This all seems so complicated.
How is steemit supposed to grow a user base and retain said user base with all this stuff going on?
I realize that everyone here is using this platform for their own reasons, with an overwhelming majority probably trying to score some $$$. Personally, I like the many contests that people have put together and some are driven by passion, but I don't sense any form of relation between curators, authors and the casual user.
Similar to the complexity of this ecosystem, I'm unsure where my reply/comment is headed... lol
Anyway, great post on trying to explain these things to us. I hope this platform evolves into something that keeps my interest and not go the way of the dodo bird (aka MySpace... or some abstract form of GeoCities? lmao).
I have some of my own plans for this, but if you look at what @sndbox is doing, I think that's an interesting model.
As for the dodo bird, I still have an active Livejournal account, so I'm pretty familiar with the experience of sitting around on Mauritius with the rest of the chickens.
Snap! @sndbox has some great ideas in mind.
"We believe that interdisciplinary practice paired with emerging technology can revolutionize growth and independence"
Quite the initiative to bridge offline + online. I will defo be following them and their project(s).
As for your plans, are we to expect a posting sometime soon regarding this? :D
And LJ? Wow lol
I need to make a ridiculous flowchart first.
good luck, man! :D