editing text.

Yes maybe old school but WISE school!

I've lost some really good stuff too but maybe only twice since I started a year+ ago. However, I have Google Drive downloaded on my computer which has always kept my files safe. When I have no Wifi I write my blogs there. Also, I keep a file copy of most of my blogs in there before I hit the POST button. This way I have all my Markup. It's not Fool-proof but I've had to get creative since I've been traveling.

But Quinn, you're the smartest man I know, you always have solutions and tons of people here can relate to this situation. I often quote you, telling people there is always a solution. Super grateful you are you.

Excited that you're keeping your Steem up!

Well said, well said.

Nice to see your Still Steeming, and nice to see you around.

Blessings on your great adventuress~*~

You seem to be able to make lemonade out of anything! Or as you usually say "Turning shit to gold"
Have seen you handle much more difficult situations than this!

Yes, I realized long ago that every moment is an opportunity. Thus its only wise to utilize it as a progressive opportunity rather than a detrimental opportunity....

I lost a few posted the last few days as well, I took some frustrated power walks under the trees my way of helping with anger and frustration. Thanks for the positive spin on the site being down, I think a lot of people needed this post. Still loving steemit!


Remember to write it on an online text page then copy into Steemit editor!!

I almost lost another one today if I hadn't done that first!

Great tip! Thank you, I would like to avoid the emotional frustration again. Hope you and your beautiful girls are smiling today.


Not only you bud the issue affected my posts performance too-it is a DDoS attack and am sure that they will resolve it.

Yes I have been having a hard time on here last few days!

I don't have a custom to sit at the computer and write directly into the text editor.
Instead I am either using an online writer ( any of them is just fine, including Google Drive Docs)and after I am done I paste it into the text editor of a page and then hit publish after I polish all the formatting and pictures.

A wise move!

Many can learn from your example!

Thans for sharing.

Well done my friend.

I would describe life more as a life but your comparison is absolutely legit.

I like that you didn't complain instead you used the situation to make the best out of it. To invest in yourself learning something.

Time is our most important source and we can't get it back so we need to use it wisely. And you did it.

Bless it be~*~

I still write my posts in the steemit editor but having lost the occasional pussy i copy it to another editor occasionally at I go through and always just before posting. The worst one I had was where I posted the post and it just disappeared!

It is good to vent, get that lemonade made! :0)

Yea the lemons were REAL sour, but this lemonade is pretty sweet ;-)>

Yea I almost lost another one this morning but thankfully I learned from yesterday ;-)>

You know what they say, a lesson learned and all that! :0)

hahaha yea thats what they say! Wise words from the learned ;-)>

I am not going to waste my time complaining but invest my time in improving! Not just my own experince but that of Steemit as a whole!

The best part of what I read...indeed we never waste time here in steemit!



Nice post! I didn't hear any mention of sugar in your lemonade. It's our sweet approach to life that makes the lemons bearable :) I also learned a lot from Steemit being down. One of them being that Steemit has other social sites to use. I started using, and I LOVE it! It is so much easier to read, and with an interface similar to Facebook, I can see the people I follow's posts within minutes of them posting. I also learned that you don't lose your work. If you go to post again, your work may still be there. I always use Microsoft Word first because I am a horrible speller, and it helps with my grammar. Your post is a good reminder to do the extra copy and pasting because it can always be saved if Steemit is down. Thanks!

Great comment!

Grateful to share with you.


Same thing happened to me, My only source of income while waiting for a work permit is steemit, and for weeks not having the motivation to post much. Then 1 day a photo inspired me to write and after the whole morning happily writing away, Clicked post, was redirected to the new post page and nothing! lost in the transition with no backup. After a couple hours of moping around spent a few more hours redoing but with less interest Here, so wasn't as detailed as my first and not nearly as fun to write. later I found out is was the start of a ddos attack against, but the webmasters are getting a handle on it. Now I save a copy of everything before I post, plus learned about other avenues to the steem blockchain, & plus esteem for Iphone.
Life is Good & Lemonaid is a great drink :-)

Are you @codypanama currently in Panama? I'm in El Valle temporarily staying with a friend. I left the @gardenofeden last April and I'm backpacking all through Latin AMerica while blogging on Steemit. I'd love to meet you if you're not north of me.

I am north or you, I live on the road that goes from Ocu to Pese.
El Valle is a nice place, friends used to sell their art on the weekends in the central market.
Send me a Message, do you have whatsapp?
We'll make arragments to meet if/when you are in the area. Sometimes I go to the city, but not very often. Are you going to SanBlas next? I went there years ago by motorcycle. the only road in and was invited to stay on a small Kuna island " Cu?? 0r Co?? " 4 letters but the name escapes me. It was a great experience. even had to meet the chief and ask permission to spend the night. If you want to see the Kuna lifestyle almost undistubed that's the place to be.

Hey Cody, I emailed you. If you check out my blogs you'll get more info about what I'm doing here in Panama. But scroll way down and check out my award winning blog titled Buying Back My Kuna.

Playon Chico is where I will be headed. It's in the center of the islands, where the tourist airport is.

Excited to connect with you.


Thanks for sharing!


We all need a vent sometimes! It has happened to me in the past and I know how it feels, but I look at it this way ~ if there wasn't a Steemit, we wouldn't have earned the $$$ that we can complain about losing.

Very good post @quinneaker. . You are happy to help other people. . And I think you also want to help me. . Thanks. . I have followed you.

Yes I help everyone in some way.

aww life's all about bouncing back and well making lemonade out of lemons! Totally felt your frustration too when trying to make a post, actually for your contest! I hit the refresh button to submit 10 times before it finally submitted. :)

Yes, difficulty is the time to focus and grow!

best worknig sites steemit

good writing...The promise of easy money is sure to attract a crowd of hopefuls, but Steem may yet prove to be a bait-and-hook masquerading as a free lunch.

I didn't say anything like that.....If you don't respond with a proper answer I will flag you.

Can’t wait to meet you in Lisbon. Yo and Your articles are always so vibrant!

Thank you for the compliment and I hope to meet you soon!

SteemOn to SteemFest!

Steemit being down was very frustrating, I lost interest in writing, thankfully things are looking better :)


Hopefully it continues to work better and better!

Fingers crossed :)

hahaha ;-)>


Mmmmmmmmm Delicious!

Hey @quinneaker - it was very frustrating when Steemit was down - not sure if you have seen the post that @deimus wrote

Yes that is a great post!

I hear and appreciate your frustration... things have been a little bit dodgy these last few days. I've used this as a reminder of just how much we have become dependent on ("addicted to?") the technologies we use.

I have taken to using my online email client to use as a word processor to draft my Steemit posts... so far I have been fortunate to only lose a couple of lengthy comments, not an actual post.

I think sometimes we DO need to vent-- it's "honesty of emotions." We can sit around and be all Zen and say "I'm one with the Universe" but sometimes things are just irritating... and we are NOT all the Dalai Lama.

hahahaha yes exactly and the truth is that the Dali Lama gets frustrated too, he just doesn't act like it on TV for his 30 minutes a day. The world is mostly a lie and most people are bought into it.

Thanks for the comment. Great to share with you.

How did you lose money due to steemit being down?

Great question!

Grateful to see you tuning in here.

Quite a few reasons some of which may have been solved had I know about possibilities though still not clear on that either as to if I can do everything there that I do on here.

First being that I lost an ENTIRE post of which I spent hours on, time is money no doubt about that.

Second over the last 4 days or so has had a lot of downtime and there were many hours where I would have been posting but couldn't, nor respond to comments. I had some time sensitive matters to attend to and also have lots of other responsibilities/jobs I attend to in life besides Steemit so have various windows of time I can use Steeemit and not. When its down during those windows I can't attend to various matters.

Also because there has been so much confusion and down time some of my posts of recent have not had the visibility, interaction, comments and up votes as usual.

Plus all this phishing and scam stuff I have some friends like @samstonhill who got hacked and and others affected which has also affected me in various ways. Thankfully my account did not get hacked and I investigated some of phishy stuff instead of falling for it, though thats just even more time.

That reminds me, I wanted to change my password. Any other suggestions from you?


I don't want to play devil's advocate here but you didn't express what you meant to say. You meant to say you didn't make money that you could have potentially made. We can't lose money we haven't made yet.

Also about the lost post, this has been discussed many times for probably more than a year that no post should be created on Steemit directly and this so for any post on any website.

I'm really sorry you had to learn it the hard way. I've been linking the software markdown pad in all my last 20 posts or so. You should check it out if you are on windows. You'll see how much better it is than creating your post directly on Steemit.

Yes I understand what your saying and don't disagree. Though lots of time was lost and time is $$ as they say or in my case even more valuable. So I did loose even if it wasn't hacked out of my account.

Thanks for all your contributions to this community. Your posts are very well done and informative. There is so much good info here on Steemit that could help so many.
I don't have windows, but have taken pro cations to to make sure that it doesn't happen again.

Thanks for sharing your perspective. It is right on as usual.

I understand that it was a very frustrating situation. Posts are sacred thing and losing them can be terrible. Take care Quin!

Yes it was, but as you know there are ways to mitigate or prevent it. It was MY mistake not anyone else or even Steemits.

That was a big point in my post or at least the point I intended to make. Is that blame doesn't help and I must take responsibility for my life and make it better.

I feel like I did that and thus this was a blessing. I am grateful for all you do its really quite awesome. This community is so revolutionary and all your help and information is a big part of that.
