
I do agree - more time. And I'm not suggesting it be like Reddit - yes, those who post articles and comments should receive rewards based on upvoting. I'm suggesting the upvoters themselves do not get compensated. Thus breaking one of the money games on Steemit, and hopefully supporting more authentic upvotes.

You are correct, that many are gaming curation, or trying to .. I think once the realize that their time would be better served building their network, finding and pulling up good content producers, and spending their time generating their own, they will see that this low-end gaming is pointless.

It is much more beneficial to simply play steemsports! :)

Paying folks to curate is an important part of the overall economy - and besides, people who are 'working' to find good material and rewarding deserving authors, deserve what they receive for their efforts.

good points!

actually, i don't know much about Reddit! Do they give compensation to posters?

No, no compensation .. well, perhaps "karma" points, but the lack of monetary incentive does nothing to improve the quality of content .. there is just as many pictures of ladies with big breasts taking selfies in their boyfriend's favorite team jersey.