Steemit Is Not Just Your Personal Piggy Bank

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)
I have used my photo more than I ever thought I would when I made it. That is one of the many cool things about Steemit.


Hey Friends!

Welcome To

A Mild Rant From the Old Guy

So recently I have had more than a couple conversations that go along the lines of... "Hey Paul, you have been on this Steemit thing for a while. (Yeah about a year-ish) Well you know I want to make some extra money (Pfft dont we all) What are some of the short cuts I can use to get earning fast? (Oh so basically put in the least amount of effort and reap the maximum reward?) Yeah man, that's it! I am busy, you know and don't have time for all that social stuff...

Stop Right There!

You think that Steemit is your instant lottery ticket to the easy life. Put up a photo or two and be rolling in the cash?


Pffft good luck with that!!

Is it wrong if I just want to give them an attitude adjustment right then and there?!

I mean come one people! Now I know I am preaching to the choir here. In fact I am writing this so I can just send them the link next time. Unless you are a model or already have a large social media following, as far as I know there are no short cuts to instant Steemit success! If anyone knows of any, please let the Old Guy know! The people I like to follow and support are just like me. We are here grinding out posts, supporting our loyal supporters and doing it day in and day out.


I love Steemit!

Yes I know Steemit has many warts and flaws, but at the end of the day, I try to steer clear of all that noise. I mean Steemit is so cool of a place because you can come here, take pics, write, make art, etc and be rewarded.


However, unless you are just so super talented, there is a bit of work involved to building a following. I believe there are two rules that are foundational to making it here on Steemit.


1. Be social. I mean it may sound simplistic but I cannot tell you how many people I have brought over that put up a post or two and never do anything else! You must be social. Go out and find some nice people that you like, make authentic comments, and upvote them...rinse and repeat. Steemit is a social network after all LOL!

2. Have fun! Post what you enjoy and do not try to make posts that you think will be popular. People can smell fake a mile away. Why not enjoy your time here? If you don't it will fell like the lowest earning job you ever had! Conversely if you do enjoy what you post, it will feel like getting free money, and who doesn't love that!!!

Thanks for stopping by!

All words and images are mine and can be also found on my various social media sites.


Be Safe!! Don't get hacked! - Post with your posting key!

If you don't know, Watch the video!!!


Good one! Timely. I hope those who need to hear this, read your words.

And if they read comments I will add this -

It takes me about 2-3 hours a day just to put a post together.
I'm not slow. I am careful and want to put something up that is quality (subjective of course) and ORIGINAL. I do NOT expect people to upvote me or follow me.

I am GRATEFUL to those who find my work worthy of an upvote and comment and follow. Very GRATEFUL.

It has taken me 2 years to get where I am. TWO YEARS.

I have met some wonderful people and some not so wonderful people.

And I have fun.

the end.

Well, now it's the first comment @countrygirl. Maybe they'll read it.

It's also an illustration of how Steemit actually works for people. Engagement.

It hasn't quite taken me two years, but it's the same story for me. I like to write, I do my best, I expect nothing... lather, rinse repeat. Each upvote is a gift.

And here's how Steemit works, part II: Your comment and statement just landed you a new follower.

THAT... is how Steemit works...

hi @denmarkguy
I recently got Steve, together with you I decided that we can achieve a lot and develop rapidly. Let's increase steemit strength together. I follow you follow and you enjoy new acquaintances following me! ;) I will upvote you, you give me upvote

Hi @rtreleas,

I recently got Fred and he's this big tall guy who weighs about 150kg and carries an extremely large baseball bat around. Does that count? Fred also carries around an exceptionally large FLAG... which he uses to make copy-pasta go away.


I know him too!!

OMG!! Not Fred!! :)

Awww...thanks so much @denmarkguy.

Looks like our new friend didn't read this post or comment.

She is a good one, you wont be disappointed :) sweet. 🍰

hi @countrygirl
I recently got Steve, together with you I decided that we can achieve a lot and develop rapidly. Let's increase steemit strength together. I follow you follow and you enjoy new acquaintances following me! ;) I will upvote you, you give me upvote

How much is your upvote? 0? Mine is close to $1.00. So if you upvote me for 0 and I upvote you for $1.00, how is that fair? What do I get out of it? 0!! You would get $1.00. So how is this helping each other?

You need to rethink this offer.

You are new to Steemit. Don't ask people to vote for vote with you or to help you succeed. No one will.

You will succeed if you produce original posts. Add value to other people's work with appropriate comments about what you liked about their post.

Apparently him and Steve are the perfect example of what a bad Steemer looks like lol.

I just got another message from this guy asking to meet me on FB. ?? lol. I don't think so.

You are a great Steemer and I always enjoy your content. I see you around in the community leaving authenic meaningful comments. To me, you are a great example of what a Steemer should act like.

Double awwwwww....thanks so much. That makes me want some cake now.

"And I have fun." <- A VERY KEY COMPONENT




How did I miss this one? Stop posting in the middle of the night so I miss it, okay? I promise not to interact too much!

You hit it right between the eyes here. There is no shortcut. For those who hopped on over to the gravy train, only to be disappointed by the tiny earnings...

I have been here almost a year and have taken the advice of Paul after trying to figure out how to Steem. Have fun. Post what makes you happy, because, if you are having fun doiing it, it is not a job. I already have one of those. Not looking for a part-tiimer. I love it here. I love the people and the interaction. I love that I have so many people that participate in my challenge, #MarketFriday. It doesn't pay very much, but, I get to see so many different parts of this old globe and the people on it.

Sometimes I grumble about how much effort I put in and have a relatively do-nothing post, but, there are worse things in life. I could drop my cell phone in the lake Just saying. I spend time on my posts and each time I get voted, it is a gift, and it is appreciated and I have found that most of my people have little to no voting power. But, you know what? I get a lot of interaction and that is what it is all about.

So, thanks for pointing it out. Sorry I missed this one. I am going to resteem it and revive it. Have a great Memorial Day @old-man-photos! You are one in a million.


HA! Oh look at you, you had to go there with the phone LOL!!!! You know the Old Man has massive guilt over spending cash for a new phone, Even if I can try to explain it as an investment! You know how that guilt deal works, I will have to be extra thrifty now to pay for my mistake. No AC all summer!!! LOL.
I have to admit now I have learned a lesson to buy waterproof whenever possible. I mean God forbid if I ever drop it in a toilet, the new phone will be just fine. Just saying.

I hope your Memorial Day is going to be wonderful. Mine started off well so no complaints! You are not only one in a million, but alsothe best in my book :)

I am so disappointed you didn't notice the @old-man-photos! I just saw it myself!

Oh that is TOO funny LOL!!! I think it is because I see it so much, it almost looks proper now LOL!

I think because I wrote it so much I didn't even notice it. Oh my God.

Well, have my humble 100% upvote. Have a re-steem.

I sincerely hope the people who need to read this actually read this! Sadly, they probably won't, because reading isn't a shortcut... it takes time, and effort and stuff like that.

Steemit — in spite of all its warts and spammers and other bits — is an awesome place! Imagine this: I actually get a few dollars for writing, which I really enjoy. And I get a lot more than Google AdSense pays on my "conventional" blog... IN spite of the fact that I sometimes pull 2,000 views per post, over "there."

People miss the point. This is NOT a glorified cash dispenser. People miss the point. A few hotshots talking about the "hundreds of dollars" they have made on Steemit every post is about as "true" a statement as saying "You can win $1,000,000 in the lottery!"

Absolutely, you can.

'Nuff said.

Yes!! or win the Readers Digest lottery.....I wonder if that exists anymore or I'm showing my age?? @old-guy-photos might know??

I'd like to know whose telling people that Steemit is a get rich quick scheme.

I remember the Publishers Clearing House ads on TV with Ed McMahon from the Tonight Show. He would knock on the door and have a huge check, funny thing is though , he never knocked on my door lol.

Oooh! The famous envelope from Ed McMahon! I remember those well... it was right up there on my list of favorite things, along with the Columbia House Record Club and six trillion AOL diskettes offering some kind of discounted rate... back when Internet was "pay by the hour."

Oh yeah that's right! I sure remember the Columbia House Record Club! Thanks for the memories!

Me tooooo....I'd be so excited when the envelope came to the house....little did I know it was a scam :)

Yes, this. People who expect to become instant celebrities and millionaires, and leave when that doesn't happen, I'm like ...Facebook doesn't pay you shit, and everybody is content to piss away hours there...

I use FB for keeping in contact with my classmates. I no longer live in the area i was born and raised in, so it is a quick and easy way to keep up with them and let them know what is going on in my life.

That's what most people use it for, I think, because everyone is on it. This is why I still have it. But if everyone shifted to Steemit, I'd much rather keep in touch here.

Yeah, but for a lot of people, seeing pictures of someone's breakfast taco is the highlight of their day....

Don't knock breakfast tacos, man. They're part of a balanced breakfast.

Facebook must have people hypnotized! I really gets me. I see people that tried it here for a week, didnt get huge, and go right back there earning zero!

good rant @old-guy-photos!

People have to be in it for the long haul and to build relationships. Having said that I'll add is that there are more new people than seasoned steemians to support them so they have to be patient, power up and build. It's not easy money by any stretch.

I know that I spend at least 50% of my voting power on new people who make less than $5 a post, but there are 100s more I can't help. Maybe that's not relevant and I'm just ranting here in my commnent lol!

I know that I spend at least 50% of my voting power on new people who make less than $5 a post, but there are 100s more I can't help.

Its a valid point. I think Steemit Inc and the whales could do what @fulltimegeek had done with the Stewards of Gondor. He delegated 5000 SP each to maybe 50 accounts that he felt did a good job manually curating. Something has to be done, so thank you for working your plan.

U hit the nail right on the head with this one! There are no shortcuts to steemit success. Having fun and being social are critical.

"I do not agree with the last point of your post."

Consider my above written line, "Lie of the Day" ... Lols

Why not enjoy your time here? If you don't it will fell like the lowest earning job you ever had! Conversely if you do enjoy what you post, it will feel like getting free money, and who doesn't love that!!!

This. I love doing what I love and getting paid for it.

You think that Steemit is your instant lottery ticket to the easy life.

You're absolutely right. In fact, steemit tickets are not a ticket. You get as much work as you can here. No more than that. That is to say, work and earn..

You are right there is no instant in steemit, I think if you want to succeed we have to work hard to get what we want.

I've been so random the last uh what ... lets go with 8 months ... it always puts me into total shock when anyone shows up to upvote my posts!

The # of upvotes I get are directly tied to how much I get to post and then make comments. The faucet is a fire hydrant. The feed is an avalanche. Maybe one person randomly notices my post. A few people I've known a while tend to stop in. Randomly.

The only way to be consistently noticed is to consistently show up and comment. It's just so simple. No rocket science involved.

Of course, it helps to leave a real comment so it's best to find people who are interesting to follow around.

Well, and it helps to be interesting.

So yeah. Total agreement !

Yes! interaction is KEY here. How else would we get to know one another? And being interesting is good too :)

We're suppose to get to know each other? ;-)
Is that what social means? hmmmm
Something to ponder.

LOL I thought replies with emoji's only was forbidden.

oh nooooo.....I'm in big trouble....I never knew. I hope @old-guy-photos doesn't mind too much.

I like all kinds of replies!!! Great to see the interaction on this post!!!

Man come july ill make a year on the steemit platform. You hit on the nail. You must be social because people will not give you chance. Also the best way to see progress is by writing a comment that is as exceptional as your post to be noticed. Thank you for the tips!

I always find it amusing when people put in more effort and time into trying be lazy. The short cut on steemit is creating decent to wonderful content and finding a fun community to be in. I make a little by posting about a hobby. That a win win in my book. Even more so if I can break even one day on that hobby or turn a profit.

Well said! Anything of value takes work, like you, I haven’t found any other way - frankly, nor would I want that option.

hi @lydon.sipe
I recently got Steve, together with you I decided that we can achieve a lot and develop rapidly. Let's increase steemit strength together. I follow you follow and you enjoy new acquaintances following me! ;) I will upvote you, you give me upvote

hi @old-guy-photos nice post
I recently got Steve, together with you I decided that we can achieve a lot and develop rapidly. Let's increase steemit strength together. I follow you follow and you enjoy new acquaintances following me! ;) I will upvote you, you give me upvote

Excellent advice! It’s all about interaction and consistency.

Earning money is easy if you do what you do with passion.
Same goes for Steemit. It's not a place for fast and easy dollars.

Does being loopy and making bad jokes mean being social?!

Of course! And I am expert at it too! LOL

Phew! Bad jokes and puns ftw!

You have to enjoy what it is that you most enjoy, that was hard for me when I first came here. I felt so much pressure to write and once I realized that the reason I am even out in the social media construct is because I love to blog. I've written a few small stories in the great blog o sphere for fun...but it's when the mood hits me and I enjoyed it not when I felt pressured to. Once I came to grips with that I felt better about being here. I've always been a bit of a wanderer, if someone manages to keep up with me so be it but I don't think my following is going to come by means of being a great author.

Well it sounds like you found the right path, It has to work for you. If you have fun being here, it is like you earn a bit of cash for having fun!

Just enjoy the ride :-)

I agree with everything you are saying. You have to be honest though, if you were brand new to the platform and you found yourself on the trending page you would think it doesn't take much effort get rich either. I think this applies more to the newer users than the ones that have been her for a while such as yourself. I am not saying it is right, I am just saying that it is understandable why people would think that. The difference is the good ones realize that isn't the case and start putting the time into building relationships and publishing good content as your post explains.

Yeah and the building the relationships is fun if you get folks you enjoy. I have my usual friends that we interact on a continual basis. They come around to my page, or I will head there for a visit and its cool to through time like that.

I hear you. I am starting to gain some of those myself.

"We are here grinding out posts, supporting our loyal supporters and doing it day in and day out."

...When I'm not falling asleep, anyway... ;)

Great rant, Paul! Preach it! :D



Yes the inadvertent naps are part of the hazards of the job lol.

Love this! You can definitely tell the difference between those that really put work into their blogs vs. those that just throw stuff together hoping for miracle upvotes.

I know it took me a very long time to gain the following and support that I have and I worked HARD for it. There was no easy way or quick formula to making that happen. It was originality, quality, many hours spent on mingling and being social and being supportive of other’s efforts. Steemit is definitely not a get rich quick scheme. Thanks for sharing this truth! 👍🏽😊

It takes time for sure, and there are no shortcuts. You hit the nail on the head with this one. I think it's also important to concentrate on making worthwhile posts. Really put some effort into it. When I first started here I would dash off a quick post with one photo and ten words. Those posts earned very little - what were they worth really? Now I take hours over one post. Whatever you are creating, whether it be music or poetry or photography I think it's important to put your best stuff out there if you hope to be rewarded.

Hi @old-guy-photos! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @dswigle!

@dswigle wrote lately about: Whisper Left Upon My Lips Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

Earn daily income on steem: @tipU distributes 100% profit + 60% curation rewards to all investors.

I agree 101%! I am super new in steemit, and I have a lot to learn. But I love blogging and interacting with people, and that's all that matters to me.

I see some friends come and go, because they don't love what they are doing, they think that their work is not paying off quiet the way they expect it. But actually they don't love Steemit, they're just here for money, that's all that matters to them! 😓

That's not how Steemit works, and we don't need those people in this platform! Haha! 😊😉