I don't know to what extent this humanity drive will take us but I know for sure that the community you are building with your kind words and selfless personality will survive the test of time and rebrand the world that we live in.
Your perception is so true, that which encourages us to ask for success. Personally I have believed many times that life will happen to me in its time, but eternity might be the next bus stop judging from the world population of people who share the same expectations from life as I do. @surpassinggoogle just taught me that life will or might not happen to you until you ask for it.
Persistent in doing a particular thing especially when it is a good course is vital. Why do we give up so easily though. You have taught me to understand that the downtime which most times is always in the beginning actually makes the story sweeter and the learning process better.
Our gifting aren't actually ours to keep to theirs to use. How can a steward even hold too firm on to what the master has given to him for others.
You are a voice of hope to a whole lot of people and you will always stand tall @surpassinggoogle
Yes and a big yes/ With the way is going about his post, comment and programs like the #untalented and #steemgigs the sky will be his beginning. Not everyone has the gift to connect the way @surpassinggoogle does it. No matter the storm, jis words and thoughts will surely overcome any test. Love for me is the secret of @surpassinggoogle. Just keep loving then you will be able to build a better world.