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RE: What Became Obviouser About Steem/Steemit's Future, From Attending This Year-Ender Steemit Meetup Manila?

in #steemit7 years ago

Quoting you:
"My Productivity Levels

I am getting back to productivity.
My curation is returning to normal levels, along with my commenting level.
My witness server was upgraded a month ago to a 32 GB server. Also running full public RPC node (256 GB) to assist in balancing the steem ecosystem and going on month two:
The steemgigs interface is slightly behind schedule but a working alpha will definitely be out soon (in the coming weeks).
A special simple tool/interface is in works too (on, that will surprisingly solve all the content discovery and curation challenges that a seeming to gain prominence on steemit.
untalented will likely sit on the steemgigs interface on"

Really looking forward to this really working. Concerning the Utopian-io interface. Have really been having issues with logging in using steemconnect for some days now including busy.orgas well. Always saying my password is invalid. Is really annoying when is not working. All the same am looking forward to full functioning of the #steemgigs and your other interfaces working.
Keep up the good job bro.

Good to have you back and take it for me you are strengthened in Jesus name.
One love.


Are you using your password itself or private active key? Password should work. But try private active key for a change. People mentioned the same at the meetup

Have used all the password like private key, active key and owner key even the master key and was still getting the same response. It is well. Don't know what to do again