Never forget the hidden message. It's in every post of mine. Now people can read this and wonder what the hell I meant by that.
I'd really like to see some changes though. These aren't bad suggestions and being straight forward and honest shouldn't leave a bad taste in anyone's mouth. It's simply a poor business decision to advertise and not tell people it's an ad. My mom likes those women's magazines. You know, the one's with strange looking articles about miracle supplements? Then, in tiny fine print down in the corner it says *advertisement. Do you know how many people got duped into thinking those ads are actually articles? Even that fruitcake Dr. Oz got in trouble for incorporating disguised ads in his show. Steemit isn't above that. Seeing so many of the top accounts take part in something and then not explain how it's a promotion will only lead to problems down the road. It makes everyone look shady as well. That, coming from the comedian. I know!