Twitter "Shadow Banning" Exposed! Opposing Views Go Down The Memory Hole

in #steemit7 years ago

Twitter has been exposed as the unbelievably biased organization that it is AND the fact that their power rivals that which could have only been dreamed of by George Orwell himself!

In a new bombshell video report released by Project Varitas a number of Twitter employees are caught on video admitting that they not only have the power to censor any political view they oppose but also that they are training their algorithms to specifically detect via machine learning problematic users who are then selected for removal.

In this video

Dan Dicks of Press For Truth goes over some of the key points revealed in Project Veritas latest video release.

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You are sharing the truth and will not be intimidated by anyone laughing at you our calling you silly! You are the real deal Dan Dicks. Keep the truth coming!

great post as always.

I always had the feeling/knowing that FB, youtube and twitter do manipulate views and popularity of posts. Last year, I posted a video on YouTube about a herbal tea called Essiac, that cures cancer.
When I posted The video it suddenly got views , but than the views decreased the next morning, which is impossible without manipulation. After staying on YouTube for more than one year, that video is still showing only 226 views.

Its great that we have Steemit now, so that we can share useful information and people can benefit from it without any intervention and manipulation by the evil ones.

Interesting how anonymous had to just recently list a bunch of pedo accounts that Twitter wouldn't remove.

Good video. Yes, it is very bad press to shadow ban. Facebook found that out when they shadow banned a boycott bp page of nearly a million people. It ended the story on CNN. I gave both those platforms up. Good job on the piece, as always. Blessings

you only have 3rd/4th wave feminism hate all men and boys cult to blame

i dont have beef with twitter but i believe you are fighting for the right thing (smiles)

Twitter has always been reticent to change its platform and has stayed true to its original format, which is commendable. However hearing a report like this undermines their credibility in my view!

Wow. Although stuff like this is no longer surprising it still frustrates and upsets me. On the bright side I truly believe centralized platforms like twitter, Facebook and YouTube are in their way out.

Steemit and various other decentralized blockchain technologies are going to become a far better paradigm of media and communication. Thanks for sharing this info about twitter.

Well, everyone is entitled to his/her view. But the truth is that whatever you do good or bad will always come back at you. You can't deceive people for too long...i believe that's what is catching up with twitter. If this is actually true, then its a shame! You actually pressing for truth @pressfortruth. Well done!

I like Twitter more than Facebook but yeah. I'm very thankful for steemit.

Project veritas did a great job at exopsing their liberal biases and hatred for Trump. You would think that twitter employees would exercise caution and discretion after the Project Veritas exposes at CNN, the NY Times and Washington Post. They got what deserved. Twitter's arrogance and slopiness contributed to their project veritas expose. They were blind to O'Keefe despite his disguise being transparent.

I’m still waiting for what this has to do with coral bleaching, wait... am I on the wrong post?