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RE: Meet Steem's #1 Author!

in #steemit7 years ago

Thanks for summing up, far more eloquently, my thoughts to. I have only been on here for 5/6 days, posting, so can hardly be qualified to comment. - But I will anyway ! lol
'We' you ( and me, and many others I would think), see this as a as 'cheating' strategy -other see as fair playing of the system.
The moral issue of 'cheating' and 'fair play', is something that can be worked out, in a free market place - which this is.
I'm sure there is a way to. - I just cant figure it yet!... but I have set my grey matter onto the conundrum.
What is obvious, is that, just like in society today - those at the top with ' the power', will not relinquish it.
Those are the same people without the same moral compass as ourselves - the ones who think it's fair play.
So, somehow it behooves the 'moral compass crew' to work within the system here, to promote other equally 'moral contributors'. (not content of posting), but the INTENT of the posting.

For example, I just wrote a game of thrones episode 'spoiler' - I thought it was pretty funny actually, but no one on steemit seemed to think so . Oh well.

While not deserving of up votes, if it really is that bad ( which isn't -goddamn it, it ). But lets suppose it really is that bad (which it isn't - did I mention that?).

But, if it is, by popular vote, so be it. - It means it's shit - but the INTENT of posting, was to make people laugh (and get some money for my efforts).
The power houses are not going to change the way things are - it suits them handsomely - but if there are enough 'of us' people headed in a different moral direction, with the will to pursue different ends, (and numbers to also)....well that's free markets in action , right?

The sickness of late 20th century/21st century thinking, is that gaming a system belies intelligence thought- which it does, of sorts - But it embodies all the short sighted awareness, and social responsibility of your average T-rex, who is in particularly bad mood.

If I am missing something blindingly obvious, please let me know - Like I say I'm still getting to grips with the whole thing.

(and check out my game of thrones post! if it's something you watch it - it is tongue in cheek, silly funny - honest) :)


"I thought it was pretty funny actually, but no one on steemit seemed to think so . Oh well."

It's probably just because you don't have the followers. Don't take it so hard. You may appreciate this post I wrote (apologies for self-promotion, but it's relevant):

Steemit, like Life, is a popularity contest

Your followers are your visibility. Posting quality content with few followers is like buying a billboard on a cornfield highway in Kansas with a population density of 8 people per square mile.

I can't check out your post, unfortunately, as I would spoiler myself out of this season.

Any system that can be gamed will be gamed ,and when good voluntarily restricts itself, evil games much better. In compound interest terms, like Steem, that means "evil" makes a ton more rewards.

We may be morally best-served by removing all community norms and rules, but I fear what that might turn Steemit into (Bitconnect?)

It's OK, I didn't take it hard - in slightest- (it was for dramatic effect)

Take a look - it's not remotely a spoiler - I promise. - that was just a headline grabber !

While I agree with all your points.

It's a cross I seem to have to bear, in life - to always try to find the exception to the rule. - Or failing that, change the rules...
Both a talent and a curse, throughout my working life.
(with the exception- rules of war gaming - that would be silly - it's 'only' a game)


I like the advertising for the game of throne spoiler and the work of the gray matter. I need to work out my little gray cells too. I can hear them hum and bum in my head. Poor little things got fried after the electrical shock of the above mentioned information. LOL
Thank you all :)

yeah - a bit crafty, that one ! lmao

One of the reasons your post seemed not to be liked by people is because they never saw it.

Only those that saw it had an opportunity to judge it, and this a huge problem for new accounts, particularly lately, as the number of votes available to minnows was decreased by 400%.

One way to better ascertain whether your post was judged by those that saw it at all, is to compare views to upvotes. If you got 4 votes out of 4 views, you're batting 1000.

It's OK, I wasn't really that concerned, to be honest -
I was just using as an example. - I'm very new here, and realize it takes work and effort . (which was the point I was making about people being rewarded, for neither.)
I have some thoughts on that subject, but just letting them ferment at the moment ( and still trying to get a grip on the whole process of steemit)

We never get a grip, AFAIK lol

As for fermenting, that's the only way to get a potent brew! However, unless you reckon Everclear is what you want (great fuel, but makes for a short night out drinking) it might be better to release the Kraken when the motivation hits.

YMMV. It's all on you! lol

oh, followed !

Thanks! I look forward to being schooled at your earliest convenience =)

patience is a much overlooked quality lol