
That is a hard question, they key is to keep posting quality content. That's the only way you will get attention from other users. Some people spend hours on one post. Short flashy posts don't always make too much unless you are already friends with a whale. Take your time and write a long thought out post.

Yeah, that was pretty good! Keep em up and maybe find a niche. Write about the things you enjoy. If you enjoy it, so will your followers. Consistency is key. =)

Thanks. Have a wonderful day!

Thanks man! You too!

Its 9 am here in South Africa, I'm at a coffee shop starting work as a freelancer. Beautiful smell of coffee. Starbucks just arrived in South Africa but this place has way better coffee than Starbucks.

I am curious how much is a cup of Starbucks coffee in rands?

What place is better? Local place?

Dis Vrydag! Yes!