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RE: The Trending Tab on Steemit is Becoming Paid Programming and Should Be Labelled Accordingly

in #steemit7 years ago

I appreciate your take on things. This post isn't really about what you're talking about though.

Part of the problem with retention is how the place is marketed. "Like Facebook, but get paid." So people come here and write short status messages and share a meme, then sit there and twiddle their thumbs waiting for the money to roll in. That didn't work so they then try to fit in with the crypto scene and talk about that, briefly. No dice. Then they're wondering why things work for others but not them. Then they naturally assume there must be something wrong with the place instead of themselves.

The way the trending page is set up, if I were to walk in here today, I could scroll down as far as possible and not see anything like what I'm usually up to here. I'd think the place is just a forum for things most people in the world don't know about. Arts and entertainment is a huge draw anywhere else but until the promotions are removed from the trending page, the place won't seem like a home for us... even though I'm living proof that it is. I've always kept a good attitude and try not to get mixed up in bitching about who's got the money and why. I'm rambling. More people need to step up to the plate and lead by example.
