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RE: The Great Bots of Steemit (list)

in #steemit7 years ago

All I can say to the ad hominem business is that when I see you downvoting @haejin, and then stating it is because his content doesn't deserve the rewards it gets, thus supporting it getting downvoted to invisible status...
There is a huge demand by crypto investors for bloggers who do accurate technical analysis, because it gives them a little edge in the shitstorm of coins out there- Not only does @haejin fit the bill because he is making them huge returns on their investments- but it is also FREE for them to get the advice, and performed by a seasoned professional who teaches them how to do the Elliott wave analysis for themselves. There are people who spend $$thousands for courses on this and get half the content. His accuracy rate is higher than most paid TA services. He has earned overwhelming appreciation for the gift he provides.

You (and others of like mindset of "hey there is a parade we know nothing about- lets shit on it!", rather than providing anything of value ) came to his blog soley because you dont agree with him getting the rewards that he gets. These are the only people who downvote him, not his actual followers. It reminds me of bussing strangers in to vote or stir up trouble. Its interference- driven by either greed, jealousy, or some other negative emotion. So if you are not in any way associated with the Bsanders entity (I doubt it simply based on a 5/5 rating for randowhale, lol- give me a break) then maybe you should consider not thinking or acting like him either.

Anyway, better to cultivate positive emotions.


I just looked at my steemd, back 2 weeks, and I don't have a single flag on any of haejins crap. I flagged your shit post (which was a shit post btw) so I don't see what flagging you are talking about. Like this comment thread is pretty much my first time talking about it and considering you follow haejin like a fucking moronic religious nut (that thinks those analysis are good, they aren't, trust me) and yet you accuse me of being a bernie bot. If his posts contained more content and were not so similar thatit almost looks like a preprogrammed bot wrote it (seriously) then I wouldn't care. The fact that witnesses (more than 1) were concerned with his earnings shows how much of a shitshow is happening and still you comment on my thread calling me a sanders bot, with no evidence. Yes your entire argument against me is ad hominem.

I did not call you a bot. (likeminded sockpuppet, yes! bot, no). If you are referring to the witness named marky-mark, please! As for @haejin , take a look at one of his free video tutorials, and tell me he does not know what he is talking about... For chrissakes-kryzsec! May I ask, do you know anything about Elliott Wave analysis to be making such a claim about Haejin? I follow him because he has made me a LOT of money- try doing the same, and you wont have to waste your time investigating and downvoting...

Why in the world would you support a BOT service (with millions in steem power that is used to accumulate more) over a legit human being?

I am not here to throw shit at you, just trying to open your eyes a little. I noticed your name from downvotes (I thought) and/or negative comments.

And...His posts look similar for a reason! LOL