Yeah, a lot of users seem to get frustrated and left wondering why their Profile Image doesn't seem to get updated! This is by far the quickest & easiest way to sort out your Profile Image. Here to help and educated others about Steemit, so I really appreciate your Resteem & upvote @nxtblog :) Big Thank you for the Support!
Yeah, a lot of users seem to get frustrated and left wondering why their Profile Image doesn't seem to get updated! This is by far the quickest & easiest way to sort out your Profile Image. Here to help and educated others about Steemit, so I really appreciate your Resteem & upvote @nxtblog :) Big Thank you for the Support!
Glad to. I had to be poked into setting my pics, but some of my followers (I'm sure) want to but don't know how. Your guide will help them.