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RE: The Dangers Of Steemit ⛔️- My Warnings To You On Becoming A Member ⚠️

in #steemit7 years ago

Hahaha! YES! So many of these are true. My family is pretty supportive so far, which is great (some late dinners, a few days of mommy yelling at the kids to go play so I can finish this dang thing before the deadline, and SO MANY photos - haha), but for sure friends have no clue what I'm talking about when I start talking about blogging. lol I'm barely ever on Facebook anymore, only to check in on family/friends who are distant... I'm slowly trying to convince most of them to join steemit instead. hahaha


Haaa that is hilarious!!! I can especially relate to the go play so I can finish this dang thing!!! That is so funny! What’s funny is “our” camera started out only as my husband’s camera! Lol

I might check back on Facebook occasionally to check on people as well but it’s soooo far in between. Most of my family and friends are here in town and I talk to them by phone on a regular basis. Most of my Facebook friends are people I grew up with in school. Haaa keep trying to convince them to join you on here. I’m doing the same with my folks! 😄😉 Thanks so much for your hilarious response!!!! I enjoyed reading it! 😂