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RE: Do It For The Steemit Post

in #steemit7 years ago

Doing something with a post on steemit on mind... for sure! Photography is one of my hobbies, and I find myself nowadays taking photos related to some of the weekly ongoing contests, photos that I normally wouldn't take. Maybe it's a steeminitis!! Great idea on that grain of rice :) Loved Hoi-An, although only spent very little time there.


Steeminitis, I like that! lol. I think it's cool you're taking new types of photos and seeing things in a different light. I do that too, so now life is like a scavenger hunt sometimes.

Did you go to Da Nang as well as Hoi An? I loved Hoi An, too!

It was on the travel plan, but only when I tried to book my diving I discovered it was winter time! And since I was visiting Cambodia too on that trip, I ended up doing beach time in Sihanoukville... the joys of travelling without anything booked! ;)