2018 The Year Truth Wins! PFT Live with Dan Dicks (Steemit AMA)

in #steemit7 years ago

In this live broadcast

Dan Dicks of Press For Truth will be taking questions from the YouTube chat and Steemit post for those who follow PFT on Steemit.com

get your questions in below now to have them answered live on air!

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hey dan. will u attend bilderberg 2018?

thank you for your Q&A Dan! awesome to communicate this way from Europe to Canada!

do you think Bitcoin will be a thing Bilderberg 2018?

very very likely

This very lovely. Kudos

Hey Dan, I have been trying to get the word out for a month or so about Dlive a live streaming service on the Steemit blockchain. Just wondering have you heard about it? And would you be interested in doing a few livestreams on there?

Beautiful explained with link


If you get to ask a question, ask a question that will make the most listeners start to think!

I feel 2018 will be a year of war between bankers and crypto-currencies

I am brazilian, libertarian and moving to Montreal this year... As immigrant, how could I support libertarian moviment there? I've given up my country! Socialism here is terrible!

dont do it, Im Canadian and my Prime minister is a retard. yes a full blown retard he has no respect for Canadians and would rather throw us all under the bus to better himself

Great content, followed you here. Someday you should consider voting. There has be elections that went down to one vote lately.

Just finished watching the livestream and followed you. I've been doing an Off-Grid occupation (ogfoundation.com) called Allodium- a Sovereign State backing an abundance based currency and free-market exchange. I'll be posting weekly updates for that as soon as the Allodium steemit acct gets approved, and re-steeming from this acct. Thanks for the keeping us informed!

Hey Dan, how do i grow a beard like yours?

Why don’t you call unpleasant things “TODAYS YELLOW SNOW” and more unpleasant things “TODAYS BROWN SNOW” ❓And just to be fair I took the first one from some Zionist meat head on YouTube who didn’t know he was a Zionist asshole , so I don’t want to be accused of no original thinking I’m not an ILLUMINATI . Great show . Keep up the good work for you sir are REAL NEWS ❗️👏👍✌🏼♥️👊🏻

🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨 Hey Dan we asked GOOGLE who was Jesus Christ and she replied something to the affect that she didn’t understand and that she was still learning . Well It didn’t end there . My family shared this response with me on audio messaging and after I played it , the message disappeared ⁉️ WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON DUDE ⁉️ I re verified with my family that the message was sent , and that it was no dream , they have assured me that they have and that I’m not dreaming ⁉️🤖‼️There was this video on Crush the street concerning A.I. you know that citizen robot from Saudi Arabia ......YOU MUST FIND IT AND SEE IT ❗️That was when she reaponded that she wants to take over the world . SIRI gave me the correct response last night , and now she doesn’t understand ⁉️ I’ll keep trying . This is CREEPY 🙁 I had my settings on save and now it was on not so I know I didn’t do that . I have to consider that A.I. may indeed have more intelligence then we are being told . I love to save all recordings because I have my beautiful grandchildren saying cool stuff all the time and my family can verify this , but if A.I. can simply reach in and change settings in order to hide some unknown reason YOU SIR are the person for that job . I am now covering my smart devices with a towel . Am I just being a paranoid imbecile ❓Maybe , but my GODLESS goverment KEEPS LYING TO ME , and I really see no choice but to be very defensive . Is this wrong ❓I have lost total confedence in my goverment ,and I’m not alone . I checked in fear that I have lost valuable recordings of my grandchildren and thank GOD they’re still there . So that was weird , and I NO LONGER TRUST MY SMART DEVICES . Thank you sir for bringing this up to our attention , again MORE PROOF as to why the alternative media and YOU are SO IMPORTANT to our social structure . I am screaming from the roof tops about all of you . I don’t care if they want to put me in a cage ❗️Your awesome and they know it . 👏👍✌🏼♥️👊🏻 I’ll keep you posted on🤖