Hi @federicopistono Thanks for starting this initiative. Checked your blog but didn't see an update, though I see you've been very busy with some other things as well. Did you get a chance to review the submissions? I've made some higher quality posts since posting here last time so here goes:
~$4,000: Power Up SteemIt! Make The Power Up Pledge.
~$300: I Just Announced STEEM & SteemIt.com to 142 Members of the Blockchain Meetup in Phoenix, AZ!
~$350 Power Up SteemIt! Make The Power Up Pledge. #poweruppledge
I think it would be great to have a group where every half day there is a new "moderator" who looks over the submissions. At hour 6 and hour 12 of their 'shift' they choose some number, say three, great articles out of all of the submissions. Then they send out an email to e.g. a MailChimp group which people can subscribe to - and they make a short summary post announcing the top three for the past six hours and post that with the #QualitySteemit hashtag. This way, people can find high-quality pre-moderated articles that may be from authors whom they otherwise would not have been exposed to. What do you think?