Fair enough, I like your answer. Then, what should be done?, In my opinion bid bots should be remove or an update which limited accounts with huge amounts of Steem Power. A man can hope.
Detect promotion bots and have those posts moved over to the promotion tab.
Detect self votes and remove that from what counts towards what can trend.
Only one post per day per account can be eligible to be included on the trending page.
Probably a few more EASY steps.
If people have a promotion going, they can always add banners to each blog post they publish that leads to their promotion. They would still be able to get views if someone is interested in seeing it, instead of having this stuff crammed down our throats.
People clicking that banner should generate ad revenue for the account that published the banner. The money for that should come out of the pocket of the promoter who paid to promote and paid to buy the space on the blog post. Bloggers could be selling a banner slot and earning ad revenue. For some reason these people enjoy doing everything backwards. They pay instead of earn. Doesn't make sense.
Fair enough, I like your answer. Then, what should be done?, In my opinion bid bots should be remove or an update which limited accounts with huge amounts of Steem Power. A man can hope.
Simple solution:
If people have a promotion going, they can always add banners to each blog post they publish that leads to their promotion. They would still be able to get views if someone is interested in seeing it, instead of having this stuff crammed down our throats.
People clicking that banner should generate ad revenue for the account that published the banner. The money for that should come out of the pocket of the promoter who paid to promote and paid to buy the space on the blog post. Bloggers could be selling a banner slot and earning ad revenue. For some reason these people enjoy doing everything backwards. They pay instead of earn. Doesn't make sense.
Simple stuff, everyone wins.
Agree with you 100%, and to think that this shit show can be fix with simple changes yet so effective.
Simple, yet which one of these people who's responsible for this mess wants to first admit they messed up so they can then begin making changes?
They don't have guts.
Have a good one.