By special request from @barrydutton...
What I Saw At The First-Ever Steemit Toronto Meetup
Cloak and DaggerSimply put, the @steembirds sure know how to throw a party! We met in the last Sunday, one of those places where everyone seems to know everyone else. It took its time before the festivities got rolling, but the @steembirds put on a helluva performance. They not only had me thumping the table, they even got me dancing in the aisle a bit. And I wasn't the only one.
Informal Start
When I headed down to Bathurst and College, via Bathurst, I was surprised to see how much southbound traffic there was. You'd think Sunday night would've seen sparsely-trafficked streets, but not in Toronto. Adding to the fun were two construction zones where southbound Bathurst narrowed to a single lane.
Just as with the Decentral meetup, the parking lot nearby was almost full. I was lucky to find a somewhat cramped spot to park in.
The reason why became clear pretty quickly: across the street from the lot, on the east side of Bathurst at the College corner, was the popular bar/restaurant Sneaky Dee's. It's well-known enough to rate its own Wikipedia page. There was a line-up outside, though not a huge one.
The Cloak and Dagger was about a two-block walk to the east. It's a small establishment, about as long and half as wide as the first story of a townhouse. A capacity crowd would be about twenty-five or thirty people. The regulars there seemed to be mostly hipsters who lived in the area. The ones I talked to were friendly. Friendly enough for me to get in a word to two about Steemit.
There was a 8 1/2 x 11" poster on the front door, like this one we all signed with our Steemit names:
But the bartender, after I asked her who was there for it, didn't even know about the meetup.
She soon found out!
Greeting and Meeting
Everyone drifted in. By 9:30 PM, most everyone was there. We met, talked to each other, and gathered near the front of the bar just behind the open mike. Naturally, the favorite topic was Steemit. One funny moment was had when I found out that both myself and the lead of the @steembirds, @dan-atstarlite, were named Dan - like of course @dan Larimer. A basket of Dans....
We talked about other things. For example, I brought up to another Steemer the notorious 4chan. The person I was taking to didn't even know what it was!
'Tis blessed to be innocent. :)
On With The Show!
Since I didn't forget my smartphone, I was able to post a couple of comments to @barrydutton. The second was placed at the time when the @steembirds, Dan and @jaybird, were about to begin their session.
It was a fantastic performance: a great concert that you wished everyone can see.
In fact, I asked Dan if he had put together a compliation of @steembirds music. I was hoping to buy a physical CD.
Their first number introduced Steemit to the rest of the clientele. There was a song about "Steemit to the Moon," but the one that stuck in my head was the "Blockchain Blues." Never mind why. ;)
There were others who had enough voice and courage to step up to the microphone. One was @lillym, who graced us with a cover song:
To my surprise, she knew what #prepping was. After the sessions, she told me that her husband was really into it.
Gordon Lightfoot, "a young lady named Joni Mitchell", and the duo Ian and Sylvia. He then sung one of the duo's songs a capella.Another doughty singer was the oldest guy at the meetup, @brian-rhodes . He told us about a small concert that he attended in 1967 where he saw
The bartender provided some unintended comedy by putting on the house music in the latter half of the concert.
Wish You Were Here." It was the perfect closer. I did wish more Torontonians had shown up, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.The @steembirds got back up on stage for the final numbers, one being Pink Floyd's "
Drift Away
A few people left before the concert ended, but most stuck around. We drifted out into the night to our destinations at different times.
When I got back, I found that I didn't take a perfect picture of the signed poster. A shame I cut off two names from the list, as I want to follow everyone who attended.
Just so you know, here's the list of the names:
- @brian-rhodes
- @steembirds
- @dan-atstarlite
- @jaybird
- @bleedpoet
- @lillym
- @ozwald
- @mrfibonacci
- @topfox
- @montinaart
[One of them seemed to be named @spokenflow ; I couldn't make out another.]
Do you know what virtually all of them have in common? Artists: musicians, digital and physical art, film: the kind of folks who would be almost absent from a tech-centric cryptocurrency. This roster - who I ask you to follow - emphasize why Steemit is unique in the cryptocurrency world. It's a crypto that provably welcomes non-techies - and recognizes that "proof of brain" encompasses so much more than showing techie skills.
Summing Up
It was a helluva blast and a night to remember. Great music, conviviality, and real proof that Steemit is the platform for all stripes of people no matter what their talents. Ten or so people is good for a first-ever crypto meetup. At Decentral's founder Anthony Diiorio said that he could only get ten for his first Bitcoin meetups in 2013. If Steemit Toronto follows the same track, the meetups four years hence will have to be booked in a much bigger venue.
Even bigger than Sneaky Dee's....
EDIT: According to @jaybird , the two missing names are:
As with the others, I urge you to follow them. I have, except for @spokenflow. [For some reason, I get Steemit's 404 page when I click the last link. Dunno why.]
Kids in the Hall next reunion song should be
"These are the Dans we Know we know.... These are the Dans we knowwww"
Change yours to Dan and we got one more. :-)
Haha ! Fantastic !!🎵🎶🎼🎤🎸
Aw, shucks :o)
Great meeting you! Let's keep growing our "basket of Dans" lol. Thanks for this awesome summary of the night, I'm sure it's just the first of many great times! 😎
I think it'll grow quickly. It was a blast and I'm sure I'm not the only one who's said so.
I'm going to get my friend Dan to come next time XD He's going to make an account this week lol
hahaha lol. That'll be hilarious.
So many Dans.... so little time.
Was waiting for someone to share the experience, was a pleasure meeting you, hopefully next meetup will be in a venue a little more flexible for chatting
Afraid I was trapped in the booth most of the evening😂
Oh hey @bleedpoet you were there too, that's fantastic.
Too bad I couldn't make it and to meet you, man. That would have been fun!!
I was asking @jaybird, but he said you played the preggers card😄 I probably wouldn't have been there if I was pregnant either, so hope your well and try to catch you at the next event.
Haha - Yeah, I am not a free woman anymore carrying the little one.
My husband thought it's crazy to take baby out for events at night. Plus I had a nasty fall last Monday. So, I had to 'behave' myself.
Hope you're all right, falling with the extra ballast can be scary.
I talked to a co worker who didn't 'touch' his wife in the third trimester and I laughed. Enjoy being pregnant and have as much fun as possible, because after they are born they are much more awkward to carry around.
Well, I have to confess that I was one of the folks who trapped you there. At times. :-)
actually i was the one who was trapped. Until the beer called me... both ways
Your post is excellent and having good piece of Information as well. You are a excellent blogger.
Keep sharing please
Thank you.
I love the way you write these posts. I am gonna see what kind of photos I got and post them in the comments. I had a great time and can't wait for the next one! When the weather gets a little bit nicer we should pick a patio - one of my favourites is Paupers Pub (
yea that's a good idea and patio. Another good one is UG Patio At King and Peter. It's small but awesome!
Wow this is one awesome patio!
Awesome Post & Awesome Write Up @nxtblg - I was supposed to be there and was disappointed I couldn't make it. But, I am looking forward to the next meet up.
And yes, traffic is always crazy in that area regardless (I live 15 minutes away from there). So many people have moved downtown over the years, any routes that take people south are always busy. Avenue Road is even worse!
Yep, that explains the traffic. Someone I met outside the bar told me about Parkdale being gentrified.
They are all moving there so they can be close to the parade route for the Leafs
Or the Raptors .
(Believe it or not, I'm not joking.)
They are all moving there so they can be close to the parade route for the Leafs
you forgot MEEEEEEEEEE!!!
It was a great meetup , just not enough time to chat with everyone .
Thanks! I'm now following you too.
That's a great user name LOL
I am east of TO.
Thanks @barrydutton .I think it sums up my quirky interest in so many things.
The @steembirds performing:
@brian-rhodes right before his A Capella performance:
You got him!
You should have told me when this went up man LOL, I checked your page a few times!
I am so glad you did this dude, another high quality Steeming Pile of Awesome from you @nxtblog.
Thank you for that.
Hey, I did drop a link in the comments below your 2nd request.
I refreshed and went down my comments tab likely 3 extra times y-day looking for a reply on this from you, it never showed, hence all my visits to your page because I know there is a glitch.
Replies down your comments tab are missing at times which sucks but they do appear in the post.
It happened to you and myself last week if you recall plus some others, I do not see anyone talking about this but me.
I blame the gov't LOL
Sorry about that; I was wrong. I dropped the link as a reply to a comment you made on someone else's post.
I am so sad to not make it out haha all my steemit brethren are in Toronto or across the ocean to meet. So far😥😛🙁
I kept asking everyone why you weren't there 😂
Aww really? I am glad I was missed.

I have been thinking about doing a gallery show with steemit artists from BC but I don't know where to begin to find these people... Or if I should just find new artists and convert them to steemit users.
I have the live jazz and the dancers available and the space to use.... now I just need the steemit users.
Steemfest 3 may be in San Fransisco...
San Fransisco is a perfect family vacation location, IMO.
I would love to attend if that's the case.
From here to San Fransisco you can have the greatest road trip along the Oregon coast. I bet the flights are cheap from Vancouver though.
I so badly want to go. I am gonna keep my eye out for contests and spam you all to vote for me to get tickets!
You are in Van?
I've blogged a lot on my months of travels out that way!
I am on the island.
I don't get to Vancouver as often as I could. Once you are on the island you kinda just stay there. lol
I miss the west so much , I was a bum in whistler and squamish for a few years. The island is a special place. I still have my bungi zone shirt and lifetime membership lol .
Ya mon! That was a really fun night. So glad you made it and that we got ample time to chat!
I enjoyed reading your version of how the night went lol. The SteemBirds night continued long after that haha very close to Sneaky Dee's in fact.
BTW: the other Steemians in attendance were:
@eclecticfruition @spokenflow
Dan and Nxtblog know what I am dealing with here in Oshawastan with life as to why I could not go, I was bummed but I did send the blog link to people.
Good job @jaybird
Kids in the Hall next reunion song should be
"These are the Dans we Know we know.... These are the Dans we knowwww"
"Some of us are Daniels, but most of us are Dans, we all have our own hands but we come from different Mom's!"
I love it, I was sure --- and otherwise hoping a few of the others here in Canadastan or other places would catch this!
Thumbs up. Well one of my thumbs is severely damaged now, so like 1.2356805 thumbs up.
I am glad you went @bleedpoet
Loved KITH, sick of the Swiss 😄
What a great meet up by the sounds of it @nxtblg ! How cool it would have been to see Gordon Lightfoot and Joni Mitchel back in 1967 ! Wow thats a cool story in itself ! I have not been to steemit meet up yet , but I hope to some day ! this one is just my style , in a cool club with some great steemians playing music !! Aeesomeness !! Glad I stopped in to check out your blog , and seee if you were back and how the meet up went ! thanks for sharing ! upped and resteemed !✌👍💕🎤🎼🎶🎵🎸🎸🎼
Estoy muy muy ansioso de presenciar un evento de esta grandiosa plataforma llamada steemit.
I am very eager to witness an event of this great platform called steemit.
sounds like a fun time
It was! Maybe there'll be a Meetup in your area, or something more informal. I have seen a post from one of the homesteaders about his trawls around his state meeting fellow Steemers.
I am kind of reticent to meet people from the internet in real life.
So was I when I first got into cryptocurrency. I knew of Decental in 2014 but I was too shy to visit them or go to one of their meetups.
Funny: if I had, I would have met Vitalik Buterin personally.
I don't know what any of those things mean but I feel you.
Decentral was founded in TO by Anthony Di Iorio, who was a co founder of Ethereum along with Vitalik Buterin.
If you want a brief overview just search out my name + Decentral --- it will bring up some of my TLDR links for you Bobby
I filled Bobby in a bit more here for you @nxtblog
Gutted I missed it, following you for an update on the next! I'll be there for sure!
Well, if you are in Timmins it would be a long drive...
Haha, that's my surname!
I'm Irish and living in Toronto!
I am east of Torontostan!
Yes; I heard that at the meetup. Funny: I had thought you were west of T.O.
Oh, my mistake.
There go the Shamia Twain jokes...
(and the hunting jokes.)
Funnier if he has a brother named Mark.
Very interesting post, is very good friend.
You welcome @nxtblg
Every meet up of steemit really impressed me to do hard working in the steemit. So I am inspired when I see any steemit meetup. Your meet up story really impressed me, Your writing description really carry your creativity level. Thank you for sharing this post with us.
Maybe there's be on in your city soon!
I told ya!!! Your writing is awesome and everyone here knows it.
The sad part is you have set the bar so high for yourself since we first met on here and I told you this, that is a high bar
I hope
I have to make it to the next one!
Be great if you could.
Wow....steemit in the world, nice your post.....
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Well done and perfect work sir...Wow...another wonderful and interesting beer post by @nxtblg sir...