
So noganoo is social to you?

No direct interaction with or knowledge of @noganoo, so agnostic. I have @mallorcaman in mind, @pharesim

I didn't know he quit.
The reason for him was the experiment, which benefits the mass of users. He was not targeted personally and far from harrassed. In the end, the reason why he really quit was because of not getting enough money from upvotes by the general community. He can blame abit and smooth all he wants, they only negated another overpowered user.

He was not targeted personally and far from harrassed.

That may be true; which makes it worse.

Is @mallorcaman acceptable collateral damage in the @abit & @smooth experiment?

Kindly consider the following:

@abit and @smooth decided that it was time to flag my post.

I saw it this morning and feeling angry and confused I think this will be my last post here, all my promoting and posting for steemit seems to be of no value. I guess its just a whale game here and small users are not valued so congratulations you got it your way. I hate this because I have met so many kind hearted and driven people who have supported me both in the good and the bad times throughout the last 6 months.

This was posted on the same day as his 10 reasons why you should join Steemit post.

He can blame abit and smooth all he wants, they only negated another overpowered user.

socialIsn't @steemit a network? @pharesim

He didn't feel valued enough, and that wasn't due to the two of them. His rewards were small, and if he was dependend on a single whale upvoting him full power, completely unproportional to all the other votes on the platform, he didn't have a big enough network in the first place.

Steemit only is a first use case for a blockchain offering social media functionality. It's an experiment more than anything else.
We're all testers here, and as such need to keep up with what's being tested at the moment. The experiment was widely explained and discussed.

And as it's still the experimental phase, yes, people leaving because of whatever they're unhappy with are acceptable collateral damage. It won't matter in a few years.

And as it's still the experimental phase, yes, people leaving because of whatever they're unhappy with are acceptable collateral damage.

Not to me, @pharesim

It won't matter in a few years.

collateral damage.I hope that my fear is unfounded. We could be just beta testing ourselves out of existence, while @dan @dantheman's future project accelerates on the learning curve at the expense of our

Imo, the people we need right now are not those that quit because of their personal rewards. If he were engaged in the community in a positive, productive way, he'd be aware of the benefits of the flags for all the small accounts.

Steemit needs users that are interested in social interactions, not in what they can earn. There's enough of those.

Steemit needs users that are interested in social interactions, not in what they can earn. There's enough of those.

So, other than being in beta, what is the reason, other than money, that someone should be on @steemit?