I'm with you dear Barbara! I would rather put out one good post a day and take time to communicate with everyone who stops by! Then there are so many wonderful people putting out great content I don't want to miss any of that either. I'll even go a few days in between posts if I don't feel like I have something worthwhile to put out.
My rewards are pretty low most of the time, but I figure I would rather take time and really connect with people and hope that eventually it will even out! Much love to both you ladies! 🤗
You are both the women after my own heart :-) I am not big in the numbers of followers, but I am whole heartedly sticking with sensible people who take time to interact and appreciate other people's time and goodness.
You are a wonderful woman too my friend! Lots of really awesome ladies (and some gents 😆) I have met on here that I am so happy to support and get to know better!
You do right @icybc, stick with the bloggers who appreciate and support, and not with the selfish others! I think I may have told you of my appreciation recently, but if not I want you to know I always do appreciate your support! And I will continue to return that support because I like what you post! :-)
Thank you @barbara-orenya and @plantstoplanks! Have a wonderful day!
my support, because I want you to keep sharing all this great stuff, and fingers crossed in a little while things will improve! What a good thing you're a sunny person!!!Yeah, I noticed you're one of the bloggers who isn't getting many votes either these day @plantstoplanks, just like me, and it bugs me greatly because your posts are genuinely interesting, informative, and clearly you put much time and thought into them. Grrr! But hey, I give you my word you'll continue getting
I try not to get too frustrated since I had absolutely no expectations when I first got on Steemit and the rewards go far beyond the upvote values. It is a hard pill to swallow though when I see a very simple post that probably didn't take any time to put together get 10x the support than my post that I spent not only hours putting together but also time in the kitchen developing. And that is by no means me being disparaging to the more simple posts--some of those are great, too! It just makes me wonder what I could do better. Regardless, I very much appreciate your support and I try to reciprocate with the quite a few others who I also know take the time to read my posts! I'd still much rather 10 genuine followers that I can connect with than 1,000 who don't even read my carefully worded post. 😘
Same here! It's not the numbers that bother me either, like you say it's better to have a handful of genuine followers than stacks of indifferent ones. I don't think there's anything you could be doing 'better'... I don't think the issue is anything to do with posts lacking something, it's that people aren't really reading or even scrolling through the feed. They're quickly having a nosey at the trending posts and clicking a few buttons. Or at least that's my observation of late! I hope the fact lots of us have had chance to discuss these issues might encourage more reading again! :-)