How much do you need to spend on a post to promote it ? is $5 SBD a waste of hard earned dollars

in #steemit8 years ago

Post Promotion

I don't have huge marketing budgets. However, in my quest to master the dark arts of Steeming, I wrote this post about TrueFlip and I thought I'd see if I could give it a boost by promoting it. Here's the post. It's not a bad post and does contain a free LOTTERY TICKET for all readers ;)

Dufus, Duh & Doh

I may have got this wrong but I had read that even if you promote a post with 0.1 SBD it will show up on the promoted page. However, like Google I'm assuming nobody scrolls past the first 5-10 results. So anyway I promoted my post with a hefty 2.5 SBD, went to the promoted page for the first tag and it was nowhere to be seen. I scrolled and scrolled (past some hefty posts with 4 figure estimates) and I suddenly thought ? have I completely wasted my 2.5SBD when it seems my post is competing with Coca Cola budgets ?


Well I am if nothing, tenacious / or just daft ! (I never usually make the same mistake more than 3 or 4 times, sometimes more depending on how long it is since I made the last one) in this case about 2 hours.

If at first you don't suck seed, try, try again.. (just keep swimming)

So I thought hang on, maybe 2.5DBD just wasn't enough so I added another 2.5 SBD a couple of hours later. Ok by this point, you may be laughing your socks / pants / hats off at my naivety (and Null is also laughing all the way to Polybius, the soon to be Crypto bank) but I am trying here folks. Anyway any advice, reflections or tips will be appreciated


thx for the infos, upvotet you

i would like to know the answer myself. I tried promoting one of my post for 0.5 SD but it didn't even show up. I guess, you got to invest bigger amount.

Upvoting for a the reason of a very valid question that will help us all. Following you as well :-)

Thanks ajain ! i think we'd all like to know.. perhaps @sharethevibes is right and it's only worth promoting a post if you have a lot of followers

Good question, looking forward to hearing some responses from more sage Steemians!

;) I think we'll just have to do some reading.. (knowing Steemit) it's probably more complicated

Its not worth it! I have juiced up posts, to be on front page, but they dont get more views. Save your steem dollar.

at the price it's going up today, should have kept the $5 SBD in my pocket

I don't think it's worth to spend money for promoting posts if you don't have already a lot of followers. To me a promotion makes sense only once you have enough followers.

Would like to hear other peoples opinion.

PS. Nice post again. Thumbs up (Y)

nice one ! you are probably right

Waiting eagerly for a wise answer

it's a minefield !