Capitalism and Evolution

in #steemit7 years ago


Does your perception of reality tell you that the current state of society is too oppressive? Capitalism is evil? Equality for all? Everyone deserves equal pay? Big corporations are evil?

If so, you are probably part of a wide range of several groups of people that believe in a “perfect” little Utopian society. People have come to fear competition, to fear the idea of a world where capitalism exists. I dove into many topics of research, gaining knowledge that I knew would eventually bring me to what I was looking for. I considered conspiracy theories, I considered equality or the lack thereof, and I’ve considered different groups who consider themselves oppressed.

These people are the ones widely known as Idealists, but I am not here looking to put people into a box. People of all kinds have some of these similar beliefs and they may not always be idealists so we’ll just called them Utopians.

Utopians often believe that our society should be free and open and everyone should be able to do what they want, that capitalism is a form of evil that we can go without. But oh, how wrong these people are. If we lived in a society where everyone was totally equal, no different from the next it would not sustain itself. The idea of capitalism is for an open market of competition for people’s business. The hilarious part about this is that these Utopians believe in evolution, as do I, but not in the mainstream i.e. sea creature to monkey to human kind. That’s beside the point.

The evolution of mankind has been able to take place due to competition. Life is a survival of the fittest.

Utopians don’t believe in this idea. They think that everyone should be treated equally regardless of what they put out to society. That’s not how human nature works, human nature is a “you get what you put out” type of thing. It’s difficult for these folks to comprehend these ideas because they don’t take any accountability for their actions and they do not understand the practicality of life.

Everything isn’t rainbows and unicorns; the world is a grueling place.
Humans must learn that sometimes you’re going to have to grind it out based on your situation, based on your upbringing.

The bottom line is the world is not fair. You cannot change that. The world is a matrix. It is coded to be the way that it is. Imagine that the world turns away from capitalism and people are all equal, everyone lending a helping hand to the next.

How long do you think this will last before the absence of competition starts hindering the growth of man-kind? This is not sustainable thinking. After a while people will stagnate and then decline. With the absence of competition people will be fat, lazy, and with a lower IQ than before.
The world needs more doers, more competition, more people who are taking accountability and responsibility for their actions in everyday life. Feeling oppressed isn’t doing anything. Dreaming of a perfect Utopia isn’t doing anything. The only way you can change anything in the world is if you change yourself first. When accountable and responsible for their own actions, people will realize that there is a need for competition and capitalism.

I deserve what I work for. If I work hard and smart enough to attain a Bugatti, I deserve it. If you didn’t and are looking at me as the enemy, you need to look at yourself.

Society is driven and enhanced by competition and competitors are realistic people. Some may be huge dreamers, but these dreamers go out and try things and do instead of feeling they are oppressed and entitled. Nobody owes you healthcare, nobody owes you food, nobody owes you a certain wage.

We live in a free and open market and the only way that society has advanced as much as it has is attributed to evolution by way of competition and self improvement.


It's true: I can perceive that capitalism is oppressive because I am not myopic (like the op) and my world view isn't founded on generalizations that erase others' experiences. Thank you for pointing out that I am more empathetic and better versed in history than you.

If you were better versed in history, you would know that governments and regulations only hinder growth and innovation. Socialism, that's a real killer of the free marketplace.

multinational capitalism robs from certain countries to enrich others it's not growth it's theft. if you're talking about growth what type of ancapitalist are you? just libertarian born on third base but thinks he hit a triple.

I will give you something to read even though I know youve only ever watched youtube videos and thats part of the issue too.

youre well versed in ignoring colonial legacies, aka economics. dont call it history if it isnt that.

I'm from the poorest country in Europe, now living good in America thanks to capitalism. Socialism produces the kinds of conditions we are seeing in former soviet nations. Also, look at shitty Venezuela.

Venezuela has a third world fossil fuel economy, imperialist capitalism produced the conditions in all Latin America countries and has had a major influence on Venezuela's development even not considering its neighbors, which are arguably in a worse 'economic state', but that is neither here nor there, for me, since it would seem to be you, not I, that is interested in preserving this global corporate order.

Saying America is better doesn't contradict anything I said, after all America's economy benefits a ton from the neo-colonial monocultures that keep this countries in political and economic instability and food prices low in terms of USD. American standard of living is high because wages in these countries remain low, at slave labor levels: how is that for some economics? get a clue, dont care where you from: don't play the victim card to justify capitalism.

Capitalism versus equality. These two have always caused debate among several people. I am a strong fan of capitalism, but I also believe that there should be regulation on capitalists so as not demand so much from the market/community. This brings about fairness/equity which I think is very necessary too.
Great post btw, thanks for sharing.

I think that there should be a cap on wealth. At around ten or twenty billion, but that's about it. The marketplace should be left up to the people to navigate through it and make their own decisions.

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free and open market no way! markets are controlled by the almighty and powerful on earth which accounts for less than 10% of the global population. Of course there is oppression which misguided or not there is and in practice every day. On the other side I do understand that to move ahead there must be a motivation to do so by inventing and innovating and those who do that are the survivors same as zillions of years ago ….. those that did not fall from the tree and where able to defend themselves against the animals below are our predecessors not the ones who were eaten.
