Did you even read the article?
Your comment looks just like a spammers spambot account. I'm amazed you have 5000 sp and keep that low quality and completely 0 relevance to the main post
Did you even read the article?
Your comment looks just like a spammers spambot account. I'm amazed you have 5000 sp and keep that low quality and completely 0 relevance to the main post
I suppose I should have quoted what I was responding to.
I could edit the comment but I think I'll leave it here. Cheers.
yawn are you done?
You have a sense of not caring in your responses and complete no emotional connection to a post which makes you seem as a very annoying person not being attached to reality. Also just saw this from your page:
"I can't put a finger on it, but lately I've been getting annoyed very easily. It's easy to blame the blood moon eclipse (is that a band name yet?), but most likely it won't go away unless I confront myself honestly."
Yes it's something for sure
Sorry to interject... but both of you are good peeps. Eon is just being silly as he is a personal friend of Silent, and Phoneinf is someone who follows her work too.
So what happened here... at least in my opinion is a tiny misunderstanding. Two good people raising eyebrows.
Anyways.. I take my leave, but I can promise you both - you could be good friends.. if you wanted to, you could be great friends. I know enough to make such assertion.
You are right @meno, sorry @eonwarped I also been slightly annoyed this day because of some personal things in life!
Thank you and @meno both for clearing the air here. Hope the times improve, wishing you the best.