Today I'm exactly one year on steemit. So I decided to look back a bit and see what posts of mine made me the most in terms of rshares, so I wrote the following short asyncsteem script. The output was rather interesting.
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.logger import Logger, textFileLogObserver
import sys
from asyncsteem import RpcClient
class OneYear:
def __init__(self, name, accounts):
self.accounts = accounts
self.devnull = open("/dev/null","w")
self.rpcclient = RpcClient(reactor,
def run(self):
#bootstrap with get_accounts command
opp = self.rpcclient.get_accounts(self.accounts)
def process_accounts(self,event,client):
#process each of the accounts returned.
for account in event:
#invoke the get_blog command for each account using
#the post_count value
opp = client.get_blog(account["name"],
def process_blog(self,event,client):
#Process all blog posts for an account.
for blog in event:
#ignore resteeming from posts by accounts not in our
#accounts list and ignore <= 10,000 rshares
if blog["comment"]["author"] in self.accounts and
blog["comment"]["author_rewards"] > 10000:
print blog["comment"]["author_rewards"],\
oneyear = OneYear("oneyear",
What the script does is that it fetches the blog posts from each of my five steemit accounts and looks what posts got more than 10,000 RSHARES.
This was the result:
128712 pibara from-ragnarok-conspiracy-part-one-chapter-4-draft
66161 pibara original-novel-ragnarok-conspiracy-tables-turning-part-four-chapter-one
57725 pibara from-ragnarok-conspiracy-part-one-chapter-8-draft
42656 pibara from-ragnarok-conspiracy-part-two-chapter-2
29831 pibara from-ragnarok-conspiracy-part-one-chapter-5-draft
25686 pibara from-ragnarok-conspiracy-part-one-chapter-6-draft
24079 mattockfs first-early-beta-for-the-python-asynchronous-steem-library-asyncsteem
18562 pibara aesir-original-novel-ragnarok-conspiracy-42-44
18184 pibara from-ragnarok-conspiracy-part-one-chapter-7-draft
17214 mattockfs a-twisted-based-asynchronous-json-rpc-steem-library-for-python
14140 pibara flag-war-visualization-second-try
10112 pibara understanding-p-values-for-dummies-and-doctors-flipping-a-potentially-biased-coin
So in terms of subjects, my draft chapter posts of Ragnarok Conspiracy makes up most of the list, followed by two posts worth of asyncsteem and two stats related posts to close the ranks.
With Ragnarok Conspiracy being done and my next novel needing a lot of world building work before I can start writing (unless I decide to turn one of my short stories into a novel next), it might be wise for me to now start to seriously focus on asyncsteem again and on getting some asyncsteem up and running to get my automated flag-war visualisation back up again.
For me, making the little script for looking at my posts for this year reminded me just how much potential this library has already even though there are still quite some features missing.
beem for now, but once I've seen that the flag-war visualization runs OK using the blockchain event stream abstraction, I'll be starting on looking into getting a transaction API up and running.So, after I have finished up some last lose ends regarding to my novel, I'm definetely going to allocate some time agian to asyncsteem and to getting @pibarabot to do daily or weekly (not sure yet) flag war visualization reports. For now asyncsteem doesn't know how to do transactions yet, so I'll have to do the actual posting using
But anyhow, enough about that now. If you want to follow my asyncsteem work, please follow my @mattockfs account, and if you want to witness the updated flag-war visualization when it becomes available, follow @pibarabot. This account shall stay my fiction, scetching and photography only account, so no more nerd talk from now on ;-) Hope I'll figure out soon if my next novel will be a from scratch project (I do have some thoughts, but a lot of world building is needed) or if I want to do a makeover on one of my short stories into a full size novel and start soon spawning draft chapters for that.
It has been an amazing year here on steemit for me. I'm pretty sure my book wouldn't have gotten where it is today without the encouragement and financing from the votes on the posts listed above, that also allowed me to run beta reading competitions.
Happy 1 Year Steem Birthday! :)
Happy Steemaversary @pibara, it was a pleasure reading your stories, and looking forward to the next one.
Happy one year on steemit! 🎂
And many more!!
Almost one year myself :-)🎉 Congratulations @pibara!!
Congratulations, happy one year old