Making Money On Steemit: A Newbie's Guide to Getting Rich Slowly

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


This post started out as a reply to @myhealth's post, but it quickly became long enough to merit its own post.

Her article expresses dismay at seeing $1000 posts in hot and trending, but failing to make any real money on her own posts. I think this feeling is common amongst newcomers.

I myself have only been on Steemit for around a week now, and while I'd love to be raking in hundreds and thousands of dollars per post, the fact is that I have a stable job and I'm not relying on this platform for income. However, other people are hoping to make a living here, and seeing that post you worked on for hours rake up a total of $0.06 can be disheartening.

My First Post

Depending on how you look at it, Steemit's reaction was either very generous or unintentionally cruel to my first post. I posted it and woke up to it having made nearly $15. I thought, can it really be as simple as posting a picture every day and making that much money every time?

Of course, no. I haven't been able to replicate my initial success yet. That said, I'm not here to get rich quick, but I think there is the possibility of getting rich slowly. Here's how I think that's possible.

How To Get Rich Slowly

I'm not an expert and I can't see the future, but this is the path I'll be following.

1. Grind Away, Build Up Reputation


Even the big hitters on Steemit create content that doesn't make them more than a few cents. However, I think it's safe to say that there's a strong correlation between the success of a post and the poster's Steem Power & followers. This is the result of simple logic:

  • Having more followers means more exposure for your posts (and a greater chance of them being upvoted, resteemed etc.)
  • Having More Steem Power effectively means you can make more money for other people when you upvote their stuff
  • People will follow you and interact with you more if you are more likely to make them money

We start off with little or no reputation or power, so it's important for us to work hard at building connections and producing quality content. Try to provide value: be unique, entertaining, informative and/or kind (the last one is essential!).

2. Don't Be Selfish


While you're working on building up your reputation (something that never really stops), consider other people on the network. Steemit relies on giving and taking. If all you're doing is serving up content, you may think you're a "giver", but really you're a "taker" because you're trying to earn Steem without giving any to others.

In essence, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." If people see that you're taking an interesting in them by asking genuine questions, providing constructive criticism etc., they will naturally want to give something back.

3. Pray To The Market Cap God


Since its inception, Bitcoin has enjoyed an astronomical increase in value ("If You Bought $5 of Bitcoin 7 Years Ago, You’d Be $4.4 Million Richer"). Of course, bitcoin experienced a major crash and a lot of turbulence during those seven years as well.

The fact is, the $10 in Steem you make today could be worth hundreds or thousands in a few years' time. On the other hand, Steemit could become superseded and your Steem might be worthless. Still, I consider the Steem I make now to be an investment. The beauty of this platform is that I can invest by producing content that I enjoy making, rather than throwing my money at it.

4. Stay On The Ball & Diversify


As I alluded to earlier, Steemit could rise to be the dominant social networking platform, or it could fade into obscurity. We don't know what will happen, but there is a classic technique to avoid risk: diversify.

I've been researching potential Steemit competitors, and one I'm interested in is Synereo. It's important to do your research and try to see what's approaching from the horizon. I've signed up to the Synereo newsletter and I intend to get involved with that community as soon as I can.

There's nothing stopping you from sharing the same content on multiple platforms (though it may have to be tailored to fit each). By doing this, you increase your exposure and hedge your bets against one platform falling victim to another.


I'm no fortune teller and I'm not rich, but it's my belief that perseverance and the right attitude has a good chance of paying off for Steemit users. As for me, I'm having a blast here regardless of how much I earn.

Thanks for reading, enjoy the ride everyone!


great post! since this is a new type of platform it will take time to figure out what people are looking for, and how to utilize the style of steemit. I especially like your view of it being an investment in its infancy.

Thanks :) Sorry it took me so long to reply, it's been a busy few days!

I totally agree, I'm definitely still learning about Steemit and what I hope to get out of it. I think there's a lot to gain from it, and not just financially.

Totally agree with you on this. I started about 2 weeks ago and some are saying I'm doing great, I have no idea. Current reputation is 52 and my post seems alright but I'm still learning everyday! Great post! 🙌🏼🙌🏼

You're killing it by the looks of it! You must have a real knack for this. Keep up the good work!

Appreshhh boss! Will be looking into synereo also 💪🏼🙌🏼💯

It would be awesome to get in on the ground floor of Synereo :) Maybe I'll see you there sometime in the future.

Any chance you could resteem this post? Totally cool if you don't want to! I think your influence and follower base could give me a real boost that would be greatly appreciated.

I hope you achieve your financial goals from Steemit, it looks like you will! 👊

So true. One will only get out of steemit what one puts into it. That goes for anything in life. But that serves to keep the unmotivated out to leave room for us go-getters :)

Exactly. Work hard and it'll pay off in the long run!

Nice post. I resteemed

Thanks so much! This will be my first resteem as far as I know. Appreciate it :)

Love point number 2. To build up a network, you have to write and read other content!

Thanks, it's amazing what a difference the financial incentive of Steemit makes. On facebook I don't really post anything at all.

The self-regulating nature of Steemit makes everyone strive to produce quality content.

Same here. Facebook is all about seeing people's baby and pet pictures.

Agreed. It's also good for organising events between friends, but at least 90% of the content is useless noise. Lots of negitavity there too, especially in comments.

@parton I am really humbled.

I hope this helps in some small way, hopefully you'll at least get some extra followers :)

I wish you the best of luck in your Steemit journey!

right on point. its better to see steemit as a long term investment but if the benefit comes now then fine.

Totally agree. I hope your investment pays off!

A nice concise and informative post.

Thank you, I was concerned it was getting a bit too long!

Some nice tips. Keep at it :)

Thanks a lot, will do!

Its work for us in today's life style

I agree. Of course us newbies see $.02 on a post and immediately get upset. But, thats not the right attitude. Use this wonderful platform to try to enrich your life and fellow Steemians lives. Then the money will follow.

Agreed, I just got my first reward and now I actually add value when I upvote things. Only 3 cents, but better than nothing!

But what I value more are the interesting people I've met and the awesome posts I've seen! And it's really cool to write a post like this and have people discussing it. Great feeling :)

"The beauty of this platform is that I can invest by producing content that I enjoy making, rather than throwing my money at it."

I´ve been thinking about it the same way. I´ve had a blog for 6 years, that nobody looked at. Literally, nobody. Not the people I know, not the strangers. Full of content I consider valuable. I have been in Steemit for only a few days (3 days, effectively), and have received more attention in these days than in those years. And, of course, for a fraction of the articles.

So here I am getting what I was looking for inthe beginning: for people to be exposed to what I write or compose or think.

And, if, on top of that, I get to earn... wow!

I couldn't have of it better myself. I have a blog (, and it gets essentially no traffic. My experience mirrors your own exactly, I wish I could resteem your comment!

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment
