in #steemit7 years ago

Let's not just be content with content, let's make sure that we contribute!

I recently read this post by @transisto and it got me thinking. Honestly, a lot of what I’ve done with my time on steemit has just sort of “happened” as opposed to being intentional, but the end result is that a lot of people consider me to be great “community builder” amongst other things. In that post from @transisto, a very interesting viewpoint was presented.

From what I understood, there are a lot more ways to “contribute” to steemit than just “quality content,” and I agree. Ten very good and thought-provoking questions were asked in the post, which I will respond to in my own way below, and the post closed with this question:

What do you think Steem needs the most of apart from "Quality content" ?

While the post from @transisto did have a good reach and response with almost 2000 views and almost 200 comments, I thought that I would help out by sharing these questions and my own answers to them. Don’t just listen to me, think about your own answers too, and where there is room for you to improve and help contribute to our future together!

How many people have read your content?

Since I have been posting daily since July of 2016, I’ve had a lot of interaction and attention here on steemit. A few times I was even the “top author” on the platform, which is beyond me. According to steemwhales I am still in the Top 20 for most followers, but just barely, since I am currently in the 20th position.

More than just having engaging readers who respond to my posts, I have long been called an “encouraging” and “helpful” member of the community too, so I’m glad that I can support and lift up other members of the community.

How many were new users visiting from outside of Steemit?

This is an interesting question for many to try to answer, because it is not always easy to know this information. If, for example, you are getting a lot more views than votes, there is a good chance that people from elsewhere on the internet are finding your posts. I have had a few steemians tell me that they were actually drawn to join steemit because of me! How crazy is that. Here is a recent video from a longtime steemian that I’ve never met, but who joined steemit because of @papa-pepper and makes mention of it in the vlog.

If you haven’t already seen that video, you can check out the full post from @haphazard-hstead by clicking here. I know that others have not only seen my posts from outside of steemit, but also joined at least in part to my posts here as well, but other names escape me at the moment.

One thing that I did suggest for others to think about in a post 10 months ago was answering the questions that people are asking as a way to potentially draw them to steemit. At the time I had encountered a post from @wadepaterson where he was talking about getting an incredible amount of views on his steemit post, and I realized something interesting. What if posts were titled with common questions that people ask their smartphones? I did an example post titled “Why Doesn’t My Room Key Work?” around that same time.

Just like @transisto was thinking and like I was trying to encourage others to consider, I think that this is a crucial area for us to consider. Remember, the “post payout” can also be viewed when people randomly find our steemit posts on the internet. I remember one user that joined after happening upon a cat post from @sweetsssj. How interesting is that?

What efforts have you done to promote your content outside of Steemit?

I think that this is one of the biggest ones that any of us can do. Many of my real life friends, like @bluerthangreen (pictured above), @truconspiracy, and others jumped into steemit because of what I was up to. Then, many of them have been promoting it to their friends, family members, and random strangers ever since. Since I did not come from facebook, twitter, reddit, or other online platforms, I didn’t have an online presence to promote it to.

I only signed up for YouTube so that I could have a way to upload videos for steemit. However, I always saw this as an opportunity to promote steemit. The video above is titled "HOW TO ACCURATELY IDENTIFY A COPPERHEAD SNAKE" Did you see that? Anyone coming across that video on YouTube automatically sees the name "" Moreover, my opening line is, "Papa-pepper here guys, for" Interestingly enough, that particular video now has just under 15,000 views. Even if they only viewed it for a second, they still saw and hear "" Don't underestimate what this can do.

How many people have created accounts to engage in the comment section?

This is another interesting one to try to calculate. Any new user with a 25 reputation and only one "post" which is the comment that they made on your post would most likely be a case of this. However, unless they mention it specifically, you may never know. I do remember when I made this post which prompted @jameslogan to create an account to comment on my post. Though that particular user never became too active yet, you can see that the first comment was made on my post, which encouraged them to sign up.

What kind of contribution the people you've on-boarded likely to make?

This can be difficult to guesstimate, but if you've on-boarded excited, active steemians, then the outcome should be optimistic. Already I've seen many users sign up because of @bluerthangreen becoming involved, and @truconspiracy, who I mentioned earlier, is active giving back to the community too with contests and such. We've also seen others like @haphazard-hstead really join in and care about the platform and community, in such tangible ways as creating curation trails and investing in the lives of other steemians.

How effective is your content at helping people understand how Steem work?

While I never intended to stick out this much in our community, in hindsight, I have been able to reflect on how it happened, and what may have contributed to my "success." Often, I have had specific requests to answer questions from other steemians and many of my answers have become incredibly helpful to many. I eventually published an 18 Part Advice Video Series that is still getting views and being recommended for newer users. I even heard that @bettertogether referenced it in a book he wrote! The 5 minute "condensed version" of that series is the video above.

I also am quick to share any helpful info that I may come across or think about. Since so many people seem to recommend that others follow me, I have a good reach into the minnow community, and with over 12,500 followers already, there are always new steemians showing up.

How many investors did it convince to invest in Steem?

For me, this one is ZERO that I know of. @bluerthangreen and I were talking to a guy about the investment opportunity, but he never followed through. If he had, he would have already tripled his investment...

I think that it is good for us to consider explaining the investment opportunity that steemit does offer when we get the opportunity, both in the "financial realm" and in the "crypto world." I certainly like to take advantage of opportunities to promote steemit as they present themselves, which is why I traveled to Houston, TX to be on Crypto Talk Live a few months ago, which is the video shared above.

What problem does your contribution solve?

I think that I've been put in an interesting position in the steemit community. One of my main focuses has always been user retention. Often, minnows can have a hard time getting a real payout on their posts. This is one of the reason that I frequently run a number of contests. It is one way that newer users can have another opportunity to potentially earn something for their time here. In the last big contest I ran, over $10,000 USD worth of SBD was split between the remaining ten players of my elimination contest. Sure, it cost me a lot, but it made a world of difference to many of them. A lot of it was powered up by the winners too! @Otage even finally got a vote slider, *if I remember correctly.*

Also, one of the things that I claim to be is an encourager. I fully believe in leading by example, but beyond that I really try to inspire and encourage other users. Time and time again on steemit, in private chatrooms, and even on the phone a few times I've stepped in to provide encouragement, advice, and counsel to struggling users. I think that encouragement may be on of the most underrated things that we can do to influence others. Please remember that although your upvotes may not always be worth a lot, your comments can help a lot too. Real comments encourage users who spent a lot of time on posts that don't see more than a few cents. According to steemwhales I am currently ranked 13th for total number of posts on steemit, which actually makes me the highest actual human user overall. Obviously, I believe in the power of the comment!

How would producing such content not be possible without the reward earned?

At the moment, I am at a huge turning point in my life. A lot of what I do on steemit is new to me, at least recording it and blogging about it. I've already bought a new computer and a new camera to help get the job done. Also, producing content takes time, and time is money. Any financial rewards that we reap from our investment in steemit helps allow us to have more time to invest. As it pertains to the many contests I run, the rewards help fuel the prize pools, and also allow generosity outside of the structured contests and competitions.

How does your content benefit from being on a censorship resistant immutable blockchain?

I think that this is one of the biggest things that steemit has to offer as it pertains to sharing content. So many from YouTube and Facebook have become frustrated with the censorship. Also, for those of us who recently checked out SOLA we were once again reminded about how refreshing it is here on steemit to not be constantly "policed" by someone else's agenda or beliefs.

To be free to openly and honestly share whatever we want is a huge benefit and blessing, and having it locked into the blockchain is a huge bonus on top of that!


I was both encouraged and challenged by the post from @transisto. If you haven't done so already, please check it out.

I think that these were sobering and honest questions to evaluate, especially as we enter the new year and face a massive onboarding and exponential increase in interest here on Please think about these excellent questions from @transisto and at least try to answer them in your own mind. Also, don't forget that final question: "What do you think Steem needs the most of apart from "Quality content" ?"

For me, I think it is the community building that we have seen happen both online every day and also offline interaction like the meetups and steemfest. I've met a lot of great steemians already and most certainly will meet many more! Be blessed this year, and remember to contribute!

Until next time…

Don’t waste your time online, invest it with

GIF provided by @orelmely


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I think Steemit needs a way to entice professional bloggers to post their content here with a system that rivals the way it's done in the "blogosphere." I've followed a lot of bloggers and taken a couple courses and this is how they do it:

  1. Create a lead magnet: giving away a valuable online asset for free (an e-book, checklist, brief course)
  2. Promote lead magnet through a blog post or social media ad.
  3. Capture as many email addresses as you can.
  4. Build a relationship with your email subscribers with automated emails and followup, providing useful, high quality info according to their topic of interest.
  5. Eventually, when they are warmed up, pitch them a product. (A book or course)
  6. Pitch them again for a back-end sale.
  7. Get referrals and start the process over.

This system works, and I've sold an online painting course this year, making some money and I've enjoyed teaching, but you need SO MUCH online "machinery" to make the system work: a self-hosted blog, a plethora of plug-ins to run it, an email service provider, software to run your online courses, ads and a ton of marketing.

You have to pump out so much free content to get customers. Not complaining. I thank God for the provision this year through that. But that's just how it is.

Then along comes Steemit. You just put out good content. You don't buy blogging software or email systems or facebook ads. Eventually, you get paid for the content. It's amazing.

But what Steemit needs, in order to appeal to big name bloggers like Michael Hyatt, Jeff Goins, or Amy Porterfield, (who collectively have audiences as big as half the population of Chicago) is a way to upload and manage courses. Like Teachable or Udemy. Only decentralized, and with a pay-what-you-want pricing structure which is inherently built into Steemit.

I'm not sure how to do it. But maybe the team that is working on DTube could figure something out.

I'm toying with the idea this year: Should I build my email subscriber list more (1,200) and continue to market courses to them or create courses on Steemit?

I love creating content. But I'm not a fan of marketing.

So, we need to find a way to create courses on Steemit!

I hear you Matt. I know I have been Blogging and a full time IMer for 10 years now. I think the potential to get some of those big time Bloggers you talk about ( also others like Pat Flynn, John Chow, Darren Rowse) is most certainly there. The qualities you spell out with Steemit (a stupidly, simple system of just putting out quality content and getting paid for it) will eventually start to catch on and entice many in the World of Internet Marketing to make the switch over. I am a long time member at the Warrior Forum ( the largest IM forum in the World) and since I joined Steemit a few weeks ago I am slowly spreading the word over there. Gradual mind you , as I don't want to inundate other Warriors with Steemit since I am still testing the waters myself. But I see the sky is the limit here to be quite frank. And I think it will be just a matter of time. But one thing we cannot be is 'complacent' , and sit around and say "build it and they will come". Start creating some dialogue in these online communities. Get the word out and direct people to some of the top educators here who really can help the newbies navigate the Steemit terrain . That's one of my goals for 2018, once I get more experience.

This ia a brilliant idea, but you don't have to wait for Steemit to do it. Anyone can extend the platform. Someone could easily put together a Udemy type interface on top of the steem blockchain.

as someone that makes courses on skillshare (i put the @teamvideo 3hr skillshare course there) i think this is a super idea, yeah we should have a web app for mini courses!! :)

I have seen that idea work, but the downside is, you would need to get followers first to get their email addresses unlike other social media like Facebook where you can use their advertisement feature to make your content visible to prospective clients.

Lately, since I've decided to not self-promote my own posts anymore, I've getting little to no recognition on them at all.
It is true that I haven't been engaging with the community as much and probably that's a big reason for the lack of feedback.

"What do you think Steem needs the most of apart from 'Quality content' ?"

This is, I think, the main problem for me, I've been focusing too much on the content and very little with interacting with the community.

This also reminded me how unique and important Steemit is for our online freedom and liberty of expression.
Now I have a clearer Idea on what I must improve, and where I should move from the point that I'm now at.

Thanks a lot Mr. @Papa-Pepper! I appreciate your dedication in helping the Steemit community. :)

Thank you, and remember: Without interacting, few people will see you. The community needs to know that you are here. You left a REAL COMMENT, that caught my attention, and this is the FIRST time I can recall ever noticing you. Now, you've caught my interest, and I feel like upvoting your comment and checking out your recent posts.

Feel free to "introduce yourself" to others in this manner. Read what they posted, and make REAL COMMENTS. Don't worry about the "UPVOTE ME" and "FOLLOW ME" spam, just build a relationship by intereacting. The rest will fall into place later. Upvoting with HIGH % to increase visibility of your comment too!

Be blessed @cipriang!

papa bringing the realness ;)

I'm really glad to be back. I had taken a 3 months off Steemit because I had certain doubts about what and in which direction I should go with my Life, but I eventually realized a sort of "calling".
It's basically the idea of Interacting on a personal level with the Internet, or how I call it: the External manifestation of our Subconscious.
I talk more about it in my back on Steemit Introduction.

Receiving such a warm welcome from someone as dedicated as you Mr @Papa-Pepper is truly Motivating and Inspiring. Thank you :')

Papa, there is a question for you: do you still have time for your farms?

lol... a late happy new year from your friend deanliu ...

Happy New Year to you too! I'll tell the @little-peppers that "Uncle Dean" said hi! Thanks my friend, we have time for the rest of life too, farm included!

This is a really interesting discussion, I'll have to take a look at my own content, but I feel like recently I have been answering many of these questions and more proud of my content and actions here on steemit.

Good! I'm glad that you can say you are heading that direction! Thanks for being involved in the minting of our first STEEM rounds too!

The next one should be around the corner too! I think it's been a good tool to help with some marketing and promotion too. I never even thought of that.

Make sure I have some reserved! LOL

indeed you are a great community builder without a doubt don't question your contribution to steemit .people like me should be the one questioning myself based on your article.

LOL - Enjoy the questioning yourself! We all have room for improvement!

@papa-pepper When I first started my journey here...I still feel like a newbie... It was exciting and a bit intimidating. I was happy to come across you and @little-peppers. I wasn't sure which road to take, until I came across one of your contest. It was fun to be part of it, then I got hooked watching others get creative. None the less, I know you have jmpacted many here. Getting everyone involve as a community with not asking much or very little. I'm happy to be one of your followers! Like others, you have made Steemit a better place :) Best wishes to you always!!!

Thanks for all of that! I was amazed at the creativity too, with such a simple contest! keep doing what you do, and be blessed!

Thank you :D

You have sure done a lot to attract and encourage new people on steemit.
I have enjoyed your contest and our plant exchange was great!
In a small way I encourage new steemians.

I liked that plant exchange too! Thanks!

Uggghh, you just had to remind me of the contest that I had such a good chance of placing in, didnt ya? Still makes me sad lol.

I use my YouTube channel and contacts to try and recruit people over here. A famous YouTube star was recently banned by YouTube for something petty. This hit him in the pocketbook pretty hard since he relies soley on his adsense revenue. I made a short post on here about it and sent him a pm encouraging him to try out D Tube. I have yet to hear back, but who knows. I recently converted my wife @carolina-girl over from facebook just the other day. As a matter of fact, thats what I gave her for Christmas, a steemit account!

Nice work my friend! Way to go and keep it up! I'll start up season 2 for you in the near future!

Lots to think about for sure.
Steemit has been a major outlet for me to step away from the reality I deal with on a daily bases, the interactions are why I am still here.

Glad to hear it! Thanks for everything!

"A lot of what I do on steemit is new to me, at least recording it and blogging about it. I've already bought a new computer and a new camera to help get the job done."
This right got to me because i have been trying to try out vlogging and to do extra new things. I have brought out nothing less than 20 people to steemit within my first week on steemit but couldn't have the courage to document it and talk more about it here, but i think i can now but would have to try and getmyself a good camera for vlogging.

If cash is tight, a "good" camera needn't cost an arm and a leg. Many cell phones can take excellent quality stills and video. You can save a lot of money by not buying the latest models (more by borrowing). Another option is to get a Logitech C920~930 webcam for around $80 new.

Great post @papa-pepper. I think you've hit the nail on the head with most of your answers. I think many folks can be drawn here by the opportunity, but for me it is about the community of great people I've already found here on steemit. Unlike other socials, everyone I've interacted with have been encouraging! Wow what a refreshing change for me. Thank you for sharing this post.

It has been incredibly refreshing for sure. We are blessed to have the community that we do!

Wow this was one of the best reads I’ve come across in my short journey thus far with Steemit. I love what you said about posting about things that we usually search... as a new Steemian, I am so caught up in trying to navigate and learn from the community, that I feel underrated when it comes to thinking about posting something of my own. In your opinion, what would be your best piece of advice to a new Steemian?

Be honest, be yourself, share what interests you, and comment a lot.

Thanks! I intend to do all of the above... I am really enjoying the community thus far!

Wow this is deep and definitely shows me other paths I can take. Thanks

Yes, I thought that the post from @transisto was very thought-provoking and I wanted to help spread that mentality. Thanks!

According to steemwhales I am still in the Top 20 for most followers, but just barely, since I am currently in the 20th position.

SteemWhales hasn’t been updated for more than a month, but has a lot of the same statistics, albeit in a different format.

OH, then I'm probably dropping!

Excellent post. Building the community is important, but so is the type of community that is being built. There are already many social sites that lack depth, some on purpose and others through neglect of foresight/management. Steemit has the ability, and history in some cases, to be different. More enriching and engaging. That to me is the differentiation and why I want to participate.

papa-pepper, it seems you do a little on homesteading these days, what happened?

We don't get to see pictures or stories about your farm or garden anymore. I myself is still expecting them tho.

Thanks for this post, it has gotten me thinking of what I should really do for steemit and I've learnt from your advises.
I think I'll apply them

Happy Steeming

I got on Steemit in the first place for the sense of community. I was told about the earning potential but at the time I knew as much about crypto-currency as I did about speaking Klingon: nothing. Now, 7 months later, I understand the crypto market better (although I still couldn't explain it to a Klingon) but I remain because I like that what I post has value to others. It makes me feel good if I put out an art post or a poem and people comment and give feedback. It gives me a sense of achievement. I haven't had any face-to-face time with any Steemians I didn't know before I joined or the few I have got to join but I am totally looking forward to meeting some in the future. There are so many creative, passionate people in this community who may have never known the potential of their expression without this outlet. I have tried to run my own contest on here but just didn't have a big enough 'voice' to get it out there. I will re-release it soon and see if it can gain a following again. I do and will continue to enjoy my time here on Steemit and I do whatever I can to encourage others in their creativity and to also promote to people who are not community members yet. I truly believe in the positive influence of Steemit to help people have a release and a target for their creativity. Thanks for the questions and giving me points to ponder as I continue to move forward in the community. I am resteeming this post to guide other Steemians toward reflection and introspection. I would resteem @transisto's post but it is past payout. Thanks for sharing this.

Thank you for checking it out!

I've tried to proselytize Steemit all the time. I think people deserve to know about it and have a shot at benefiting from it while (hopefully) providing a benefit to the rest of the community. I'm still trying to make up my mind on what kind of contribution I can make through creating content.

nice post
i am wondering what will happen to steemit after the total supply of steem coins reaches its limit...
will there be no steem power or will they hardfork --- if they hardfork then steem price may go down..
SBD does not have a total supply limitation so there is nothing to worry
BUT what about Steem

Does steem have a limited supply? I did not think so, unless I was mistaken.

Yes total supply of steem is 263,289,783 and currently circulating volume is 246,315,689

Follow and up vote if you find me helpful

Isn't that just the current supply?

well i think its not

very nice post

Many important question ! Good reflection , time to think defferently

good work friend

Very good post.

I really like about post @papa-pepper, and I will meresteem your post.

Still trying to get in and learning things with experienced steemians like you

You are really awesome !

Interesting questions, that make me think on what will I answer about such questions. Answering feels like I also evaluate myself and that's a positive one. It helps me to be a better writer. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Keep inspiring!

I noticed that you upvoted on a couple of my posts the other day. It was a pleasant surprise for sure! It also got me thinking of paying it forward to others as well. My votes aren’t worth very much, so I’ve been thinking of gifting some steem.

Nice read! I've been working on creating a better content because I've been out for months. Steemit has been a better place :)

Good stuff from @papa-pepper as always. The number one thing I get from you is your positivity and your encouraging manner! You are a community builder and a natural one at that!
I agree we need more community building and I like @aggroed's ideas for a better distribution of the reward pool and other things.

Another thing Steem needs is more platform growth like dtube and the Udemy idea elsewhere in these comments.
Keep on keeping on! and
God bless!

Thanks man! It was great to meet you too!

Hey papa-pepper on my end of things im going down a mystical path thanks for caring about whats going on for other people. Since im going on a path like this i havent steemd in a long while. Im also gunna be having my bday in pretty much one day. Whats going on with you. Hope you well

I joined steemit because a steemian, @hornblende created a thread about it on, Africa's biggest forum. He not only created the thread but also dropped the telephone number of a whatsapp group of steemians. That's how I came on board.

User retention may be one of the biggest issues at steemit. It’s really easy to think that monetary rewards for creating content and community is too good to be true and after enough posts without engagement (even where the user already has s few hundred followers), many people are apt to pick up and go.

Contests do help with this. I didn’t really want to make any contests for a while but then I thought of the idea for the Deadposts Initiative. Where users can be rewarded for their undervalued deadposts. Your support would be greatly appreciated!

I think steemit communities need to build more solid relationships with one another. By solid relationships ,i mean trust and respect for one another. It needs to encourage more people to bring onboard their crazy ideas concerning technology , agriculture and all the stuff that makes the real world feel comforting. Steemit needs to be felt like a part of our lives.

Before reading this post I was thinking that we can be content with content or the quality of the posts.But now I know that it is not enough to flourish here.We have to interact and make connections with each other.Thank you very much for bringing this sort of topic for the discussion.It helps us to correct ourselves from wrong impressions.

Great answers. Yes, I got the vote slider, community and much much more... thank you @papa-pepper... your encouragement boosted me to escape velocity. I'm on my way. You are truly the guru of Steemit!

I have recently taken a bit of a diversion on steemit towards promoting the platform to the outside world with ideas like my #signup100 project.

Steemit needs more users to reach critical mass.

We now need to up the 'steemit density' so that we do know other steemians in our area - just like on Facebook.

Then the dynamics really start to change and move up a gear.

It is great to virtually meet with other homesteaders across the country and around the world but wouldn't it be even more fantastic if say there were a dozen other steemit homesteaders within say 20 miles.

Think of the extra opportunities that might present... mutual help and support on projects, trading in steem, regular get togethers etc.

Then the virtual connects with the real and the circle is complete.

Great points to consider here! Thanks

wow this is very good proved me that my thinking is very narrow minded and it would not do any good to me..thank you sir for sharing these things with us..we learn alot from your posts :)

Me thinks it starts with the mind. Steemit is a lifestyle to most people, to others a culture, to many others many things, but you see when the purpose of a thing is not known Abuse is inevitable. It's only men who have contacted revelation about the purpose of STEEMIT that will do anything for her. God reward your efforts sir

If views counted for something I would be more inclined to promote my blogs in other places. I posted one on reddit that got a bunch of views but few votes and therefore no payout. I also think blogs you write that still get views a year later should have value. It's a rush to get everyone to read and vote on it in 7 days. Long term though there is no reward if people are still reading it a year later. I don't even consider writing stuff with long term potential for views.

I think that long term views still gain attention for the author, which can help in the present too, but I do understand your point.

Nice response to @transisto's post, @papa-pepper. I've been reflecting on that post since I first responded to it as a comment in quick response. It's a question that deserves some real reflection -- and it's changing how I think about bringing people to Steemit.

Glad to hear it got you thinkin' too!

The issue I've personally always had, is that it appears to me that making posts is the only way to really get an return on the time invested. I can make a lot of (constructive) comments, and I'll never really get the time spent repayed.
I personally suck at making posts containing text, posts without any real text don't really get any attention

I've seen comments makes hundreds sometimes, and it is just part of "the right place at the right time." Hang in there, do your thing, have fun, and if you get rewarded for it, that'll be a bonus.

i guess 'content' for me is a way of explaining to people what the 'job' is, when i was a brand advocate for brands i would have to go to a place, create the audio, video, pictures and write out the blog post, some people who are not creative did'nt seem to understand that it's the time you take to do that which costs, like for some reason it was less of a job because i did'nt work HARD in the way they perceived it to be -- i guess we just are seeing generational changes in what we see as work.

as always, brilliant topic, thanks for bringing it up.

I remember you were going to build a house. How is this business going? I could not keep track of everything carefully, because I worked a lot in real life.
Я помню, вы собирались построить дом. Как продвигается это дело? Я не могла отслеживать все тщательно, потому что много работала в реальной жизни.

We are planning to begin in March, although some work has already begun.

I hope that soon the same will be waiting for us. Good luck and patience to you! I'm sure you'll write about it @papa-pepper.
Я надеюсь, что в скором времени нас будет ждать то же самое. Удачи и терпения вам! Уверена, вы будете писать об этом @papa-pepper.

To be free to openly and honestly share whatever we want is a huge benefit and blessing, and having it locked into the blockchain is a huge bonus on top of that!

This is one of the things I have learnt rigorously on steemit. It has been a place to express myself freely. I have been amazed at how much of transformation I had gone through. Happy New Year to you.

I @derry91 I am from Indonesia, I think the most important of the steemit content is an information provided by all users of steemit where an information in the real world and then entered into the virtual world that is steemit itself. of course the content must be clear and quality so that all people who read it understand with the content. thanks @papa-pepper

Nice Post Dear Steemian.
Shared LOVE With My Upvote. How about you Share some Love too?
Cheers and Have a Peaceful, Profitable Year .
Keep Posting

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