I report the facts that the Western MSM will not. You are blinded by you governments propaganda. I am here on the ground and have seen what the attacks by Ukraine forces have done to the civilian population here. I have been reporting the facts on the ground here for almost 4 years. no other English speaking journalist has report here as long as I have. I am the expert. Watch my reports and if you have an opened mind you may learn something. I am a journalist that reports only facts not my opinions. I have had to deal with you pro Ukraine trolls since 2014. Steemit is not the place for trolling. You should be ashamed of yourself that you are trying to create censorship on Steemit based on your own opinions and beliefs. Do not continue to troll me. Think for yourself, do not blindly listen to your government.
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RE: What if somebody propagates terrorism on Steemit and gets a lot of upvotes?
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Donate by upvote more to this "journalist" after all, these cute pro Russia mercenaries and collaborators also want to eat ...
If you guys whana a know what is happened - happens, my point of view, there my opinion baised on obvious facts:
I acknowledge that you are professional propagandist. May be you are expert in propaganda, but this is not independent journalism. It's not a secret that Russia spends billions for the propaganda, and probably some of this amount lands in your pocket. Otherwise what's the reason of such your hatred towards Ukraine? Of course Russian and its satelites, terrorist states always welcome useful idiots, who can work for them.
I do not blindly listen to the government, I've been to Donetsk before war, I know many people who had to run away from Donetsk and Lugansk, loosing their homes, friends, relatives. Try to talk to them, as they hate terrorist for whom you work.
Most of the people in the world dislike low-level criminals, terrorists, but there are always people who want to be "unique", who want to stand out. May be you stand out as the only Westerner who supports DNR and works for them, but People who know a bit about Russian aggression against Ukraine - understand that this is pure propaganda and fabrication of lies.
Of course IT IS independent journalism. The fact that you don't like it doesn't mean its not independent. Patrick is not the only westerner helping report the truth about the war in Ukraine. I fully support the people of Donetsk in their fight for freedom from the Kiev fascist regime and its murderous Azov Battalion Right Sector Nazi troops. There is extensive evidence that Ukraine's National Guard incorporates the Azov Nazis into its military structure and those troops have been continually bombing civilians in the breakaway regions of East Ukraine. Simply put, the 'Russian invasion' that western media attempted to portray 4 years ago never came. Paradoxical to you points, even you acknowledge this yourself by stating that "even Russia doesn't recognize the breakaway regions".
For people that need additional evidence of the facts above, here is an extensive post proving such:
EU Fascism Embraced: Over 20 Highly Revealing Videos Highlight US and EU Support for Fascist Pro-Nazi Military Battalions in Ukraine
The following post features over 20 videos which provide a pragmatic/realistic view of the fascist make-up and characteristics of the Ukrainian military battalions that the EU, US, Canada and Australia have been supporting, financing and weaponizing since the start of the Ukrainian coup/conflict in 2014.
Links proving that the western powers finance these groups are provided mid-way through this post in order to provide proper perspective on exactly what is taking place using western citizens hard earned tax dollars. Considering that it was Russia that defeated over 80% of the German army in World War II by killing over 2.5 million German troops on the Eastern Front, it is remarkable to see that western governments have now chosen to openly provide support to fascist military groups that utilize symbols and ideology in line with Adolph Hitler’s Third Reich and Nazi Germany.
20 videos at link proving such at link above.......
It's not funny to hear about "fascist regime", it is the favorite motto of anti-Ukrainian propaganda, but that's very outdated. "coup/conflict" as you say was legitimate vote by the parliament in 2014 and even your hero Putin commenting about Yanukovich said that he has no political future.
Everyone including Russians who visit Ukraine see that there is not background for this propaganda cliche, and if you are obsessed with "fascism" you can see that there are Jews in Ukrainian government, parliament.
Do you read something apart from RT? If you have on your profile "Exposing Geopolitical Madness" - may be you should correct it to "Imposing the Geopolitical Madness of Dugin" ?
Your talking points are quite outdated. Check my post below to see Real News reporting about the Azov Battalion Nazis that the Ukrainian government incorporates into the military. Oh and those Jews in Ukraines government like Kolomoisky, Poroshenko and Paruiby are the ones that finance the Nazi battalions. 2015 AFP/Yahoo story on head of European Jewish Family Council Igor Kolomoisky financing the Right Sector Azov and Aidar battalions.
Ukraine soldiers to government: we're coming for you next
Dnipro-1's headquarters are on the ground floor of the Dnipropetrovsk administration building. Upstairs sits the regional governor, Igor Kolomoisky. The arrangement is no accident: Kolomoisky, one of Ukraine's most controversial billionaires, funds the paramilitary, which returns the favour in these troubled times by boosting the banking and industrial tycoon's personal security and political clout. All the signs are of a flourishing military enterprise.
Young men with Kalashnikovs and pistols and several well dressed women working on laptops fill the anteroom to Bereza's office.
Inside, maps, aerial photos and a picture depicting Adolf Hitler as a father figure to a child-sized Russian President Vladimir Putin line the walls. Ammunition boxes lie in the corner. On Bereza's desk: three mobile phones, a laptop, the Ukrainian flag, and an icon of the Virgin Mary. The commander repeatedly breaks off an interview with AFP to take calls, sign papers, or approve the purchase of a fleet of new pick-up trucks that will serve as machine-gun platforms.
When a young woman comes in to complain about difficulties in booking a theatre for a Dnipro-1 benefit concert, Bereza dials the theatre manager and yells for a full minute, before gently asking: "So, is there a problem? No. I didn't think so."
Dnipro-1 has 700 men -- "officially," Bereza says with an enigmatic smile. "Unofficially, it's 7,000."
Questions over the far right leanings of some volunteer groups and allegations of involvement in the murder of civilians cast a long shadow. One of the most controversial is the Azov Battalion, which uses the Wolfsangel insignia -- an ancient design that was resurrected in Hitler's Germany. The Azov has been linked to Oleg Lyashko, a politician accused of neo-Nazi sympathies. Right Sector, an ultra-nationalist party, also has its own battalion of several hundred men on the frontlines, even if the government refuses to register or pay them.
So why is Putin categorically against the introduction of peacekeepers? And I'll tell you why, because then the whole world will see how many civilians buried there and how looted the whole industry was taken out by plants and so on..

And what of these Ukrainian mass graves in Dneipertrovsk of young men killed fighting for the Kiev Nazis? How many more have to die for the Kiev fascist regime?
In did your "rebellion" who you try whitening did kill already 11 thousand Ukrainians on Ukraine land and keep call as natzi... How dare you?!
keep fantasizing about what is going in Kiev...