Hi All
Yesterday I read the article by 'cryptogge' titled "A quick fix for a broken capitalist society." The purpose of this blog is not to discuss the article, rather on the question the author 'cryptogge' asked me after I corrected him, on the length of the UK electoral cycle. He claimed that it was four years. I corrected him in comments. It is 5 years. Kudos to cryptogge: he acknowledged his error. It was the following words by cryptogge that caught my attention. He said in reply, "What do you think about a 10 year cycle? Does that sound too long, or do you think we'd get better results from our politicians with a longer cycle?"
Bloody Hell. Where do I start.
Here is my answer. The West is filled with corrupt, inept, sociopathic liars. These people I am talking about are called Politicians, The old joke, "How do you tell if a Politician is lying? Answer, his lips are moving." This has never been more true than it is today.
Let us look a little closer.
OBAMA ( The liar in chief) "If you like your Doctor: you can keep your Doctor."
"No boots on the ground in the Middle East." ie Syria or Iraq.
And the Whopper of a lie, "The un-affordable care act. This will cause little in the way of premium hikes."
He claimed that it would be the cost of a monthly mobile phone bill.
I could go on with Oduma's lies, but it is beyond the capability of the memory left on my Mac. This Politician has bombed, invaded countries, and droned innocent men, women and children to death. He has also destroyed the American economy and doubled the USA debt to $19.5 trillion, in 7 years; to name just a tiny few of his "accomplishments".
DAVID CAMERON, the UK Prime Minister at the time, threatened us, the British people with anything and everything from dirty beaches to an economic collapse. He did this in order to secure a REMAIN vote win. This was on behalf of the globalists wet dream of "The European Union." (If you want a little more detail on Brexit, watch "Brexit the movie, on youtube.) you will then see just how bad these bat shit Euro crack pots are. They waste time and money at the same time, feathering their own nests.
Hi, Cameron. Nothing happened after Brexit. the stock markets are up, employment is up, and countries around the world are lining up for trade deals. This shows clearly how inept you are. (By the way he has doubled our debt in the UK to 1.5 trillion pounds. Way to go pig fucker.)
The last one I would like to use is MAD MERKEL in Germany. (I could talk for hours on other Politicians but it would be outside the scope of this article.) Yes, Merkel has allowed in hundreds of thousands of refugees and African financial migrants. The German people are now subject to daily
- Murders
- Rapes
- Sexual assaults
- Many more illegal acts such as theft.
Yes the integration is going so well, NOT. Despite the overwhelming push back by the general population (perfectly illustrated by her parties defeat last weekend by the alternative for Germany AfD Party) she still is defiant. She said, " If I could go back in time, I would make the same decision."
The problem is that these Politicians, when elected, hardly ever fight for the views and needs of the people who elected them. No, they go power mad and do what ever they please: and screw the pions, sorry the electorate.
I conclude that crytogge should have asked, " How can we dismantle BIG GOV. and bring the power back to the people?"
I leave you with the words that President Regan said were terrifying, "I'm from the Government and I'm here to help."
Thanks for reading,
Dismantling big government is one thing, but we need to take the real power back, and that comes by rewriting the rules of the financial world so that the items we are told have "intrinsic value," are utterly useless to anyone not playing by their rules. https://steemit.com/politics/@justusagenstum/who-owns-earth-and-why-are-we-paying-to-live-here
Indeed ,you are correct. However ,it starts with the Gov. who are in support of the Fed, who are an Independent Group. You see they are one. Financial rules come from Their Collective Agenda.
Get rid of big Gov gets rid of the Corrupt Central Banks.
Thank you for your Comment.
What we need to do is increase the intelligence of governments.
Since the collective IQ or any group is inversely proportional to it's size the logical way to increase the intelligence of any government (or group) is to decrease it's size.