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RE: The Alchemy Of Steemit

in #steemit6 years ago

One of the problems here on Steemit is that people want it now and there expectation are not realistic .

This was me when I first got here. I had a lot of expectations built based on YouTube videos that were purposely making it seem as though one could easily make thousands quickly with quality posts. I have earned much of my income the last few years from self publishing, and after checking the site out and seeing those high paying posts on trending and hot, I thought I was going to be rolling in dough.

Of course, why wouldn't I have thought this true. Many of the videos were made by one of the higher witnesses and the money being made was there for me to see clearly. And he seemed so innocent, despite his unnatural energy levels. Maybe it was the hat, lol. Then, you get here and not really sure what to do. You wade through the trending, pass, pass, pass, pass, geeze when am I going to find something interesting?

You make your first posts, learning intimately what the crickets sound like. But if you are hardheaded you slowly find good posts as you explore more. Finding even more good posts as you read comments on those posts that capture your heart.

Then one day you realize you don't have enough votes to reward everyone as you are witnessing so many kind acts taking place.

I am here for the long term and will try and bear the blunt so others can have an easier time and move up . If I can just touch 5 people who touch 5 people the numbers in time will swell . A ripple that will turn into waves . Others here are doing the same pulling our resources together as a team .

And this is why this is unlike anything i have ever seen. Thank you for paving the way for those of us coming behind you.


I was lucky my 1st day here @saywha pulled me into a chat where I meet @tarazkp and @erodedthoughts . they gave me some advice . One was stay out of trending . and a couple little things . I listen and learned , I used some of the principles and applied them to mine . Kept on listing . To this day still listening . later I met @thedarkhorse through @tarazkp . and now here we are . That one small act by @saywha put me on a path .

One small ripple . Acted upon by others adding another ripple . None of this happened over night and work is involved . My goal is to do the same . The odds are in my favor if I and we keep going . I am just an extension of others actions . I fully understand this and accept it . I have a military background and developing young men into a successful team is like no other feeling of success . I get the same feeling here.

LOL crickets on your first post , hell I got a bill lol

Voting is an issue one I struggle on a daily basis with . but then one will never have enough votes so you just do the best you can . My big issue is commenting I have been working on it

LOL crickets on your first post , hell I got a bill lol

lol, thats funny.

Voting is an issue one I struggle on a daily basis with . but then one will never have enough votes so you just do the best you can .

Yeah, its hard. I broke down and rented enough delegation to get the slider and just went under 80% even with it and still have several more comments to reply to. It's a good problem to have. I will look into those you named. I was already aware of tarazkp, having been lucky enough to encounter his posts fairly early in my time here. He helped me shape my understanding of the site with his posts, although he has no idea how much. I also found others that were commenting on his posts, like Asher that led me to yet more people.

My big issue is commenting I have been working on it

My issue is posting, after the crickets. The only way I was able to connect was through commenting, so I built up the habit of curating more than posting. It got lonely posting with the only comments having nothing to do with the post and trying to get me to follow for follow or pay for resteems, hahahaha.

That's very good advice.... from @tarazkp - stay out of trending! Just focus on 'reality'!

that advice keep my feet on the ground . plus a couple more that were not so direct :)