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RE: Boost your posts with Luckyvotes!

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

Hey buddy

As you can see I have been bidding alot on delegations.
But I make sure not to bid at an amount that blows the whole market apart.@richatvns suggested I contact you...

I understand you want people to fill your orders so your bidding higher than other people, Thats ok....

But when you offer over 2.5% more on the return rate over the next closest lease request and for small amounts, you don't get the leases filled any faster and you lose more money.

And even more important you force the others in the market to come back in higher than you, which then has you not getting leases at a good price 18.1% over the course of the less is less than 5% return on the expended lease, but 16.4% on a 10 week lease the profit can be as high as 46% with optimally timed upvotes.

The math is different from before the hardfork 2.0 ... I got these numbers from @richatvns on a spreadsheet work up.

@coinmarketcal was doing the same thing at the lower end as you and then he realized he was losing money. So he let everything drop.

I have been letting my high lease requests drop and been judicialously replacing with leases offering less over the last few days. Now you can see I have no NEW lease requests over 16.4% AND I think you would agree that a DELEGATION LEASE MARKET in the 15 to 16% range OR large SP leases is more than fair guaranteed rate of return.


Remember the old saying "Pigs eat well, Big Pigs get slaughtered"

Let's be nice to each other.....That way we all win!

Thank you
For listening....


All right, thanks for letting me know this. I will consider your suggestions!