Contemplating The Depths Of Life BEFORE Leaving For SteemFest In Lisbon Portugal. Family, Ideals, Love, Life It Self!

in #steemit7 years ago


So I am still here in Portugal after a truly Creamy & Delicious SteemFest. I have NOT made it a priority to make many Steemit Posts since SteemFest really got on because there was just SO many people to connect with and SO much to DO!

Now SteemFest has been over for 3 days and the last Steemians are leaving Lisboa. 

I still have some adventures to complete here in Portugal but want to also start to post curated articles of various noteworthy parts of this SteemFest adventure!

So I figured the best place to start is before I even left when I was preparing to leave and consciously contemplating the implications of leaving. 

I am not perfect but I am committed to honesty and making choices for the bigger picture and greater good not just immediate gratification or short term gain. 

This video gives great insight into my life and I hope you take the journey in to the simple yet profound depths. 

Life is all about priorities and I hope that you have the courage to make your priorities in alignment with our ideals!

As always I appreciate your support and welcome your feedback!



I think most people would have a lot to gain from watching this video and obviously living this @gardenofeden's lifestyle.

I think society is making its way towards this everyday.

I've resteemed.

Thank you very much for that. I agree of course but having someone like you in a community like this speak to it makes me very excited as it is interest, exploration, questioning, researching and discussing of which starts change.

I have dedicated 15 years to fine tuning and crafting a life of freedom and presence. I find it very profound as many have who have witnessed this life. I am so grateful to be able to share where it is actually received.

Thank you again for all you do to make this world a more conscious and responsible place!

I do agree. Society is becoming more it than before.
Steemit I Luv.... Kudos

Thanks for sharing. Absolutely lovely and healthy look children you have, what a blessing:) I'm impressed by your way of living and that you have brought so much thought into the good of your surroundings. Whether it is your family, your work or the nature:) inspiring.

By the way while a small thing your honesty is what makes you great. Stay true and say what you think! I am sure it have helped a lot of people, including me:)

hahaha well said brother and so gratefully received!

You know its funny because I TRULY feel that honesty is one of the most if not THE most important qualities in a being. For without it you can never trust or rely upon anyone. In fact you can't ever even really know anyone.

Because of this I have gone to great length to embody honesty even when "its not in my favor" meaning it makes people uncomfortable, they judge me or exclude me. Yet as you say I also inspire thousands and literally change hundreds of peoples lives for ever.

Thank you for recognizing, sharing and being a part of a healthier and happier world!

Quinn you are inspiring ! It was pleasure to meet, chat & shoot with you.....

It was really great working with you. You are a true professional and wish I had someone like you around daily.

Hope to see some of those pictures soon!

Thank you. Sure I'll do blog entry about our spontaneous shoot soon.

Very cool to get a glimpse of your everyday life @quinneaker! What you're doing is really admirable. Humanity will have to eventually come full circle and return to lives of sustainably for us to survive as a species. Someone very important to me, Paramahansa Yogananda, predicted in the 1940's that in the not-so-distant future there would be many self-sustaining communities like the Garden of Eden springing up around the world. Thanks for all you're doing.

Thank you so much for this comment as I adamantly agree!

I have foreseen this and thus instead of waiting for everyone else I am just DOING IT. I am quite ahead of the curve generally speaking, being here on Steemit is another example of that.

I truly believe that we have all the resources and technology we need to truly thrive yet humanity is squandering it, wasting it, forsaking the paradise that is possible.

Weather it be via necessity or conscious choice sustainability MUST become "normal" and I plan to found and build sustainable paradises all over the world where people can be free.

Instead of running them with dogma I will set them all up to be a free market with sustainable foundations to sustain life and provide opportunity for infinite potential.

Look forward to discussing many things with you. I love what you are doing with the hard fork-series and feel there is a lot of opportunity to help humanity realize many things in an exciting, and entertaining way.

We can't force anyone but we can inspire and educate with the proper bridge.

Great sharing with you and look forward to much more to come!

You are an absolutely fascinating person, and it's truly an honour to learn about you and your way of life. Thank you so much for sharing with us.

Thank you for communicating that and sharing in the ever improving life for us all~*~

Beautiful little peep into your inspiring life out there @quinneaker, you made me cry watching your speech at Steemfest, good that i was not alone :-)

Blessings Brother~*~

The perspectives that you hold are true gifts to humanity @quinneaker

This is one of the best video of a very simple and sweet lifestyle. Having your life spent with your children. Play with them and do virtually everything with them. The children are super healthy and so excited about life. This is so beautiful and interesting. The son finding you all the way from the distance home, I love this. Kiki and the sisters are beautiful and intelligent, well behaved and so happy.

How do you teach them since they don't go to school because they look smart and learned.



This is the type of life I crave for.

I wish steemit can provide the means going forward.

Thanks so much for making my day.

I wish to have a continuous communication with you.

Surely I have so much to learn from your wealth of knowledge @quinneaker

I desire to share all that I have found to be profound and important and plan to share did bits each day. I do hope that people will tune in and support this New Paradigm Perspective.

All that we could ever need already exists and is awaiting alignment~*~

Love this video. That's great you are able to live such a sustainable, guilt free lifestyle. Guilt is currently the decay of society whether conscious guilt or not

The more conscious, responsible and empowered we are the happier and more free we also are~*~

True. You are an enlightening soul. Keep being you. =)

I simply love your articles, what great content and quality of posting you offer the community here on Steemit and abroad.

Thanks a lot :)

I very much appreciate that feedback. It may not be what everyone judges I am doing but that is what I intend.


You're still there! Awesome, always love to hear of these adventures to be had!

I still am! Maybe another week or so, have some awesome plans still in store!

I will start posting SteemFest adventures soon hopefully!

Top notch. It's always a pleasure when I see some Quinn madness in my feed :0)


~~Mad Master~~

Lovely video, I like the end where you say you just want to connect and that we all have more in common then we have differences. While I don't live the same way as you do in your beautiful garden, I can easily see that your love for your children matches the love I have for mine. I have been lucky enough to have never been away from any of my six kids for more than 12 hours, even though you know they will be fine there is that ache of separation when you aren't with them.
The pain of true love.

Yes you are indeed blessed~

Happy to share such a love with you and to find common purpose and love even in our difference~*~

Hey dude, We never had an opportunity to talk at steemfest but I really enjoyed your presentation and your way of life particularly because I aspire to do the same. I find it very fascinating and exciting how you and many other eco/sustainable living warriors are using blockchain applications such as steemit to both generate income and connect with like minded people while promoting worthy causes. I am already excited with the positive change blockchain can make and my mind has been 'blown again'! Coincidently I bumped into your friend Lucas in Alcantara while shopping at Lidl and he said you guys where checking out eco locations here in Lisbon. I am currently living in Lisbon and would like to tag along if that is possible. Cheers

Yes we never got to meet because instead of meeting me you judged me and thus did not take the opportunity to meet me.

I can of course forgive and already have. You however will have to take responsibility for you part.


Ohhhh, that hurt a little bit. I think there is some 'thought police' stuff going on here given we never talked to one another. It takes two to tango dude. I hope you enjoy the rest of your time in Portugal. ;)

hahaha yes good luck.

The difference is that I never thought bout you or talked about you and I know for a fact that you thought about me and talked about me. Don't worry bro I am used to it. Thousands of people are talking about me all the time. Some of them in praise some of them in distain. Its all good either way. But I have no desire to interact with someone who can't be honest or own up to the truth.

I do hope we can be friends, but would rather be honest and have haters than be fake and have "bros"

Best Regards~*~

I guess whatever you have heard or thought must have been negative (haters/distain as you put it) or interpreted in a negative way. Because I do not know what you are talking about it makes it kind of cryptic for me and difficult to respond in any meaningful way. I genuinely meant what I said in my original post. I think what you are doing is cool (I wish it would become more main stream) and it is an interest of mine too, to live in a more sustainable way in a natural environment. I do not have any hate for anyone bro. Peace.

That is great to know!

I really appreciate that and welcome it. So how would you like to help me do that? How can we collaborate to make the world a better place together?


I guess we come back to my original comment re you guys looking for land in Portugal. If I can help you in some way I would be happy to do so. I am also open to suggestions and to learning both by reading and doing. :)

Good family


I also have family posts try on check.
occasionally see is my friend's blog

Nice photography

Hey @quinneaker enjoy your time! I appreciate your feelings...

@quinneakerI know you love them! so are we, thanks

nice photo

lovely family this for you @quinneaker


I was set free, because my greatest fear had been realized, and I was still alive, and I still had a daughter whom I adored, and I had an old typewriter and a big idea.

wow how I wish steemfest is in KSA where i am working as an Overseas Filipino Worker. I like the photo with those kids sir.. God bless.

Soar High Be An Inspiration

Man oh man do I ever miss those well showers! Every time I shower now I'm in a hurry to get it out because all I can think about the entire time is how much fluoride, chlorine, mercury, radiation and all sorts of other nasty, harmful shit I'm absorbing through my pores. I only shower every 3-4 days because of this and sponge bathe with a bowl of purified water from my little water filtration pitcher on the days in between. I'm currently living with family who all think I'm a weirdo because I don't shower every day and spend an eternity doing it (I used to be yelled at for taking too much time and using too much water lol) and they complain that I smell funky because I don't use soaps, shampoos and deodorants anymore that are filled with chemicals that are known carcinogens and aluminum that has been linked to Alzthimers...did I spell that correctly lol? What they don't realize is that to me they are the ones who smell funky.
I know you and I have had our differences, mostly because in the darkest moments of me healing from a lifetime of trauma I've taken all of my pain and anger out on you, but I truly am eternally grateful I've had the privilege of knowing you and learning so much from you, even if it only remains as me knowing you from a distance because of the trust I've broken between us. Underneath all of my brokenness I truly do love you with everything I am.
And OMG I miss those angels so freakin much!!! They're so beautiful and my how they've grown since I last saw them! It would be awesome to see them again someday, and to meet Qinoku, to see all of y'all again.
You're amazing Love. Keep shining your light bright for the whole world to see and learn from your unmatchable example of living in true harmony and freedom.💜💜💜

Yes I feel and hear you. Of course it is already proven because of how I live and The GOE.

As you know. SO stop compromising and fitting into an inferior world.


I don't understand what you mean by compromising and fitting into an inferior world @quinneaker. Would you care to elaborate?

Well your complaining about just some of the craziness and dysfunctional, unsustainable unhealthy aspects of the world of which are VERy common out there.

I am simply saying that a life free of that exists as I have proven and only when you stop participating in it and create a new world for your self will you be free.

So stop compromising and dedicate your self to building paradise!

You're absolutely right. Thank you for clarifying that.

Hello @quinneaker I hope you had enjoyed this great event.My love to the cute kids!

Enjoyed it very much!

Heya, This was a healthy Read.
Would you mind checking my recent post about Love.