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RE: Exposing the BIGGEST SCAM in cryptocurrency: Trevon James and BitConnect

in #steemit8 years ago

Hey, that's opportunism for you. If you had a camera, some recording software, a few hundred $$ and uploaded videos frequently, you could become a pyramid top too. Lots of people are doing it right now and exchanging codes. The only ones who get really upset are the ones who don't read the rules before getting into it. If you understand that it'll take a year to get your money back, and that you need to get people to use your codes to make a profit, then I don't see a problem with it. I don't know whether there's any truth to the "trading bot doesn't exist" claim, but I will research it. There's also people saying that Genesis Mining (similar operation) isn't really giving you mining power. Why would they do that when they can just mine for themselves? People say they simply buy and sell the top crypto currencies, but who knows.. The fact is that people DO make a profit, but that requires work and throwing people under the bus, be it them doing it voluntarily and with full knowledge of how it works, or innocent viewers who get hyped up and want to make some money without thinking and researching first.


It's pretty sad that a guy like @trevonjb , instead of making money from working hard, chooses to make his money by fabricating things to innocent people online. Sadly, lots of his subs are newbies, and aren't able to see through his bullshit. On the other hand, anyone in the crypto space with a couple of brain cells has called this guy out.

@trevonjb is really just marketing and taking advantage of his referrals. He's just giving people opportunities to join the platform, and being rewarded for it. 6 months after this post, and people are still being paid out from Bitconnect. It could very well be a Ponzi, or a scam but you have provided no proof. It sounds like you are actually just jealous of his success. More than 1 million people worldwide are involved with Bitconnect, and nobody has lost any money or been scammed as of yet. The truth is that the Crypto world is filled with HIGH RISK but potentially HIGH REWARD investments.

And with regard to Genesis, I completely agree. Same scammed dressed up as something else. @trevonjb I hope you see all this man, you know that 1000's of people in the community already hate your guts. You may have made a few $$$, but your rep and credibility is fucked, and only newbies listen to what you have to say. As I've already said, anyone with a decent amount of crypto knowledge has already called this guy out / knows he's full of it.

I've been in the "crypto game" only for 7 months, but I always do my research. I think his followers like him and voluntarily do this to themselves. Look at the comment section - they're all spamming their codes. They're aware of the fact that that's the way to make a profit faster. There's also related videos on the side which offer critical assessment. If a guy has found their way to Trevon, then they have the research ability and the mind to consider that when something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. That's why I think that most of the people who got into this cannot be seen as victims. They know what it takes and I don't see a problem with it. Be and let be. I've also considered Genesis Mining and making videos myself, but I just don't have the extra cash for that and I don't think they'll be around for 2-3 years. But I am certain that I'll be successful, much like most others who do this and upload videos. Look on the bright side - their community is pretty tight. Few thousand people helping each other out by using each others' codes. In the end it's always the site owner who makes the most $$. I don't know. I just see it as a contract and not a scam. If you know what you're getting into, then you aren't being scammed. You're just playing the game.

I only worry, because as I've said, it's only a matter of time before the referrals start slowing down, and everyone starts to cash out. When that happens, you're gonna see a stampede of people trying to get their money out, and some people are bound to be left behind, broke.

Said people will then go on to lay a complaint, take a class action lawsuit against BCC or something, and next minute regulators are all up in the crypto space, trying to prove that everything is a scam.

Bitcoin already has connotations that it's a scam, do we really need this?

Hi CC, thanks for the info. I knew something was up with this guy posting a coun count every day (how gauche) and spamming his promo code. It all makes sense now.

Fundamentally he's just looking out for number one -- which is acceptable, if done with a little more taste and a little more generosity.

Thanks again! I've already wasted enough minutes looking at that greedy-stoner.

Cheers! from @thedamus

Yeah it's all a bit too, I dunno, obvious? I guess the coin count attracts people though, people who are super greedy

There's a way to be productive, earn money, be a little selfish, but not be a total D-bag...

And Trevon has not found it. Lol
Don't'cha worry too much though -- people get what's coming to 'em

Agreed 100%! Well anyways, thanks for being one of the very few to actually read this and take it on board, you'll be rewarded one day when you still have all your money, and all the trevon fanboys don't :)